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About U46Raven.

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    On the Coast

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  1. U46Raven.

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Can confirm, this happens to me too, in the hotbar the compss shows 90-sh degrees off, most of the time telling me I'm looking east when I am in fact looking north. Putting it in hand seems to correct this, it even shows up in the hotbar correctly as long as it is physically in your hand. but when put away, it changes drastically.
  2. U46Raven.

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    As far as the inventory window interface goes. I would suggest: - Have the left thumbstick control a 'cursor' (act like a mouse pointer so to speak) to hover over items instead of scrolling around through them like we do now. - When hovering over an item, have a drop down submenu show immediately under the item with all the available interactions (Move to Hands, Move to … , drop, equip, combine) instead of having it way on the bottom of the screen. - When selecting 'Move to Container' have a drop down menu of all available containers in the vicinity which can be navigated via the aforementioned cursor or up and down on the d-pad, with an exit menu button in case you change your mind. (like B, its the go to exit button) which brings me to my next point. - B to combine feels like it needs to be switched. Maybe X to combine, and Hold X to equip, in the inventory window of course. (Too many times have I instinctively hit B to exit the menu only to have my heart drop when I couldn't find my pistol anymore. Then to feel like an idiot when I find it in my cooking pot filled water, damn you B to Exit/Combine....) - If I select something to equip, it would be nice if it swapped out with whatever was in that respective slot. I could live with it still having to be in my hands to equip/swap. The inventory cursor would absolve this for me as well. The inventory management is really the only thing that brings down gameplay for me at the moment. VoIP proximity volume needs to be tweaked too, people talk at the same volume no matter how close/far they are, but that's not really game-breaking for me. Otherwise you guys have made a great, intricate, beautiful game. And thank you for asking for real world suggestions! Good days for you!