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Everything posted by TheSzepy

  1. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.19

    except that this is simply not true, you dont need access to the "core of the vehicle physics" itself to change the vehicle parameters, you can overwrite any vehicle parameter by creating your own "config" as a mod.(which is all you need to change its behavior) for more "deeper" vehicle "alteration/modyfing/whatever" there is a carscript.c, but unless you really need something very very specific (oncontact behavior, modifying vehicle hud, being able to modify cargo while in vehicle, damage to the vehicle engine from overreving or driving without coolant, damage to the crew inside the vehicle, "vital" parts for the vehicle, position of engine sound source etc..) you dont really need to get bogged down in the "script" part of the vehicle config/simulation basically if you want to change how the vehicle handles/drives, all you need is to change its config for example golf wheel config + simulation module part for golf itself("cleaned" parts of config so only the important stuff for vehicle behavior stays) just create a simple override config for example something like this(should be fully working, made this in a rush) https://pastebin.com/MfNa8gcB ,save it as config.cpp, pack it into PBO(dayz tools,pbo manager etc.),load it as a mod https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ:Modding_Basics#Packing_the_Mod and anything you change in the hatchback_02 section will be applied to all the golfs ingame, so for example the million times mentioned compression of the suspension if you change the travelmaxup/down in axles section etc..
  2. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.19

    tire grip is too low, this is also visible by vehicles being a bit too much understeery
  3. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.19

    for the vehicles flying when touching the ground with underside - just set the travelMaxDown in vehicles suspension config a bit higher - like +25%, so there is a bigger gap between max compressed underside of vehicle and ground/any obstacle, this will fix atleast 95% of occurances of this(unless driving really fast - 150kmh+ on a very sharp edge on ground) until BI comes with something more permanent, i already said it here multiple times, if you dont understand it, i dont think there is any other way i could prove this to you unless you try it yourself ,as for sim working great, yes it is, you still dont understand the difference between vehicle simulation, netcode, and vehicle experience as whole,only thing i’m saying is that vehicle sim working great, which it is, also when compared to the old one yes, thank you, i agree that the vehicle "experience" as a whole can be considered bad, but it is not because of the vehicle simulation, but because of the netcode which is just so sensitive to literally any jitter/%packetloss, and unfortunately even when 1 person have this connectivity issues, whole playerbase on server is affected too
  4. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.19

    still waiting for you to tell me where i said bi can do no wrong, as you previously stated as for the vids you posted 1.) what do you expect to happen when two objects starts interacting in each other, look at literally any other engine what happens when you spawn an object in another one, literally same as here, this is not vehicle issue but spawn system related, since it allowed to spawn 2 vehs at same place(and i’d bet at server admin obviously not being experienced/knowledgeable and setting the saferadius and distanceradius in events.xml to 0) 2.) dont have time to watch it whole, but from what i saw by clicking through it then yes, i agree that some kind of "jack" would be useful for cars, as for what happens around 5 minute mark, first his game starts stuttering when its loading assets he havent "seen" yet(which happens a lot when the game is not on SSD or atleast on some fast HDD), but due to the vehicle being simulated on server it kept going forward, so by the time his game loaded the assets and stopped stuttering he was already in the pillar or tree - this i’d say is like 50/50, on the one side yes bi can manage loading assets better so it wont lag the whole game, on the other side it is time to stop using 5400rpm hdds for games, afterall its 2022, 128 gigs SSDs(which is more then enough for dayz and dozens of mods) can be bought for less than 15 USD(or even less, i bought a new 128gb one last week from aliexpress in black friday for 9 USD) 3.) again just a desync issue - nothing wrong with vehicle simulation itself, from any other player POV car is just on ground or driving slightly due to driver inputs, but everything the driver sees is just due to the desync - not really happening 4.) already talked about this(my first post i think in this topic), behavior at lateral collisions between vehicle underside and ground(or anything), any "experienced" server admin could do a temp fix in 2 mins untill bi makes something more proper(lower the suspension compression distance, so there is more height between vehicle underside when fully compressed ground/any object under), but yes, this is BI/veh sim fault 5.)another desync 6.)wall is in the back of the vehicle like 50cm atleast, everything what i wrote for first vid applies here so you say that you understand the difference, then "shame" me because i think that it is "great"(works etc.), so you obviously dont understand the diference otherwise you wouldn’t wrote this,in all my posts i said that veh sim is good(because compared to old one it is), not overall vehicle experience(which includes both vehsim and netcode together) also, if you used any of the offline methods/local server etc., you obviously had to spot the difference in car behavior between old and new veh sim.(not sticked to the ground then suddenly starts flying, overall vehicle roll affecting driving etc.)
  5. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.19

