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About KapuGod

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    On the Coast

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    Instagram: HawaiianGaming

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  1. KapuGod

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Not saying for it to be mandatory maybe have an option to turn it off and on in settings cuz honestly who would it hurt if only you chose to turn it on to see your friends? Then again I see where you’re coming from and if they implemented a system like this they might make it mandatory for everyone and I don’t want that
  2. KapuGod

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    That is my number 1 cause of death that’s why I put it at the top of my list it’s ridiculously annoying. Kinda bad to say but glad I’m not the only one? Lol
  3. KapuGod

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Would rather have tap X to reload
  4. KapuGod

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    If only your squad had names that would be helpful but I don’t want the ENTIRE SERVER to have names above their head that would definitely ruin the game. They should at least let us make a nickname for our in game characters and only people in our squad can see it so it’s not a huge gamer tag floating around
  5. KapuGod

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Plate carrier has 2 accessories, pouches for inventory and a pistol holster. Both I’ve never found because it’s extremely rare.
  6. KapuGod

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Just play PC if you want Mouse and Key I don’t understand why people want support for this on console other then unfair advantage ??‍♂️ Makes no sense
  7. KapuGod

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    PLEASE READ!!! 1. FIX THE RELOAD. I’ve died so many times because hitting Y doesn’t reload a mag it just switches my hot key. [Suggestion] Tapping X should be the reload and double tapping Y should bring out a side arm. yes I know holding X drops the item in hand they can leave that in, I genuinely like that feature in case I have to quickly pull out a weapon when I have something in hand) FIXING RELOAD SHOULD BE NUMBER 1 2. INVENTORY NAVIGATION NEEDS TO BE SMOOTHER. I’ve also died because my game will lag when I try to go into my inventory to reload because the primary option (hitting Y) doesn’t work. Also multiple instances where I’m stuck in my inventory when trying to Micromanage or even just in general. For example I’ll try to scroll down to my backpack but I can’t go down I can only go up, so when I try to put an item into my backpack (or somewhere else) I can only navigate up and get to my backpack items that way, instead of going directly down to my backpack. Also when picking up a bunch of items at a time it eventually just stops working and I have to micromanage the items on the ground into my inventory. 3. RENDERING ISSUES. This ones simple things just don’t load in fast enough. I have the Xbox one X, and the most common example I can think of is when I look into binoculars and it just looks like playdoh then my game freezes for a split second and then things slowly start to render in and my game lags while it does. same thing while looking down weapon scopes. 4. CAN’T SLIDE DOWN LADDERS. When trying to slide down a ladder my character kinda glitches for a second like it registers the command but just doesn’t do it. 5. PLEASE ADD BOW AND ARROW. Adding the bow and arrow would help fresh spawns defend themselves easier. Not only because of bandits just wanting to kill fresh spawns, but also against zombies since weapons with mags aren’t easy to find right away. 6. FRAME RATE. High pop servers and even 1v1 gun fights are way to laggy and the frames drop way too much so much so that even my game crashes with an Xbox one X 7. MAJOR CLIPPING ISSUES WITH HATS AND MASKS. Hair and face sometimes appears through the clothing 8. RARITY. Last week I searched everyday for an M4 and Standardized Suppressor, 2 days ago I found an M4 and only yesterday found the Suppressor I searched Kamensk, Tisy, and NWAF everyday. It’s crazy to me how hard it was to find I understand Suppressors are rare but maybe increase the spawns a tad 9. GHILLIE CRAFTING. Since we’re fresh off the topic of rarity I wanna get this out of the way. 1 burlap sack should give you 2-3 burlap strips or increase the spawn of them because it’s way to hard to find. My entire time playing Dayz I’ve probably found 6 sacks and 2 netting’s no exaggeration. 10. PROXIMITY CHAT. For the most part the game chat itself is fine besides the fact it doesn’t work while in a party, but the voices need to fade and get softer the farther away someone is, at the moment I could be a decent distance from someone and it sounds like they’re right next to me until all of a sudden their voices cut out. [Suggestion] Friday the 13th game has a pretty good proximity chat Im sure the community would like it if you could try to mirror that. 11. ZOMBIE COMBAT. Zombies glitch out way to much and hitting them with a melee sometimes is ridiculously hard because they either hit me from a mile away or the weapon just isn’t registering the hit. Also why do I have to hit a zombie 4-5 times with a hatchet to kill it? Doesn’t make sense. 12. STEALTH. I feel like we should be able to insta kill a zombie or even other players by sneaking up behind it/them with a knife, Hatchet, or Axe. A lot of the time a zombie will spot me while I’m on another side of a wall or in cover. ADDITIONS: 1. ROLE PLAY SERVERS. Imagine the role play and Realism that can be accomplished by having specific servers where people are forced to speak in game only, no parties. 2. ADDITIONAL WEAPONS. I would love to see the Scar Assault Rifle, M1911 Pistol, and more Snipers. 3. PISTOL HOLSTERS. It’s always bothered me that I could never put my Handgun on my hip it would make the game more realistic, Fun, and Cool walking around with a Rifle in hand and Handgun on your hip instead of in your bag during the apocalypse. 4. HOSTAGES. I think it would be cool if you could hold someone hostage by getting up behind them with a gun in hand and putting a gun to their head like in the movies when the criminal is trying to barter with the police for something while having an arm around the hostages neck and gun to their head! THANK YOU DAYZ!!! If you read all of this I wanna thank you so much for taking the time to see my opinions and thoughts. I love this game and want it to succeed this is honestly my favorite game, I can’t wait to see what the future holds. See you in the next update!