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Everything posted by Tabris07

  1. Tabris07

    Zombies do not attack biking man ?

    What the hell was up with the slow-mo front flip?
  2. There are some servers I frequent with players in them that I like to team up with so I'll spread the word.
  3. Ok. I'm willing to put this in my name and see how this thing plays out. :)
  4. What counts as a legitimate reason to kill someone? I entered the firehouse yesterday and a survivor turned around with a shotgun pointed at me so I killed him with my Winchester. I got the bandit skin, but does that count as a legitimate reason? Also: people wouldn't see the S.N. in your name on a server without nameplates, right?
  5. Tabris07

    Gun Proficiency

    Who also posseses the ability to fix every vehicle with just a wrench.
  6. Tabris07

    Day Z gone matrix'ish

    That is so close to being super badass. If you did this and killed me, I would have no problem with you having everything on my corpse.
  7. Tabris07

    Gun Proficiency

    I agree with this as long as the advantages don't build up to a point where the game is pretty much doing the shooting for you.
  8. Tabris07

    Free Stuff!

    I'm sure he wouldn't need it anymore if something bad were to happen to him. ;)
  9. Tabris07

    DayZ Concept Art

    I love this.
  10. Tabris07

    Your favorite weapon?

    Either AK 74 or FN FAL.
  11. Tabris07

    Free Stuff!

    I did this once with my as50, ranegfinder, GPS, and other various equipment. Except, instead of just giving it away, I told survivors that if they killed me they could have it all. I was lasting a little while until someone had an idea to hide on the roof of a school and get me. It's funny because I was on the ground floor of the school moments before that.
  12. "He was a shit shot" "Let's roll." I laughed at this for some reason.
  13. Tabris07

    Are you The Cheater's Bitch?

    It would easily make one of the best DayZ videos ever.
  14. I've played Arma II a little to better familiarize myself with the controls without being thrown into an apocalyptic world of death. But the voice acting, oh god the voice acting...
  15. Tabris07

    Are you The Cheater's Bitch?

    And a dance party erupts below.
  16. Tabris07

    Are you The Cheater's Bitch?

    A massive clash of helicopters and flying buses.
  17. Tabris07

    Are you The Cheater's Bitch?

    Has there ever been a scripter-on-scripter battle before? I can only imagine the chaos.
  18. Tabris07

    What is it about DayZ

    I mainly play on private servers now and they usually have side channel open, so I go back for the community. It's cool messing around with others with a helicopter or something. And I do enjoy the occasional murder of a random player, when I'm in the mood. :)
  19. Tabris07

    Stressed? Smoke a blunt the size of my gun

    Give me a bottle of Jack that's actually full!
  20. I wasn't sure if this title was sarcastic or not. :P What map is this server for? I'm looking around for some private Chernarus servers.
  21. Tabris07


    2650 on official servers. I'm not really sure what it is for private Chernarus servers. On Lingor, I'm at 750 due to an unfavorable encounter with a couple survivors.
  22. Tabris07

    The lesser of two evils.

    It would just be stupid for a person to be unable to loot another body, but I agree that the inability to loot your own body from a previous life is a bit better.
  23. Tabris07

    Free weapons for the wrongly murdered

    I think if someone was murdered trying to make a friend, then that's their own fault and shouldn't count as a "wrongful murder" I'd say they should just be more careful about the people they approach.
  24. Tabris07


    Were you the guys I heard chanting Allahu Akbar in a server after some sort of incident with a rocket launcher and a helicopter?