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Seen it All

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Everything posted by Seen it All

  1. Seen it All

    Coughing / Sneezing Epidemic

    i still have a cold, hope there is a cure, I've been sick forever.
  2. Seen it All

    Deaths and Kills and Robberies

    Deaths: - 3 by zombies - 1 in the NWAF (Shotgun to face) - 1 in outside a military tent (Shotgun to the face, no warning) Kills: - 0 (I've thought about heading to the beach to get me some fresh spawns...) Robberies: - 0 (I want to rob someone more than kill)
  3. Seen it All

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    If you can't switch back to the third person, you are actually playing in a first person "hardcore" server. The glitch is actually that you shouldn't spawn in third person
  4. Seen it All

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Keep up the good work boyz, this game is insanely good!!!! Everyone thought you guys wouldn't make to Xbox and you did it, i've been following Dayz ever since Frankieonpc started posting videos 6+ years ago. This is the only game I play. For feedback these are the items that come to mind: - Double click left thumbstick for auto jog (holding forward on a stick for more than 10mins is hard ass work...lol) - Switch freelook to hold RB and Move right thumbstick - Switch Zoom to push down right thumbstick - Character specific servers - Can you make game chat work with Xbox party chat seems to be a problem
  5. Seen it All

    What Server do you play on?

    I have started being loyal to one server: North America 3664299 Does everyone stay on one server or just randomly pick one?
  6. Seen it All

    What Server do you play on?

    I'm Terrified of running into people, I saw 4 dudes looting the military base near Svergino. I had them in my sights, the only reason I didn't shoot was cause my asshole character has a cold and isn't to stealth at the moment.
  7. Seen it All

    What Server do you play on?

    I'm going to give 3900 a shot, seems like the majority of the board is trying to survive there. Is 3900 friendly or Shoot on Sight
  8. Is the Elite worth it? How are your buttons laid out?
  9. Seen it All

    Logging out

    Question, does logging out inside a building or in the middle of a field make any difference? I've got in a habit of logging inside a building but takes time to find a good place sometimes.