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Everything posted by chili1496

  1. chili1496

    Fx-45 pistol unable to

    i can load a single round in it and it will fire just fine, unable to do anything else with it
  2. chili1496

    Glitched tent

    i have no idea how to even move like that 🙂
  3. chili1496

    In game sound levels

    Can someone plz share their in game audio levels with me master volume i have at maybe 40% effects volume i have at 95% and voice volume is about 80% i am finding the wind in the game over powers most other sounds especially when your running.........
  4. chili1496

    Losing character when logging out of server

    sure your not killing him by pressing respawn?
  5. chili1496

    Heli sites and the svd

    Spent some time trying to find myself an svd, i am led to believe they only spawn in heli crash sites which seem to be few and far between, in fact i probably have more chance of finding some rocking horse shit. Am i missing something with the svd or is the info i have been given correct and they only spawn in heli sites?
  6. chili1496

    Heli sites and the svd

    will take as many as you find 🙂
  7. chili1496

    Heli sites and the svd

    i have an m4 salty and will trade you for the svd
  8. chili1496

    New player

    Personally i would aim for Svet (north east corner of map) there is a bunch of guy's up there that actually help new spawns with gear etc, from there head west you have some milly tents which in my opinion are quite poor for loot then you have Novo and so on, the further west you go the better the loot. Find a water bottle if you want to go it alone pick up fruit and mushrooms. If you see another player just be cautious do not approach them suddenly or you may find yourself dead, make sure your mic is working 🙂 most of all enjoy the game and do not give up if you do get shot, there are some great things to see and do.
  9. chili1496

    Trading Post

    have messaged you salty 🙂
  10. chili1496

    Stable Update 1.02

    New player here are my observations so far 1. Binoculars, range finders and hunter scope all work for me 2. All my cans of tuna have opened so far 3. Favorites in the server browser are not been displayed with the show favs filter enabled 4. Shot both a zombie and a player today with an Ak saw no blood splatter and not even sure if i hit the player from 100yrds 5. combi lock does not drop to the ground once unlocked from fence 6. Had no issues loading any of my Ak mags 7. Please change the inventory back to what it was whoever designed that needs to be sacked it has a kiddy look and feel to it now, i spend more time scrolling up and down now.
  11. chili1496

    Is it just me?

    no its happening to me aswell
  12. Does the type of gear you wear, play apart in the game mechanics of how well you survive? for example would i last longer in a fight if i wore a ballistic helmet as opposed to a beanie hat?
  13. chili1496

    Questions re moving steam and dayz

    cheers for the info all sorted now
  14. Currntly steam and dayz are installed on my secondary mechanical hard drive, windows etc are installed on the primary ssd drive, I've had a spare ssd sitting on my desk for ages and finally today i fitted it and now am thinking dayz and steam would be better on the ssd than the mechanical drive. My question's are if i remove steam and dayz then reinstall them will i loose my current characters/players and have to start a fresh or will my characters be safe? thanks
  15. chili1496

    DayZ Launcher does not start

    why not just reinstall steam?
  16. chili1496

    [Update] Any details available (PC)?

    Yeah the only patch that is coming is a fkin nicorette patch, why when the last patch was released and it was discovered that binoculars and certain scopes were not working did they not rewind back to the last stable version where they were working? why can i find every accessory for a KA but i cannot find a bloody KA to attach them all to?
  17. chili1496

    Pitch black, why?

    Just logged into a usa server where the server time is 19:32 and it is pitch black is there anywhere in the usa that is pitch black at 7:30 in the evening.....................even stars produce some light at night so we can see, in dayz i may aswell shove my own head up my own arse for a few hours till i see the light
  18. chili1496

    Sea chest and barrels

    Sorted, rather disappointed that the barrel in not an item that can be buried, pretty sure i could bury one in my backyard if i really thought about it
  19. chili1496

    Caught unaware....

    Was rompin through the countryside today when i heard a noise all of a sudden a wild boar ran past me, i almost shit myself 🙂
  20. chili1496

    why do i get kicked

    cheers will try that
  21. chili1496

    why do i get kicked

    from official servers with a reason related o modified plant and tree data?
  22. chili1496

    why do i get kicked

    i do have mods installed but surely they will not load on an official server?
  23. chili1496

    Recording gameplay

    Many thanks for the tips and the guides awesome help.
  24. chili1496

    Recording gameplay

    Ok something i do not do is record my gameplay, but in this game i would like to try it out, i have shadowplay installed and pc is more than capable of doing everything i want it too. Messing round i am able to record the game but i want to know in shadowplay i have mic always on so it picks up my speech at anytime during play is this correct to have it always on? now what about my buddys who are currently chatting away in game via discord will their banter be captured aswell? unable to test anything at the moment as they are over the pond all tucked up in bed :)
  25. As above logging into various servers which are said to be daytime in the launcher and once logged in they are night.......what gives?