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About Amarrus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Amarrus

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    First off, thanks for the game, she may be a daimond in the rough, but it's still a friggin' daimond. Everyone knows persistence is a current issue. Thanks for the continued push to find a solution. Things I know are bugged: The stand up barriers that you fill with dirt will dissappear every server reset, sometimes only few hours after placed or upon crash. Where are all the guns at!?!? Clipping issues when getting into the back seat of cars has clipped the head off my character model. Audio will get choppy while in the vicinity of multiple barrels but only using one (extreme lag too) While prone, pressing a + b + back on movement stick will lunge you up and back, and also occasionally glitch out the inventory and hot bar making them Unaccessible . also possibly related to that I've had several instances of having a item in my hand trying to use said item but every time I hit action I'm firing off rounds out of a gun, or swinging a knife (doesn't show on my screen that I have a gun or a knife, also hear no gunshot audio either), was still able to do harm to my team with bullets, and here's the kicker... when I corrected the issue and pulled out my gun I still had a full mag, no bullets were actually taken from mag. While carrying large items characters limbs become deformed and stretched. Now the things I would like to see improved on: I would like to see the temperature to have more of an effect than what we have now, make clothing and gear weight more stress on the character. And also cause sickness if not properly dressed. Requiring less gear /weight on the coast wich should be way hotter, and also more geared up the more north and west/cold you get. Zombies are more of an annoyance than a threat. Easy to avoid. And in my opinion should be more of a threat than people that k.o.s. would also make it more viable to team up with someone than to just k.o.s. Would like to see player test server's that contain the experimental updates first with a secondary character, only because I feel people that are playing in them will be more focused and vocal on the experimental features, and will be easier to pinpoint more bugs within them in less time, *i.e. : base building, cars, new guns, gear, ect.* More craftable weapons :) Compound bow and crossbow... More polishing and bring us up to speed with 1.0 :)