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Everything posted by RyanS1994

  1. RyanS1994

    Xbox livonia beta and 1.06

    let them deny it if they're too lazy to look for it themselves lol
  2. this doesn't sound DayZ specific, maybe you should post this on PS4 General forums and send a report to PSN or whoever you send bug reports too
  3. RyanS1994

    11/10/19 Community Server Connection Issues

    haxorz brah
  4. RyanS1994

    Enable Crossplay

    duping is pretty non existent on xbox, ps4 on the other hand is plagued by it
  5. RyanS1994

    Enable Crossplay

    crossplay between consoles would be great aslong as xbox doesn't get infected with that weak ass nametag shit
  6. RyanS1994

    A Question For the More Experianced Players

    NVGs seem to be more common than any AR except the Baby AK, you don't really need a light tbh just slow down during the night time, in my experience people run around like idiots I night time cos they think they're invisible and then you can just prey on the weak lol
  7. RyanS1994

    Xbox Mouse & Keyboard Support?

    cant Wait for m&k, not really providing this thread with anything useful but yeah I'm looking forward to it
  8. RyanS1994


    I don't think its the cars themselves I think its more that the console are strained as it is and when you drive your making it harder for the console for example it needs to render buildings quicker etc. Its amazing how well the game runs now as I never expected it to be this good but adding a car into the mix just makes the console shit itself lol
  9. RyanS1994

    Rotating Fence or Watch Tower

    I'm not on the game to check but if I remember correctly its buttons on the dpad when your placing the fence kit or watchtower kit.
  10. RyanS1994

    How many hours you guys got on xbox?

    I was just joking anyway, I personally change them to new ones pretty often as any type of footwear is pretty common, I only repair if I have assault boots as I like having the knife slot
  11. RyanS1994

    How many hours you guys got on xbox?

    accidentally clicked post I was gonna say something when this thread was new but didn't and it saved what I had typed, cant remember what I was gonna say lol
  12. RyanS1994

    How many hours you guys got on xbox?

    @dayzdayzfanboy :)
  13. RyanS1994

    How many hours you guys got on xbox?

    in my "personal " opinion, if yor shoes or boots wear out then you are struggling with the basics lol
  14. RyanS1994

    Livonia the perfect map?

    I think he's mistaken about the OP, thinking the quickwheel and in game chat will be taken away with 1.06 lol
  15. RyanS1994

    Here is how you make DayZ better on console.

    in bohemias other console game Vigor you can do this, stupid how they cant or wont implement it to Dayz
  16. RyanS1994

    Dynamic Events

    as in mods? Or the dayz mod?
  17. RyanS1994

    Dynamic Events

    the return of airdrops? I could be wrong but I'm sure airdrops have never been in the game, hordes would be cool.
  18. RyanS1994

    Xbox livonia beta and 1.06

    I hope they come together, remember 1.06 and the map are seperate so there's no real reason to assume they will drop simultaneously
  19. RyanS1994

    Bleeding is overpowered/stacks too many times

    if your talking about shooting then yes, I doubt melee from further makes a difference you either hit them or you dont
  20. I'm pretty sure theyve never updated without patchnotes lol you even try looking?
  21. RyanS1994

    Bleeding is overpowered/stacks too many times

    even in fpp make sure your aiming above their head for headshots, that will give you the best chance but sometimes zombies take alot of hits, maybe its intended, lots of people I real life die from one punch, and then alot of people don't... It is annoying though
  22. RyanS1994

    Bottle supressor

    a full duct tape will let you craft 2 suppressors, I personally don't repair items with it to save it for suppressors unless I don't have the appropriate repairing item.
  23. RyanS1994

    Batteries Anyone !

    yeah do what man parts said, it could be the item your trying to put the batteries in is bugged.
  24. RyanS1994

    No ps4 UK servers??

    agreed, I don't think many games even have uk servers so its not surprising that dayz doesn't, if the eu servers don't work for a uk player they need to get better internet
  25. RyanS1994

    TKO (Total Knock Out)

    you have to be getting hit by atleast 3 zombies simultaneously to go uncon, pretty easy to take 2 down even if you have the op zombies that take way too many hits, so after getting hit a few times back off and live to fight another day