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Everything posted by Tabris07

  1. Tabris07

    Dead man switch

    That's awesome. If only you were able to record it.
  2. I agree with this. I didn't even know about the whole shift + click thing until recently, and all of my navigation had to be done by studying the terrain and comparing it to what the map shows in order to figure out where I was. I think that actually makes travelling a little more interesting than following some marker anyway.
  3. In my first game, I spawned near Cherno. After about 15 minutes of looting, I heard a car horn in the distance. As I went to investigate, I was shot and killed.
  4. Tabris07

    Ok I have had enough....

    One thing that gets me is the reason some people defend the fact that you spawn without a weapon. Some people will say "Well not everyone is the owner of a gun and therefore wouldn't have one from the start." But everyone knows how to repair, and then pilot a helicopter, right?
  5. - Turning in a tight corridor and breaking all of my bones. - Driving over a bridge with an ATV and getting launched into space.
  6. I think it would be wonderful having a dog companion. :) But if a bandit ever killed it, god help you all, because all of Chernarus would burn.
  7. My humanity is currently 2650 and hasn't changed for quite some time. I honestly don't even know how I got +150. I'm going nowhere pretty fast. :P
  8. Tabris07

    too many 50 cal snipers

    This actually may have helped me out with sniper rifles. I usually just pay attention to the zeroing and then do a little guess work with the mildots.
  9. Tabris07

    DayZ Memes

    I love this thread. No seriously, I fucking love this thread.
  10. Tabris07

    Humanity should reset at death

    What the hell is this? Oh the pain, the pain on my atheist eyes.
  11. Tabris07

    Humanity should reset at death

    I agree with this. You lose everything and start all over after dying. Humanity should be included in the things that reset. I'm not a bandit nor a hero, but I think this makes sense.
  12. Tabris07

    What are your best experiences with BANDITS?

    Your tl;dr version is hardly any shorter than the original. Anyway, I've had some pretty awesome firefights with bandits, but one that sticks out is when I was playing DayZ for the very first time. I wandered into Northern Cherno, having no clue where I was. I heard a car horn and got excited and started to approach, but I was then sniped and killed before I even saw the car.
  13. You have my beans simply because Sir Fluffypants is also your profie pic.
  14. Tabris07

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    If there were bounties on bandits, maybe displayed similarly to the Book of the Guilty on Dark Souls, I would definitely consider going out hunting.
  15. I wonder how many of those deaths involved a person picking up and/or using a can of Mt. Dew.
  16. Lingor Island makes me think of Dead Island. In any case, I prefer Chernarus.
  17. Tabris07

    Damn you, DayZ

    I don't have a lot of time for gaming, and I play DayZ a lot so I try to change it up when I have the free time. I turn on the PS3 and play Red Dead Redemption. I equip my Henry Repeater, and damn. I want to play DayZ now. I go to Fallout 3. This hunting rifle kind of looks like a Lee Enfield. I'm on my PC playing Minecraft, and I get bored, close it, and open up DayZ commander. Damn you DayZ, you take up all of my free time.
  18. Tabris07

    Hands up

    If I was going to be taken down by those guys anyway, I would have at least taken one with me.
  19. Tabris07

    Why punish bandits?

    I never really have run ins with bandits since I strive to stay hidden from them. The only time I will open fire on a bandit is if I decide that I want their gear. I apparently don't find very good ones though, as they never seem to have very high quality things, such as a .50 cal.
  20. You can switch servers until you spawn on the shore, but chances are you will spawn without a single item. Not even a pack.
  21. Tabris07

    Activities for Dayz

    The only time I see videos of people dancing are in threads where people are reporting hackers.
  22. Tabris07

    Activities for Dayz

    You start a rave and you post exactly where it is here. I will be there.
  23. Tabris07

    Hands up

    I honestly don't know what I would do if I was mugging a person and they started saluting.
  24. Was in a narrow corridor, decided to check behind me for zombies/surivors, and broke my limbs. Edit: I also tried throwing a glass bottle at a hospital to break its windows. I completely missed the windows, smashing the bottle on the wall and aggroing every nearby zombie.
  25. So I can usually do pretty well for myself, having plenty of food, water, weapons, etc. But I have read on the forums that people can get military loot fairly easily by paying a visit to the NW Airfield, so I decided to go have a look myself, as the best weapon I have ever had was an AKM and I wanted to see if I can do better. I spawn on the beach due to one of those bugs that kill you and send you to the debug wilderness. I run through Elektro, find a pack, some guns and enough food and drink to last me until Stary. After arriving and gearing up a little more at Stary, I finally arrived at the Airfield. I check the hangars, all empty. I check the firestation and find a G17 with 4 mags. I check the tower, empty. I check the nearby guardhouses for ghillie suits, empty. I check some buildings labeled "Military Dorm" on the wiki, as I thought these were the barracks often mentioned to contain high quality military loot, and only found some 30rnd STANAGs. The best weapon I found around there was an M4A1 with about 5 mags for it, but those came from a tent that I had found a bit North of the Airfield. So I'm wondering, is this how a typical visit to the Airfield is, or am I missing something? I'm not even sure if I really checked the barracks or had passed them up while checking all the wrong buildings.