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About Cyclic

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Cyclic

    State of the 1.07 Console Issues

    Your team is seriously incompetent, I don't know how you run a company and stay in business. I don't also understand how Microsoft allows this but I suppose they have no oversight. I state this confidently after being on this train wreck for a year now.
  2. Cyclic

    Persistence off helis

    Duping is still a serious issue, wiped a squad last night on persistence off and they all had the exact same gear. Big packpacks, kitted out M4's all with dual 60 rd mags, all with ballistic vests and NV, we have some slick gear now for a few days. We wiped them with mosins and Shotguns too lol....duping noobs.
  3. Cyclic

    Character wiped??

    I got two characterS back today but appears They are set back a bit in terms of what they had on them
  4. Cyclic

    Character wiped??

    My othe character loaded in with some other dudes gear, enjoy my VSS and AK101 whoever you are
  5. Cyclic

    Character wiped??

    Nope I lost 2 of my 3 went to the server and got 75 second timer and then there i am a freshie, lost my VSS which I have had for weeks. Ran that character to Tisy and back to get mags.....
  6. Cyclic

    Character wiped??

    Wtf BI this has happened way to many times now.
  7. Cyclic

    NVG question

    you do not need a light, if the NVG are on your helmet or you have the headstrap then you push up on the hotwheel to turn them on (provided you have battery)
  8. Cyclic

    proportion of loot in relation to private server size

    I have a 20 slot which we have built some cool bases on and have a fleet of cars, we have yet to hit the gun limit and have pulled around 50 high end AR style guns out of bases. We then released them back into the game and hope to up the limit to 50 and open the server for brawls in Cherno. Found some VSS's which are wicked guns to boot.
  9. Agreed the last week all the guns have dried up, we can only find shotguns now and SMG's. Sad that the last character wipe killed my only guy with decent guns.
  10. Cyclic

    I Don't Want To Sound Like A Broken Record, but...

    Killed a guy last night who was so geared, M4 decked out with 10 mags and loads of ammo, the new hunting rifle with loads of ammo, and ballistic vest with all the pouches. His vest didn’t do much against my AK. That’s how you get guns now, kill the duper’s, forget the mil bases.
  11. Cyclic

    Add more nails

    There are issues with the amount of loot out there right now. 7.62 x 39 is rare as are nails. You can find crap tons of 45 auto and sub guns though.
  12. Same here. What is this. I have been hopping to get away from night but please advise us of changes like that.
  13. Cyclic

    Warning to all duplication exploiters on Xbox

    BI states on one hand that you will not punish duping as it's a game glitch then you come on a public forum and state that? Right hand what is the left doing?
  14. Cyclic

    Balota airstrip midnight PST server 4416 US

    Ooh we were on 4404 tonight and there is a player base down from the airfield on top of a gas station, we killed one of them then they spawned out and flanked one of our guys by hopping server. Yes we will look for you one evening it has become one of our favourite places to look for fights.
  15. Cyclic

    Balota airstrip midnight PST server 4416 US

    Hmm now that i watched it all,don't know if that was us i think their were multiple teams there and groups in the confusion. I odnlt see anything that looked like it was us, i remember we locked the doors on the building except one, but none of the footage was us. It was around 2330-0100 PST on original post (Saturday night) We got two guys last night with yellow armbands same place same server 4416, sniped at them and missed then they tried to flank the treeline and ended up killing them up on the hill behind the treeline. there was three of us and we friendly fired our buddy in the firefight