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Everything posted by RyanS1994

  1. RyanS1994

    Mods on console

    with the specs the next gen consoles will supposedly have, they will be more than capable but its whether or not Microsoft and Sony allow it because the only games I've seen mods on console are single player. the game itself will definitely run really good on the next gen consoles though.
  2. RyanS1994

    Police barrels

    I check them cos its really easy to get a press vest and pump shotgun
  3. RyanS1994

    Police barrels

    I've noticed that, not seen one I a while haven't played in a few weeks, are they fire barrels? Cos if not you should definitely be able to move them but you cant move fire barrels atall, campers used to use fire barrels to block off atc stairs
  4. RyanS1994

    high capacity and variant magazine

    do the cmags even fit the 101? I thought they only fitted the m4, as for why there in the game smaller mags would be good for RP maybe looking more like a civilian AR rather than a military rifle, theres also 60rnd m4 mags and a 75rnd AKM drum mag
  5. RyanS1994

    DayZ on console is a waste of my time

    all your problems aren't console specific, if I had to guess I'm sure pc official servers have a shit loot economy because of peoples stashes as well.
  6. RyanS1994

    Giving up

    lol what a joke I definitely wasn't scammed £18 for 2000+ hours definitely got my moneys worth
  7. RyanS1994

    Ready to give up

    what map are you playing on?
  8. RyanS1994

    How many hours you guys got on xbox?

    that might seem like alot but this game has such a steep learning curve especially with the new medical etc updates, how you finding the game?
  9. RyanS1994

    Fix the ducking cars part II

    quit crying and move onto another game, the games in the best state its ever been, if its so terrible for you then I guess the rest of us will have to live without being blessed by such a productive fellow survivor, DayzDayzFanboy is right it should be much longer
  10. RyanS1994


    you dont need to be able to read the city names, just find the ones on the map that look the same as the road signs, izurvive is intelligent and what I mean by that is if you search a town name in acrylic you dont have to spell it right with the correct symbols, just search the closest English letters to the word and it will be able to find the city your looking for. Once you figure that out use it to find a well and follow the basic steps I explained, almost every dayz player uses izurvive, for good reason its extremely easy and useful to use.
  11. RyanS1994

    Spawning with friends

    I'm guessing your playing chernarus as your new, you always spawn on the coast, if you can find a roadsign find out who's more south and that person runs down the main road with the sea on there right, the one who spawns north runs down the road with the sea on their left, it can be dangerous but its literally the easiest way to find each other for new players
  12. RyanS1994


    izurvive.com, find a roadsign find it on izurvive, use that to find a well, loot on your way, hopefully find a water bottle or cooking pot, dont drink the water in the water bottle as it will likely make you sick, to empty the bottle look straight at the ground until the drink prompt changes to empty, dont sprint to the well cos food will then be an issue, just jog, once you get to the well fill up your bottle twice and drink both times if you have a cooking pot drink the whole thing, make sure you fill up the container before leaving the well, if you don't have awater container you can drink with your hands for 35 wheel turns, just because your water goes white doesn't mean its full make sure to drink as much as you can until you see the stomach symbol, once you've done that, loot every house for food and try to kill as many zombies as possible as they have alot of food, beyond that its really up to you what to do once you have filled up on water and food. if you have any other questions fire away
  13. RyanS1994

    Giving up

    I was playing on a m&k server with longer than vanilla night time so it emptied out pretty quick when night came and I ran into the one other person on the server in the middle of the woods way down south in Livonia we were both looking for bears lol
  14. RyanS1994

    Giving up

    just use mouse and keyboard if the inventory is so awkward for you
  15. RyanS1994

    Loot cycle.

    your character never despawns unless the server wipes, if you log out with an m4 it is no longer included I the loot economy so a new one will spawn assuming there's not more than the max limit already stashed.
  16. RyanS1994

    Sickness really does make you sick.

    you ate human, stop complaining
  17. RyanS1994


    nah doot, it's AAA quality bruuuuuuuuh ! nah it the poopoo
  18. RyanS1994


    yeah I've known that for a while, the same thing with any item, if you cant directly pick it up it wont go into your inventory even if you pick up the clothing and try to take it, if you try to use it for example eat a pear, it wont work and will eventually vanish from your inventory.
  19. RyanS1994

    Game is Unplayable

    I'm not gonna act like a fanboy and say theres not problems, but to say its unplayable is a complete overstatement, I remember in game preview we had to single load the bk-133 and the mosin, that was brutal, the games only improved so much now and it makes me question what I'm doing in life when I realised I passed 5000 hours and I've only had the game around 2 years
  20. RyanS1994


    set out to sea and be free
  21. RyanS1994

    Hand Recievers

    I wasn't talking about that app, ill give it a try but that wasn't what I was referencing, I personally use in ear headphone connected to my phone for discord chat with push to talk disabled, and then have my xbox headset over them, assuming the people in discord with you aren't douchebags who constantly make noise you can still hear the game perfectly
  22. RyanS1994

    This needs to stop.

    nah you can only play m&k on m&k servers which is good I guess other than the fact I suck at m&k so I'm getting wrecked all day long lol
  23. RyanS1994

    Livonia base

    your Livonia base looks horrible, the base you had in .63 actually looks quite cool
  24. RyanS1994


    lol noob moment from probably the most knowledgeable person on the xbox forums haha