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Everything posted by chili1496

  1. chili1496


    As above just like to introduce myself to Dayz, primarily i am an eve online player but while watching youtube a dayz vid popped up and i really liked the look of the game and here i am. Hoping the community is not as harsh as the eve community and will maybe answer a few noob questions for me. Server list i am uk based, what do i need to look for when choosing a server, i'd like to find a server with some players active on it. Loot, if you are in general not finding anything i am guessing its already been found and taken, will loot spawn in the same place later on or is it random? (should i change server will that help) Is there a quick shortcut to get an item from your back into your hands ready to use? i have an online map, where are decent spots to aim for and also is it worth building a base along the way? How do you select a server to keep as a favourite, also can you save players as friends and how do you know if they are on a particular server? cheers for now
  2. As above built a new pc ryzen 5 3600 and a RX5700 xt graphics card, on my old inferior pc dayz ran fine, on this ne wbuild eberytime i launch the game it rns in the background and i cannot get it to display on the screen??? this is a clean install and the same thing happens if i use dzsalauncher or steam launcher anyone any ideas
  3. chili1496

    Stable Update 1.05

    i personally think instead of posting a list of fixes and tweaks why not post a list of things that you have possibly fucked instead? for example putting my combat dagger away plays the chambering a round in a pistol sound.
  4. chili1496

    gun wall display

    Looking for info on how the hell i make this in game item someone told me 10planks and 5 sheet metal which i have but the recipe does not appear 😞
  5. can anyone tell me how to make the gun wall display unit? thanks
  6. just love it when people cannot be arsed to reply, then they wonder why their server only has 3 players on it
  7. you need to look at your trader prices for a pve server to have the trader buy pelts and steaks for 1 rouble is just stupid, steaks on other servers buy for 150 pelts 1200
  8. chili1496

    The 3 types I've met in Dayz

    i would say i am a cautious type 3 player
  9. How do i connect to your server i cannot see it in dzsa launcher? Never mind i found it now, but unable to connect as i was rejected for bad version error, ok thats solved i joined next i would suggest get rid of that fkin info box in the top corner and replace with server info panel mod
  10. chili1496

    which sniper rifle and why

    Playing on a modded server with loads of sniper rifles to choose from, cheytac is bugged as is the hk-psg1 so other than these 2 what is your go to sniper rifle? choice i have is scout vsd vsd 1963 (accepts silencer) vss m70 tundra remington 700 m14 ebr barrett m82 m98b kivaari .388 cr 527 mcmillan cs5 awm m24 m110 m1a socom vssk
  11. chili1496

    Buried stash

    Is there a specific way to bury a stash under a tree? if i get close to a tree and drop my stash to bury it more often than enough the stash ends up in the bloody tree
  12. chili1496

    Buried stash

    Yeah i agree about chopping the tree down is too noisy and it also means always making sure you have a bloody hatchet on you aswell, i quite like moss and fern as that seems to be a natural camo'ish feature to hide the mound of dirt. Can you bury a stash in a stream i wonder?
  13. chili1496

    Need help with a gate

    So i decided to reinforce a barn from the inside (modded server) got to the gate section easily enough created the gate pressed open and it swung outward, not what i wanted i needed it to swing inwards, so like a fool i took the wire off and now i am left with a fence panel sticking out like a bloody sore thumb. If i wanted to have the gate swing/open inwards i guess i should of made it from the other side, is that correct anyone? cheers
  14. chili1496

    What server region should i use?

    just get the best ping in my opinion
  15. chili1496

    How can I find a daytime server?

    use battlemetrics for server real time
  16. chili1496

    Underground Bunker

    I think been able to build an underground hideout/bunker/base would be a brilliant addition to the game. your thoughts?
  17. chili1496

    which sniper rifle and why

    Not on my list, not even a sniper rifle
  18. chili1496

    NL- 3897

    what town were the shots coming from?
  19. chili1496

    9v battery question

    Got a 9v battery currently showing as in pristine condition, if i put this battery into my pso-1 scope the reticle does not light up orange/red it remains black, is this a glitch or is the battery dead, if its dead why is it pristine? does it actually matter if this scope has a battery or not? thanks
  20. Why is there not a black material version?
  21. chili1496

    1.03 update info - coming soon!

    I think we need raspberry jam aswell oh and some marmalade 🙂
  22. chili1496

    Glitched tent

    So i placed a medium tent in a designated area at the bottom of a slope, the tent popped up but was partially embedded in the ground/bank which in turn has covered the pack used to pack the tent away 😞 how the hell do i now dismantle/pack the tent away?
  23. chili1496


    it is no longer working
  24. chili1496


    Few questions here maybe someone can help me with regarding water. this is all on official server 1. Is there a barrel that can be used to store water? like a rain collection barrel? 2. can i store water in jerry cans, would the jerry cans need to be cleaned prior to filling with water? 3. i have seen a few ponds that have the drink option, can i drink direct from these or do i need some for of tablet to purify water? thanks
  25. chili1496

    Fx-45 pistol unable to

    Remove magazine? As above i have used/fired this weapon in game currently it is in a worn condition, i have not been able to remove the mag, exchange the mag, or load the mag, i have however been able to remove all the bullets 1 by 1 and pulling the trigger each time resulted in just a click. anyone else have this issue, or know what to do to fix it? thanks