    i said that unfortunately it is their decision and we have to live with it(the serverside vehicles), i also said that if the sim was kept client side it would fix many issues, HOWEVER, main issue(which is the netcode/sync), will remain the same, players with bad connection will still lag for everyone else(and laggy collisions usually ended in flying across the map or everything in 50m radius exploding), as i said previously, look at what happens in arma games. also, you all obviously cant differentiate between vehicle simulation and netcode/sync, these two are completly separate systems/mechanics, and as i keep saying, the vehicle simulation itself is really great(just start some local server or even SP mission https://github.com/Arkensor/DayZCommunityOfflineMode and drive around the map, when you compare the new veh sim to the old one it is like playing rfactor or some other racing sim vs saints row - just for comparison ofc) "Should we all be required to have same level knowledge as an IT specialist just to understand what is going on? Of course not." - yes, you’re right, however, if you claim yourself to be a "experienced server host/admin/etc" then you should be in "touch" with the game/engine you’re hosting/managing and should be able to do some troubleshooting/debugging/fixing/whatever "Is the sync bad, even with a good connection? Yes." - as i also stated in previous posts, this is the netcode/sync issue, when even one player is "lagging" on the server, everyone is affected, the closer you are to the lagging player the worse, however, this has nothing to with vehicle simulation, because it is entirely different mechanic/system "Did BI provide shit servers for console players? Yes. Bad design. - well, i dont think that arma/dayz are games that are meant for consoles, bud the "bad design" part itself is putting the games on consoles, personally i look at it as just wasted time in development, and unfortunately i think that it will have some negative effect on future games - reforger/A4 or even dayz, for example i totaly hate how the workshop is done in reforger compared to the steam one and due to the planned "crossplay" the issues/limitations will rise up
  6. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.19

    thats all you can come with? i expected more from someone who claims how experienced/old he is, also, still waiting for the proof i said bi can do no wrong and how you did your own testing of what is the problem with veh sim when you have such claims that it is broken(spoiler, there is nothing wrong with sim itself, only sync is bad when you have shitty connection)
  7. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.19

    i dont think there is point in responding to any of this since you have zero idea what are you talking about, but show me one example i said that BI can do no wrong(if you check my old posts -1y+ you’ll find i was very critical to them), only thing you can do is talk about things you dont understand instead of atleast testing it, it can literally be just the little things like for example ISP giving low priority to UDP packets, also, i said that new vehicle sim is good(because it is), i didnt said anything about the sync issue, which is, as i many times stated, connectivity problem, but surely, someone so old and experienced like you would have zero issues "debugging" it instead of constantly refusing to accept that you might be wrong
  8. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.19

    look, i agree that moving veh sim to client side would fix many things(but will also break some, just remember or look at A2/A3), but BIs vision is to keep it serverside(atleast for now), and this is something thats not gonna change, and as for the new vehicle physics, i stand by my point, it works properly, you(or rather everyone playing on the server) just need to have stable internet, if you dont believe me just try it yourself, host a local server, even without hive, drive around etc. and you’ll see that it works completly fine, now find a friend or someone who’s connection is not so stable(big ping, jitter, packetloss etc.) and once he gets into your network bubble even you(even if the server is hosted on the same machine you play on) will start to get occasional desyncs(depends on how bad the connectivity of the "laggy" player is), now multiply it by player count and by fact that unfortunately not everyone(as a worldwide) has stable connection(or if someone from asia joins EU server etc.) and you have a recipe for disaster, that’s why i say that the best thing you can do or rather everyone playing the game is to make a proper measurement of your network connection so you know the problem is either at the serverside or your side, if the problem is at your/client side then you just have to "beat" the ISP to do something about it, i’m sure that if you look at your contract with ISP there will be something like "minimum/guaranteed quality/availability" or something like that on which you can press them to do something about it.
  9. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.19

