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Everything posted by Tabris07

  1. I did think about this when making that post, but I also thought the devs would have a bit of difficulty adding possible arterial damage to the player's legs. Maybe if there was a small area on the leg, which when hit, has a chance to cause nonstop bleeding unless addressed with the proper medical supplies. Again, that may or may not be a difficult thing to pull off.
  2. If possible, I think bullet lethality should depend on where the player was hit. For example, a person who was clipped in the leg should have a much better chance of recovering than the guy next to him who was blasted in the chest, he should probably die.
  3. I bought Arma II after discovering some DayZ videos on YouTube. After I realized that I sucked horribly at surviving, I tried out the original Arma II campaign in order to try and improve with the controls. After I had played for a bit I became hooked and go back to it regularly (despite the voice acting, oh god). I'm also going to be trying out ACE soon when I have the time. It's definitely worth trying out the other parts of Arma II rather than just DayZ.
  4. Tabris07

    Campsite Compromised! Free Gear Giveaway!

    This is like placing a "Take One" sign in front of a bucket of candy on Halloween. I don't expect many to listen to this. lol
  5. Tabris07

    Helicopter Pilot Kill - Best Sniper Kill Ever (VIDEO)

    They may not seriously be trying to state that it's the best thing ever. I jokingly say some of the things I do are the best ever, while in reality I'm probably just foolishly leading myself to my own demise.
  6. A bounty system may be good. I know there was a Book of the Guilty on Dark Souls that listed players and the severity of their crimes towards other players. The ones who went around murdering people were placed higher on the list and were more vulnerable to other players trying to take them out because of that. There could be a system like that set up to display notorious mudrerers, which in my opinion, wouldn't be that much of a stretch from how things would actually be in a zombie apocalypse. This is just an idea though; I don't expect everyone to agree.
  7. Tabris07

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    I enjoy 3rd person because it helps me navigate around the game world. For some reason, I'm always bumping into objects while in 1st person because I wasn't sure how far away my character was from it. I still do use 1st person while indoors to avoid having the camera go behind a wall or something and blind me.
  8. I would still like there to be some sort of consequence for senseless murder, but I don't appreciate everyone taking shots at my bandit skin just because I had killed some survivors in self defense earlier.
  9. If there was a way to get people to bandit only if necessary, like if they were desperate for food, then I would have no problem with this. If I'm running through the wilderness for a while, only a couple mags left for my gun and in need of food as soon as possible, and I spot a geared survivor who I don't believe is someone willing to hear me out and toss a can of beans my way, I'll make the decision to put them down and take what I need, then be on my way as quickly as I can. I do feel a bit guilty sometimes as I know how it feels to have a nice character taken out in such a way, but I knew that it had to be done. If only you could get players to make this moral choice before pulling the trigger on someone. I think it would decrease the senseless KoS while maintaining the necessary PvP aspect of the game. Don't ask me how to do this though because I don't know.
  10. Tabris07

    I'm not sure I understand hackers.

    I believe I was only killed by a hacker once, and luckily, I had just spawned on the coast seconds before it happened. I was dropped into the ocean with everyone else in the server. Strangely, I heard bones breaking before death. So I may or may not have hit a rock. I only laughed, because for a few moments it was completely silent after everyone died, and then there was an explosion of rage all over side channel. xD
  11. Went to NW airfield and scored a M4A1 CCO, G17, and DMR, all with plenty of ammo (I may or may not have found a camp up there). I was super excited since it was my first time getting high grade gear. I gathered some cooked meat and filled my water bottles before logging out for the night. A couple days later I logged in and found myself in the debug area with no gear. :/
  12. This would really be amazing if you could pull this together, but the trick is to get enough skilled survivors to be willing to help and get it going. And for that, I do not have faith.
  13. Tabris07

    Bandit Stories!

    One time I heard a guy coming downstairs towards me in a large hotel. I waited for him to turn the corner and I unloaded a ton of rounds from my AKM into him. He died; I took what I needed and hid the body. The End.
  14. Tabris07

    DayZ singleplayer

    I wouldn't mind singleplayer DayZ, but there would at least have to be some NPC bandits, because not ever encountering someone else with a gun will probably end up being pretty boring. And if NPC bandits are in there, throw in some friendly survivors too. Maybe to trade with, or just watch them be chased and eaten by zombies. :)
  15. I like this. Would definitely be interested in seeing more. :)
  16. Tabris07

    finding duped shit. everywhere

    I wish I could throw grenades (or any other throwable object). They either get launched into space or fall a few feet in front of me and blow up in my face. :(
  17. Tabris07

    And you thought you had seen it all...

    Was this on a private hive, or has zombie deadliness just multiplied by 1000?
  18. Tabris07

    Operation Nurture Bambi

    I used to take new players on trial runs through some towns and let them scavenge and learn how to survive while I made sure they wouldn't experience a most unfortunate death. Sadly, I've been doing that less since bandit attention has increased on the coast.
  19. Isn't every server technically a role-playing server? I don't get the difference here.
  20. Tabris07

    Hero or Bandit?

    I chose survivor because I have a sort of mixed playstyle. I help people if they're genuinely in need, I kill people if they're a threat or have something I need, and usually just stick to myself and make sure I stay alive.
  21. Strangely, one of the longest lives I've ever had on DayZ was one where I was sick and had to constantly eat meat to make sure my blood didn't drop that far from 6000.
  22. Tabris07

    This is still happening?!!?

    It doesn't happen nearly as much any more, but it is still possible. It happened to me too. I just sucked it up, made a quick run through Cherno, and headed north to gear up again. As far as the zombies, they don't seem to mind the walls, or shelves, or anything reall in a store. They'll walk right through anything to get to you in there. The same goes for some other building in Chernarus and on other maps.
  23. Tabris07

    Epic Crawl

    I've had my legs broken at a factory in the middle of nowhere and had to crawl over the hills and through the woods to Berezino, busted the windows with a can, and patched myself without a run in with another player. :) I keep two morphine syringes on me at all times now. Edit: I also had to lose the zombies that initially broke my legs too.
  24. Tabris07

    I Achieved my Dream Loadout!!

    Ghillie suit, DMR, Suppressed M9, and the necessary tools to allow me to gather my own food and water in the wild. :)
  25. This looks like a typical day on the streets in Russia.