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Everything posted by etaab

  1. etaab

    Voice chat overlay change

    Theres a pause screen?
  2. etaab

    burlap sack

    Small sheds, garages and outbuildings contain burlap. But, they're semi rare. I find them about 1 in every 50 or so I check. The ghillie isn't far the most useful piece of kit probably only second to NV goggles. I've had players walk past me in the streets of towns before thinking I'm a bush as long as I dont sit on a tarmac road. I'm always in a ghillie suit on my main account.
  3. etaab

    The game now

    I cant understand your points and I agree with some. Food is scarce, but knowing how to obtain it and then keep it topped up and it rarely is an issue anymore unless you're a fresh spawn. Me personally, i always run the beach checking the small boats and usually after a little while I've got 3 or 4 cans. Then I always head to hunting lodges to get camo gear and refillable water canteens. Then, hydration no longer becomes an issue. Most of your gripes come from lack of knowing where to go first and to survive your first few days after spawning. I was the same, but now we're flourishing. I have sea chests buried with several end game weapons, food, night vision goggles and other useful items. It's about learning from your mistakes and not making them again. As for other players, I tend not to shoot fresh spawn unless it's to defend myself. Last night for example, I met 2 fresh spawns. They tried to punch me to death from both sides. I have no choice but to draw my weapon and waste them. But, they also give me human fat when i skin them, which when cooked is one of the most nutritious food sources in the game and safe to eat. We survived and learned to capitalise on others behaviour.
  4. etaab


    Why not ? It's still based in a Russian state. As far as I can tell there are some new textures, but they're also in Chernarus.
  5. etaab


    The answer is no, it's not in the game. There is alcoholic tincture, which you could say is Vodka. But may I ask, if you want it in the game, why ? There isnt rum, gin, wine, or whiskey in the game. Why is Vodka so important? Ginger nuts, ketchup, tea bags and sanitary towels are not in the game either. Do we need specific groceries ?
  6. etaab

    BI, we have to talk, again!

    Livonia is nice. More summer conditions than the winter of Cherno. Rolling green fields and large forests. I've only played it for an hour this morning but overall the map feels much newer and more a modern game than the Dayz of old.
  7. etaab

    after patch

    Constructive ! Patch seems stable. Not happy about both my ghillie suits being damaged though. Also, I keep having to relog every now and then because items cannot be selected or picked up when dropped. Also the night vision just itself off, annoying when you're running from trouble. Turning them off and back on again fixes it but its inconvenient. Can't select my gun anymore whilst holding a tool such as a compass or lockpick. I have to put the item away before selecting my gun in the hot wheel. Overall the update seems good, but not happy about a few control niggles and damage to items I've kept pristine.
  8. etaab

    My Best Ever DayZ Adventure...........and

    I must admit watching other players is often fun. It's just a shame they're almost always hostile. Sounds like you were lucky not to be spotted. Get yourself some NV goggles, night becomes the best time to play with them !
  9. etaab

    BaseBuilding and Base Raiding

    I dont know how to describe them, the apple trees I've climbed, but zero cover and often fall straight back out. Theres also some large trunk trees which have multiple branches coming out but are very hard to get into. It's hard but possible to get into. Sadly you can't get far up the tree as I dont think you're meant to be able to get in them at all.
  10. etaab

    BaseBuilding and Base Raiding

    I haven't seen z's climb trees. I've climbed a tree. Have you guys?
  11. etaab

    BaseBuilding and Base Raiding

    Well you could also argue how are the dead still walking, when all live creatures rely on a complex system of consuming various universal elements in order to fuel their cells, bodies and minds into moving, thinking and performing bodily functions. Whilst the thought of dead zombies is fun for games and film, its pretty much an impossibility that could never happen.
  12. etaab


    I've never had items just disappear whilst logged off, might be an issue with the server. I've had items disappear from my inventory, but I'm usually playing at the time and logged in. Or maybe you just dropped them by accident ? I'm guessing your friend also had an issue with server synchronisation. Did he also have the same loot he logged out with or the loot he logged in with from the earlier playing session?
  13. etaab

    BaseBuilding and Base Raiding

    Trust me, when breaking into a base sometimes the time it takes feels like an eternity. It's really unsettling using an axe to break down a wall, which sounds incredibly loud whilst looking all around you for the home owners to turn up. To me it feels about right. I dont think I'd want it making longer. I believe more intelligent base design is the main defence of a base. I recently went to a base where the front gate was the only way in, as it was inside an apartment block. The problem was, the gate hinge was glitched through the wall so there was no way to cut the lock and open the gate. I'm guessing the owners leave a player on the inside to let friends in when they need to get in. We did break in, twice over two days. By day 3, I ran one of my spare characters up to the base and logged him out inside the base to let me in from the inside. Do I feel bad about base raiding? Hell no. I understand people put a lot of work into the build, but they also horde lots of good loot including rare guns. So to me, they're as bad a dupers and deserve to lose their loot.
  14. etaab

    Possible Improvements?

    Theres been a zombie apocalypse, your fellow man kind are out to kill you on sight. And you're worried about how fashionable you look? ROFLMAO !
  15. etaab

    A Question For the More Experianced Players

    I keep mine on almost until its fully daylight. It's not worth the risk. I shot a guy today with NV goggles, he didn't see me even though he was coming straight towards me. I love ghillie suits.
  16. Sounds like coincidence to me. Weeks later? They dont last that long.
  17. etaab

    New map

    And do you honestly expect an answer? Commercial companies such as BI are not going to be drawn into a public arguement should your experience not live up to your expectations, especially on their own forum. I'll buy the map and share play it for anyone wishing to have a go. Then you can make your own mind up.
  18. etaab

    Addressing the crashes after the update 1.05

    I hope you take my reply as constructive also, as it's by no means a criticism of you.. But most of what you mention which is annoying you is stuff annoys new players. You seem a little inexperienced. Also some of the things you mentioned aren't quite true or match my experience. Stepping in a puddle doesn't make my character shiver. Prolonged heavy rain does, or swimming to a nearby island. I can also stack items of the same, so why can't you ? I get that you're frustrated, as are many of us, but all I'm saying is most of what you have described is only frustrating when you first start out with the game.
  19. Like I said, chlorine tablets, works 100% of the time and takes a second to combine. Nothing beats it.
  20. etaab

    Combine function in quickslot menu?

    I see. I dont put magazines on the quick select wheel. I reload by going into my inventory unless in a gunfight, where I'll risk the gun jam glitch by holding triangle. Does it work on anything else or just mags with guns ?
  21. etaab

    BaseBuilding and Base Raiding

    I suppose it also depends on the layers of the wall and other obstacles. I've broke into bases which have multiple wall layers, so many that I've worn my axe out trying to get in. One single wall isn't going to stop someone getting in. Why would it, it's just wood and a few nails. Not a steel reinforced concrete wall.
  22. etaab

    Combine function in quickslot menu?

    You can combine from the quick select wheel ? I didn't know this was even a thing!
  23. Agreed, it all sounds a bit too much like hard work to me. Just use chlorine tablets. They're easily accessible all over the map and very common. Use once on the bottle and then refill at village water wells for unlimited free hydration. I never have a problem with disease now except every now and then I seem to get a disease from the village wells. Then a quick antibiotic sorts that out too.
  24. I would love support for keyboard and mouse, but i dont find the controller clumsy so I'm happy all round.