    Quite contrary, few years back my ISP thought that 5dB SNR on VDSL downstream link is enough, so it started - complex measuring, tracing, arguing, telling their techicians that they had to buy their "diplomas" on indian food markets otherwise they couldn't be this stupid etc, in the end i proved them wrong(so they had to give me back all i paid them for the service, since they never deliver it in quality/stats etc. according to contract), left to another provder, got stable symetric 500mb fiber. you just have to be aggresive so they wont turn you down
  10. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.19

    it isnt perfect, but it certainly isnt bad either, it is just very sensitive to any jitter/packet loss from client side. the year is 2022, perhaps it is time for people with bad internet to actually speak up to their ISP to fix the shit up. as for the no test required - perhaps dont talk about things you have zero understandings about
  11. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.19

    second video - nothing wrong he just cant drive third video - there is currently an issue with the automatic gearbox where when if you do even litle collision it stops shifting, you have to get out and get in, also there is a gearbox desync issue connected to this where you for example see that you’re in second gear but vehicle is actually geared in first, thats the reason you see overrreving icon even when you see the revmeter is barely moving. as for the "and for no reason, it started doing that wobbly thing." this is only client desync, vehicles doesnt do that on serverside, you either were in network bubble with someone who’s internet suck(unfortunately when there are 10 players for example in 1 network bubble and one of them has shitty internet everyone starts desyncing) or there is something wrong with the server, as i said previously here, fact that you have 6k server fps doesnt mean that there are not spikes, do a fps log each second, run complete net test for you and all your players(jitter, packetloss etc.)
  12. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.19

    I’m not sure why they’re saying that vehicles need to be spawned with wheels, i always spawn them without everything on my server(so you need to find all things to drive them), and they work completly normal, i didnt had any issues with flying/lagging vehicles with this new vehicle physics, if anything, i’d look into mods which changes vehicles behavior(or running dozens of mods, which many servers does, and is always a mess) or server(hardware) performance itself, fact that some server owners claim to have 10000+ fps doesnt mean that there are not any "lag spikes". I, for example, have my server running on 2x xeon x5570(which is 2009 nehalem cpu) on lowest powerstate, which is holding the cpu clock on 1.6Ghz, dayzserver job is set to 4 cores from the second cpu(also assigned through process lasso), my server fps ranges from 1500 to 4000(depends on number of players,but since the server is for private community the number of players is like 15 max) and as i said, in 1.19 i didnt had any issues with vehicles, i also dont run any mods apart from some minor tweaks(lower player dmg coeficient in cars, some crafting/basebuilding changes etc...). The "main" issue i noticed when testing the 1.19 vehicles in SP is - olga and sarka have too "jumpy" suspensions and when you’re driving too "fast"(i’m talking like 150+kmh fast) over some bump the suspension compression is too big and when the underside of the vehicle touches the ground(especially bump in the ground), that is usually what sends the vehicle flying. from my PoV there are 3 solutions to this. for olga and sarka - make the suspension compression smaller and spring stiffness/damping bigger - 5 second fix in axles config, already done it for vehicle underside collision with ground : 1.) redo the behavior of lateral collisions between vehicle and terrain 2.) "fix" all the roads on chernarus(livonia is actually kinda ok with this) to be straight without bumps - if you compare the roads in A2 chernarus, and A3 altis for example, in A3 the roads are perfectly straight, but in A2(and in dayz too) they are not really straight and have many bumps in them 3.) kinda cheap/fast way, make the actual collision of the vehicle underside higher then it actually is,but this may result in some minor clipping with big compressions, wich results in second part of this solution - make the compression range lower.
  13. there is literally none post-soviet country which isn’t using some western/us stuff
  14. arma 2 - dayz mod - dayz standalone lorewise dayz standalone is after the events of arma 2, so there is bound to be lots of US stuff seriously i cant believe the BS you’re saying here for the last couple of years as for the state of the game itself, i’ve been very critical to the devs in the last couple of years, but as for 2022 updates(and especially this one), i have to say i’ve been pleasantly surprised
  15. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.14

