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Everything posted by Tabris07

  1. Tabris07

    Exploring outside the map(Video)

    Wonderful video. For some reason, my favorite part is when you beep at the boar. :)
  2. I get enough random heart attacks from playing Slender Man games. I guess I'm just the kind of guy that doesn't take things like this very seriously. Sure, I would think a person who teleported in front of me and killed me was a jerk, but as soon as I witnessed my fresh spawn busting a move on the beach, I would totally feel better about the situation. I'm not saying this is how everyone should react, but it would most likely be my reaction.
  3. Tabris07

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    I don't think I would have a problem with this, as long as I know for sure that the body temperature icon is working correctly. From what I've witnessed, it just stays white, and I'm not really sure how to read it or if it even works. Because of this, I was kind of hoping for the return of the temperature display in the debug monitor.
  4. I understand the problem of hacking, but those dance moves were ridiculous, and absolutely wonderful at the same time.
  5. I don't even care if I die and lose all my things, if a "hacker" kills me and makes me dance on the beach like that, it would make my entire day. Especially if others happen to pass by and witness it.
  6. Tabris07

    Personal Map Markers

    My thoughts on this: the letters C and L are placed too close together on this site. "Shift + click" shocked and confused me for a moment.
  7. Tabris07

    No Dr. Pepper?

    I would prefer full bottles of Jack Daniel's. I think I would actually grab the cans of Coca Cola to go with it then. :P
  8. Tabris07

    Consoles eh?

    I think a console version would be great for the people who aren't able to play this on PC (I know of some people very interested in this, but aren't able to play). It's not like a console version would take anything away from the PC gamers, it would just allow more people to enjoy DayZ. And the money would be great to help them improve this even more.
  9. So I'm interested in teaming up with people. I can do well as an individual, my characters usually survive for weeks at a time. Since the past few updates that increased the amount of killing on sight, I've been on my own. I used to team up with people all the time in the earlier days of the mod, but now it seems like the only way for me to find a group to join now is to have a mic and skype or something like that. I don't have a mic, voice chat is not an option for me, but I would still like to find people I can team up with. Is there anyone out there who accepts people who don't have voice chat?
  10. Tabris07

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    Some random guy and I were searching some warehouses when he decided that he wanted to stand up and alert every zombie in the immediate area to our presence. We both retreat to the roof with zombies right behind us. As they start climbing up the ladder, I decided to jump off the roof and end it all right there. I only ended up snapping my legs and bleeding, and because of my lack of morhpine, I couldn't escape the zombies as they came over and started munching on me.
  11. Tabris07

    6 Launcher not showing any servers?

    I like how I came to these forums with a question, and immediately found a relevant topic with the answer. :)
  12. Tabris07

    Is a mic really mandatory?

    I managed to find and team up with some people so far. The typing does take some time when trying to communicate, but it is nice to see some friendlies after so long of witnessing KOS.
  13. Tabris07

    Is a mic really mandatory?

    I see some people here who are willing to team up without a mic. My steam id is Tabris05, so you can add me if you would like. :)
  14. Tabris07

    Is a mic really mandatory?

    Someone has already contacted me and I added them on steam. It would be nice if a no mic trend does start soon. :)
  15. Tabris07

    Is a mic really mandatory?

    I'm aware that a silent player seems less trustworthy, I was hoping to make a topic like this on here so that someone who accepts people without a mic can see it and contact me. I'm not bandit, but I do understand where you're coming from. I might have some dusty PS3/360 microphones that may work. I rarely chat on either of those consoles either. I'm just not a very chatty person I guess. :P
  16. Tabris07

    Keep getting kicked, because of battleye!

    So I uninstalled BattleEye and reinstalled it, but I still get "BattleEye client: Not Responding" messages on servers.
  17. Tabris07

    "Wait For Host"

    This problem seems to be going around quite a bit; I have this problem too. The solution I have found so far is to search for a server that actually allows me to play and wait for a possible fix.
  18. My freezes vary from "Waiting for host" to "waiting for character to create". I'm not sure what the problem is; I was able to connect to some servers and play for a few minutes before I was kicked for an unknown reason. So far, the only server I have been able to play on for a while was a random German server with beta 95045 and a ping of 265.
  19. Tabris07

    Stuck at Loading after updating BattlEye

    I have this problem quite often as well. I have Beta version 94786 (if that matters) and get kicked because BattleEye either doesn't update or respond. I'm still able to play on some servers (one from RoosterTeeth was working fine), but this problem is what I run into most of the time. :(
  20. Tabris07

    I see no point of having a toolbox

    I wish I had a toolbox. I went into a supermarket in search for a canteen; I found one, but it was on the other side of a tank trap... taunting me. :(
  21. Tabris07

    Arma 2 Engine - Reality and common sense questions

    I believe that a game could have too much realism in it. If Arma put in the effort to make the game as realistic as humanly possible, I don't think the game would be as popular as it is now. It's a game. I'm well aware that I probably can't do any of this stuff in real life, so I like the fact that I can get on Arma and do it all.
  22. I'm only in major towns and cities long enough to collect a decent bag and the necessary items to live out in the woods. I'll watch someone from a distance if I see them, and attempt to help if I see that they're in a lot of trouble and are not a fresh spawn. I'll shoot someone on sight if they act threatening or approach me without trying to communicate.
  23. Tabris07

    1st Experience: NW Airfield

    I think the real trick would be to tell the difference between people with the intention of griefing, and others who kill out of self defense or paranoia. Is there a way for the game to tell that you killed a group of bandits, and didn't murder someone innocent?
  24. Tabris07

    I have ALOT of questions :p

    If you have a hunting knife, then you can just live off of the animals outside of town for food. You'll need a a fire to cook though, which the axe and box of matches will help with. The only real reason to go to a town is for guns/ammo/medical supplies.
  25. Tabris07

    Noob group!

    I don't have a mic. :/