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About kopytq99

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    On the Coast

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  1. That would still be not enough IMO. For improvised bows to be balanced, they would effectively need to be a sidegrade to melee weapons. Give them low damage, low accuracy, low velocity, high draw time, stamina consumption while holding the draw (can easily be implemented using current "hold breath" mechanic), etc. And to satisfy all the Robing Hood cosplayers out there, also add a professional hunting bow that is actually decent.
  2. kopytq99

    SKS Spawn

    Thanks everyone, just found one in the military tent in Berezino.
  3. kopytq99

    SKS Spawn

    Is the SKS a civilian loot (like the shotgun or Mosin) or a military one (like AK)? I'm asking because I don't know where to look for it, where did you find your SKS?