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Mike El

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  1. Mike El

    Scheduled base destruction

    I'm currently working on adding scheduled base destruction to my server using this mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1601078531 It works great but I would like to modify it so that it works only on specific days of the week. Could someone point me in the right direction This is the current script from the mod modded class Construction { override bool CanDestroyPart( string part_name ) { if ( IsPartConstructed( part_name ) && !HasDependentPart( part_name ) ) { static int tbdhour; static int tbdminute; static int tbdsecond; GetHourMinuteSecondUTC(tbdhour, tbdminute, tbdsecond); if ((tbdhour >= 18) && (tbdhour <= 23)) { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } }