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MastahBastah HNY 2018

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Everything posted by MastahBastah HNY 2018

  1. MastahBastah HNY 2018

    Problem with tents allready deployed !

    i deleted all the data files, and seems to be working how it should again 🙂
  2. MastahBastah HNY 2018

    Problem with tents allready deployed !

    Hello I have a problem on my server where large tents, medium tents and probably any tent are allready deployed when you find them. Most of the time they are blocking entrances/doors. They seem to be stackable too, wich is strange... cuz they shoudnt be in the first place. Does anyone know why this is happening?
  3. MastahBastah HNY 2018

    Need help with MODLIST.TXT

    Hello everyone i need some help regarding my modlist.txt or how to set this up properly. This is my batch file, it is refering to a .txt file to load the mods, this works how it should. This is my modlist.txt file And whenever i start my server, it checks for game and mod updates and so on and so on. But whenever it wants to load the mods from the modlist, it actualy fails to find @dabs framework because there is a space in the mod's name. I tried removing the space in modlist.txt, and also removed the space from the mod inside my server folder, so they would match. WELL this works, but then it gets stuck on the next mod with a space in their name. The thing is... i dont realy want to change the names of all the mods. I believe i will run into other problems whenever it wants to auto update in the future. saying stuff like cant find the mod, because the names are not matching with the steam workshop names or what so ever. so is there a way how to set up this modlist.txt file differently ? or am i able to change the names without any problems ? Kind regards!
  4. MastahBastah HNY 2018

    Wich Dayz Branch ?

    hello, couple of years ago i ran my own dedicated dayz server on a rig at home. after moving, and allot of changes in my life, i havent got time to keep that server up and running. Now i am back at it, bought myself a new dedicated rig to host my server from. I still have all the files, but in my start.bat file there is a line SET DayZBranch=223350 This must be the dayz release back then. Does anyone know the current Branch?
  5. MastahBastah HNY 2018

    cfggameplay.json problem with enabling

    Can be closed. there was an option on nitrado web interface to enable the file, and it works now!
  6. MastahBastah HNY 2018

    cfggameplay.json problem with enabling

    Hello, iam trying to change some settings inside the cfggameplay.json file in my server files. On the official bohemia wiki they are telling me to enable this usage of this file inside the serverDZ.cfg file. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ:Gameplay_Settings I am able to find this line "enableCfgGameplayFile = 0;" Original it is set to 0 But when i change it to 1 and start the server back up, it gets overwritten and goes back to 0 what do i do wrong? all i want to do is get rid of the new sprint strafing left to right, cuz its so slow and i cant get used to it.
  7. MastahBastah HNY 2018

    Zombies surrounding a heli crash

    is that so ? maybe i am finding the heli crashes a little too late. that someone else killed them allready probably. But is there a way to make that count up to 10 or 20 or something ? cuz in the db map in the server files theres a file called events. In there i can make some changes to heli crashes, like how many there are on the server etc etc but there is no option to de/increase zombies, do you know how by any chance ? PS, ur right , i just found a heli crash on my server and there was 4 zombies around it. but i need more 😛
  8. MastahBastah HNY 2018

    Zombies surrounding a heli crash

    I was playing on a server a while ago , and i saw they had zombies surrounding a helicrash. Iam now setting up my own server wich is like 99% ready Last thing i want is zombies surrounding a heli crash, does anyone knows how to make this happen? Thanks
  9. MastahBastah HNY 2018

    New to this, how to start with a satellite image

    Hello, iam new to making maps and realy want to get into it. Iam kinda running into a problem allready. I managed to make a map from scratch with many thanks to matthew longtime. I set up my P drive, got bulldozer working and so on. The thing is, i dont want to work with a map from scratch. I found a nice place in my country i want to use for a map. Found it on google maps, made a screenshot and saved it as .png I tried some things to add this image to terrain builder with no succes. Adding this image to L3DT does something, but from here on i dont know what to do if anyone can help me getting on track would be highly appriciated!