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About KriegEternal

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    On the Coast

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  1. KriegEternal

    How active?

    Yeah sounds about right, Still kinda a shame was looking for a new survival game to get into. Yeah that seems to the common thing happening as of late, Devs spending they money on other stuff and not improving their game to further increase the profits they could make. I mean yeah your making a lot of money but if you put it back toward your game you could easily make enough to make what you had before look like pocket change. The last time i remember a game that had a dev that gave a crap was a long time ago... Anyway thanks for the heads up man saved me 40$ LOL
  2. KriegEternal

    How active?

    Nah not really on a budget i am just not a fan of getting games i don't like as often times i can't return them. However this is rather unfortunate to hear that they are not producing on features that they had promised. From reading over what it is supposed to be it looked promising. However the last thing i need is another game where the devs don't do what they say they will. I am not a glutton for repetitive things unless it allows me to do something interesting or helpful later down the line like grinding stuff. I am mostly a big fan of the survival and zombie genre's and there aren't many games that really fit that slot properly. The only other one i know of available to me is state of decay 1 and 2 which 2 is extremely repetitive with no real end game. Do you by chance have any games for me to possibly look into? I heard Dark and light was nic e but it isn't out yet.
  3. KriegEternal

    How active?

    Hey everyone, I am fairly new to xbox having gotten mine a little more than a month ago, I am looking for new games to run and i stumbled upon this one. My last venture into picking up a game didn't go so well as the servers were dead... So before i get to excited for this game i would like to ask, how active is the community? Is there cross play? How toxic is the community compared to games like ark, rust, conan and other survival games? Thanks in advance for the help everyone!