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Everything posted by AidenP

  1. AidenP

    DayZ ballistics have been ruined!

    Hey @-Gews- is this still the case with ballistics? The ballistics when sniping feels off, and it doesn't **feel as good** as it did in legacy DayZ, or in ARMA. I hope the developers are aware of this, and when will try to revert the ballistics to pre 0.63, the realistic and authentic model. Another question I have, that raises concern is, if Ballistics are on the server side level, rather than client-side.? Does this mean, that the ballistics in theory, will be constantly varied, with drops in server fps, desync, etc. I could really see server-side ballistics really being a problem, as I've come across examples where I'm sniping at a person, and sometimes the impact is much later than it should be. (even if you shoot right next to a wall, the bullet impact takes about half a second to register, which is very concerning) Anyway, @ImpulZ I really hope you take this thread into consideration, and work on reverting the ballistics, back to their realistic/authentic profile. Along with the server-side ballistics thing. Might be a better option to make it client-side, or just fix the delays with the bullet impacts.