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Posts posted by Stagman70

  1. It amazes me how I read how someone is having all these complex issues, and assume it's the GAME that is broken and not something else.  I haven't seen ANY of these issues that you are claiming have happened to you.  I have about 40 hours on 1.05, and I have had ZERO issues.  As far as "constantly" needing something to eat or drink, unless you're sick, try not sprinting everywhere you go.  I jogged from Vyshnaya Dubrovka to Severograd and never once went yellow.   BTW, you LITERALLY use the word "literally" too much. 

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  2. No bugs.  Once you mount a light or NVGs to your tac helmet or headstrap, open your quick wheel, and you'll see it at the 12 o'clock position.  Highlight it, then it will open another wheel where you then select what light you want to use.

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  3. Speaking of zombies, I don't know if it was an issue in the past, but found out the hard that zeds will scale your base walls?  Before logging off, we decided to take a shot at a zed out at about 400 yards, and every z within earshot came running, and much to OUR surprise, they started jumping over our walls and infesting our compound.  Luckily we had a mil tent that we were able to jump up on and pick them off.

  4. On 10/5/2019 at 1:34 AM, Jake Blake said:

    but now if you get one cut from a zombie you'll bleed out in a matter of a minute

    It depends on WHERE on your body you sustain damage.  Head/torso.....yeah, it's a matter of mere minutes and you'll die.  I've received cuts from a zed and was able to get all the way to the other side of town before bandaging.

  5. I had no other recourse but to drink from a stream and got cholera.  Personally, I think that's bogus because IRL, if you drink from a running stream, especially where the water is running off of rocks, it SHOULD be safe to drink.  Anywhooo, I couldn't find any tetra, and the illness started to "stack".  At that point, you're pretty screwed.  I tried to drink from a well and started puking.  I tried to eat something......puked some more.  My water and food icon went IMMEDIATELY red, and my health started to plummet.  Let's just say that it was a good thing I had shells for my shotgun.

  6. 23 hours ago, FearFokkol said:

    Haven't found the KA-74U yet, are these police spawns or mil?

    I must say I am really liking the Mlock pistol, but also more the 22lr pistol

    I found the AK74U in a mil tent.  The MKII .22 pistol is anything BUT suppressed.  I popped off a round at a zed, and they came at me from EVERYWHERE.

  7. 6 hours ago, Darin Hogarty said:

    So 1 wolf bite could require 1 bandage BUT be severe enough to kill you by bleeding out in 2 minutes if you don't apply a bandage? is that what you're saying?

    Yeah, that's what I'm saying.  Remember, if you have an injury and you don't have rags or a bandage, you can use sewing kit to stitch your wound (the leather sewing kit doesn't work for this anymore).


  8. 1 hour ago, Darin Hogarty said:

    This was a cut with a 1 by it

    That number merely depicts how many injuries you have, which then would tell you how many bandages you have to apply.

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  9. I will say that the game doesn't accurately depict WHICH injury you have.  It's possible that you received an injury to your head or torso, which would cause you to bleed out rather quickly.

  10. I was wondering the same thing.  Scoured the internet, and can't find anything on the subject.  I did test it out with a buddy, and it appears that the default distance before you CAN'T hear each other is roughly 20 meters.

  11. It depends on how severe the injury is.  There are 3 levels......minor, moderate, and severe.  Each of these comes with a different rate of blood loss.  I have been cut multiple times, and NEVER bled out in 1 or 2 minutes. 

    • Beans 1

  12. 7 hours ago, Ryan JG said:

    I would love to see a wipe come from this update and also an bump in the number of AR's on a map at one time.

    As douchey as it may sound, I hope there is too, simply because after a server restart last night, I wound up back on the beach, while my buddy didn't.  So screw it.  SCORCHED EARTH!  😁

  13. 7 hours ago, S.Kaneda said:

    I can talk about Battlefield too, free maps and even free Battleroyal mode (firestorm) for BF5.

    If you want battle royale, play PUBG, and leave DayZ alone.

    If you want to run-and-gun, play BF, and leave DayZ alone.

    You cannot compare two games like BF and DayZ.  BF is rather simplistic in it's execution, where DayZ has a MULTITUDE of more options of what you can do. 

  14. I just wish that the SAME people that bitch about the SAME things over, and over, and over again would just do themselves and everyone else a favor and uninstall the game, move one, and let the rest of us enjoy the game, for what it is, in peace. 

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  15. It's a 50/50 split, and here's why.........there will always be issues with the game.  An issue gets fixed, another pops up, people complain and threaten to quit playing.  It's a vicious, endless cycle.  This is an INCREDIBLY complex game.  Accept it for what it is, welcome the updates and add-ons, rinse, and repeat.  You'll be a lot happier.

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  16. They need to make campfires like they do barrels, wire barriers, and the like where you PLACE them, then that's where they stay, and they don't despawn.  It IS frustrating that you go through all the trouble to build a cool stone oven, only to have it disappear an hour later.