    not exactly true, i have whole playlist on YT which shows the opposite, my server is hosted on dual xeons machine which is located in my house, connected to outside world with gigabit fibre-optic, all my friends have their pings under 50ms, jitter under 5%, no packetloss, yet cars are still doing bullshit, because the physics itself is broken/poorly made, not the netcode/sync stuff(well, that’s not exactly true, netcode isn’t great either, but in this case it is physics itself which is to blame)
  16. TheSzepy

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    except that all info there was proven to be true, there were even pictures from workbench from arma reforger before they got DMCA’d
  17. TheSzepy

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

  18. TheSzepy

    Cars wont drive uphill

    rev up the engine in neutral(with turbo binded,really high, to redline), then quickly switch to first/reverse (what you need) while still holding gas+turbo, unfortunately 2 years after release BI still doesnt know how vehicle gas pedal, torque, and basiclly whole car works without artificial boosts(same as vanilla physX vehicles in A3) to engine inertia/performance, because why learn how to use bullet physics lib properly when you can screw every aspect of the game and its mechanics
  19. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.12

    look at some posts made by gews,mainly in the 1.12 exp thread( https://forums.dayz.com/profile/131293-gews/), i personally write my own configs for all core gameplay loop related stuff(unbelievable how incompetent the devs are) , so i’m not sure what the exact state in vanilla is right now(ammo/dmg/armor mainly), but from what i heard either from friends or read here/reddit etc.. the whole combat itself is way more retarded now
  20. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.12

    so, instead of making the infected a proper threat(doors opening/smashing, jumping on things so you’re not safe on a 0,5M obstacle etc..), they literally chosed the most lazy, useless and retarded way possible, aka making them a tanks which cannot be stealth-killed anymore without weapon+silencer(because why reward player for skill), i’m not even talking about ammo values "changes"(because 5.56 fired from literally the same barrel length is somehow more powerful, and you would have though that studio which make military themed-accurate? games for 20 years would know something about ammo, energy, velocity etc.), you’re really showing yourself BI, for 3 years after release you still manage to screw every update somehow... amateurs, there’s not another word for it for which i wont get censored.
  21. TheSzepy

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    they can’t even figure out what kind of game they actually want to have for 8 years already, you didn’t really expected them to make something like a working vehicles in only a few updates? /s
  22. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.11

    thats because the vanilla suppresors noisemodifying value is so low that it does literally nothing, 2 minute fix even with filepacking & quick test the second thing is noise from bullet impact
  23. TheSzepy

    Stable Update 1.11

    because after 2,5 years from "release" this is still the only thing in game you can do apart from "slower pubg", because this is surely the original idea of dayz or all the stuff/features Dean Hall talked about in the beggining of development
  24. TheSzepy

    What can i do?

    thanks to GDPR you can request all data game dev/provider/whoever have about you, including the proof why you got banned one player from guildwars who was false positive managed to get an unban thanks to this more info:
  25. TheSzepy

    Assortment of Additions

    personally for me the biggest thing the game lacks(if we dont count the removed/not yet added/broken stuff) is some kind of endgame/deeper content/features, right now without heavy modifications the game is just "slower PUBG", which is just wrong on so many levels compared to "original idea" of Dean Hall’s DayZ edit: if you have time, go watch the three video "essay" about dayz which was made by sovietwomble, basicly everything which needs to be said about everything wrong with dayz(and it’ develompent) is there, he’s one of the biggest Ytubers/streamers who made the original dayz mod so popular: