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Everything posted by chili1496

  1. chili1496

    Building a base

    Noob questions :- what are the advantages of building a base, are there any at all, is it even worth the effort? if i build a base on community server 1 and later on i jumped onto community server 2 would my base spawn on server 2?
  2. As above, sort of :) if i go on community server 1 trader works fine and i can access buy n sell if i go on community server 2 trader will not open (B key) for me to access anything (i asked another player in the vicinity and he tried the trader and it worked for him) what could the problem be?? thanks
  3. chili1496

    Building a base

    I am on a community server at the moment which i quite enjoy, not really tried the official servers yet
  4. chili1496

    Building a base

    Made a bloody mistake and got killed by mad zombies :) making way back to tinkerzone
  5. chili1496

    despawn how long?

    So tonight i shot and killed a player but had to flee because i attracted a shed load of zombies, went back to look for his body but was unable to find it, how long do bodys linger for?
  6. chili1496

    Building a base

    NIce info and i think sound advice i will tinker
  7. chili1496

    Building a base

    thanks for both replies very good info, after reading them think i will pass on the base building, maybe find someone else's and squat :)
  8. tell where i have bloody spawned? been a noob i spawn into an area the spend the next 5 minutes trying to figure out wtf i am by looking at a map i do not fully understand yet is there an easier way?
  9. An ugly Barsteward and i have no idea how to re customise in a pretty face :( when i first started the game i was able to create a character now when i am killed the game is creating a mug for me which i cannot change its also spawned me into a girl which is not a bad thing i just want to be a boy though :) how do i do this?
  10. So lets say i have toon 1 on a server and hes got some decent kit, how do i get said toon onto another server with said kit? i am using dzsalauncher and when i do select another server i seem to spawn as a new character with nothing. cheers
  11. chili1496

    how to move to another server

    cheers buddy
  12. As above what makes a server stand out so much that it becomes your number 1 place to play? How does a noob know which servers are even worth playing on are their ranks?
  13. chili1496

    Base building and tent question

    well i found a tent on my travels and i was able to go in it a root round all the stuff in there, so no its not safe. am new myself so thats as much info i can give you. you could bury it in a cache :)
  14. chili1496

    Carry weapons around

    New player so at the moment i am hoarding everything i pick up, currently i have on my person a mosin an ak74 and an m4-a1 i really do not want to loose any of them for now so what are my options with regard to keeping them safe? do i bury them, is that fool proof or am i likely to loose them with a bug or glitch? thanks
  15. platform is PC For example i have a BK-133 shotgun in my hands now according to the info box this gun has an internal mag and uses 12ga bucks and slugs, i have in my inventory boxes of 12ga bucks and slugs but they will not load into the weapon? sorted, just realised i had to unpack the box first.
  16. chili1496

    So whats the easiest way to

    Brilliant advice buddy i have no idea why i did not think of that
  17. chili1496

    So whats the easiest way to

    Not able to figute out how to enable the debug menu
  18. chili1496

    [PC] Looking for people to play with

    sent you a friend invite am uk based new to dayz but so far loving it, server i play on for now is roundtablegaming
  19. chili1496

    Round table gaming

    Currently playing on this server, enjoying it so far
  20. Been a noob to this game i am asking tons of question's and watching tons of youtube stuff, also found this forum to be very helpful. So i am in a game/server and lets say i run into a player and we get along how do i make him a friend in the game? i am playing on pc and have steam running in the background, currently launching the game with dzsalauncher thanks
  21. Ok, had a good session earlier tonight on a community server Roundtablegaming launched into this using dzsa launcher played my session and logged out so far so good. logged into the game using the steam launcher can see my character with all his goodies decide to play with my other character on an official server, finish and log out. Just logged back in with dzsa launcher which proceeded to update itself only to find my character from my original game earlier with all his goodies is no longer on display its as if he has bloody just gone and never existed??? 2nd part i cannot log into roundtablegaming using the steam launcher, is this a mod conflict?
  22. chili1496

    To say i am annoyed is a fkin understatement

    thanks for the replies.
  23. So tonight i have so much stuff that i cannot carry it all, it will all be handy at some stage for example i have found a uzi machine gun but no ammo yet do i dump the uzi or carry it round hoping i find some ammo? 1. Am i able to bury loot and collect it at a later date? 2. If i do bury loot will it still be there if i get shot and die and respawn a new player? 3. When you are killed and have to start over is there a quick way to gear up or is it the same drudge? thanks for any replies, actually really enjoying the game so far, no real plans or goals yet, just feeling my way round living longer each time