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About sniper_i86

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  1. sniper_i86

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    What server is this? I could not find crash sites since AGES! I'm playing on SOS 1 these days, it is 24h day, so this optic will be useless on daylight servers.
  2. sniper_i86

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    In the previous topic which was locked by mistake, I wrote a reply to this weird guy named "pilgrim*" who was so salty and bullshitter because I said my opinion about base building need more work in order to be playable. I just opened that locked topic and saw that his bullshit still there and my reply is not. My question: Is this a technical mistake or you are just authoritarian people here who delete replies of anyone has so little posts and keep the nonsense and toxic talking of "Veteran" guys in these forums? What a shame. I guess you want people to say "Wow nice work, good job, you are awesome, best game ever" and that's it. You should know that not every negative opinion is complaining or whining, there is something called "Constructive Criticism", you should google it and read about it. Bye
  3. sniper_i86

    DayZ Stable Update 1.0

    I play DayZ since 2013, I'm tired of looting military stuff, killing people on sight and dying and repeat the story from the coast. We want base building, it is not about weakness but progress and it is a lovely feature. Base building is a goal for the players to achieve like the vehicles. If there is no progress in any game not just DayZ there will not be any gameplay out there, base building and storing stuff, raiding and be raided should be the main goal of games like dayz. The progress my friend, got me?
  4. sniper_i86

    DayZ Stable Update 1.0

    Ok let us forget about the FPS right now but what about the base building techniques, is it balanced? I did not try it yet therefore I'm asking? still taking 3 days to build 3 walls and a gate and 3 minutes to raid it with one tool? If yes that means it is not playable. Also the persistence system, what about it, is it stable? one thing I encountered today when I was playing, reloading shotgun is still bugged, after I shot 2 shells I could not reload with quick bar technique until I emptied my weapon by pressing R multiple times, after it emptied I could reload it with holding quick bar button. I'm happy about the ability to detach mags again from M4 assault rifle, thank God they fixed that. In total I'm disappointed, this game is still work in progress and does not deserve the (1.0) title. Do not get me wrong I love this game so much and for that reason I'm sad because it should be better than this with all this long time of developing. Tell us your experience guys.
  5. sniper_i86

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    0.63 FPS was 60 - 70 average 1.0 (0.64) FPS is 30 - 40 average and server keep disconnecting (no message receive). Game Launch Failed.
  6. sniper_i86

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    Updating 1.1 GB
  7. sniper_i86

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    DayZ_BE is 1.0 DayZ_x64.exe is still 0.63 Thanks for the correction
  8. sniper_i86

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    Dayz folder, DayZ_BE file version.
  9. sniper_i86

    Experimental Update 0.63.149776

    Mags and Optics are stuck now in M4 and Ak, please fix them. I just signed in and tried my AK mag and pso-1, I can't detach them. Game are 4 days away from the full release and weapons (The most important features in game) still have issues. Fix them for God sake. You are unbelievable.