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Jared Powell

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About Jared Powell

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Jared Powell

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Well, I can honestly say I have 0 complaints at the moment but here are some things I'd like to see improved as a player I think itll benifit all around. The Night cycle should be a little brighter, not so bright that you can see for 100s of yards because the realism would be lost, but maybe a moon lit ambiant lighting enough that you can still manage to trot with your character and travel without stopping. There also needs to be a penalty for server hopping, meaning when someone thinks they can just log out, go in another server and log back in with their character in a better vantage point just for that 1 kill they should be penalized. Worst case scenario you get a 15min wait time till your allowed to join a server, maybe a double limit to that for the player that dont learn their lesson. Rain, I cant lie I loved the rain, even when it lasted for days. In real life it doesn't rain for 20mins then stop unless it's a flash pop up shower. The rain really makes you get inside, cant cook or make fires in it, it was just good to have the rain. Lol Like I said, theres nothing to complain about, even the duping isn't a problem to me. Over all this has been the best game I've played and I'm honored to be part of this games community and I'm committed to playing this game now, and till you guys pull the servers down. lol Thanks for reading