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Brother Hao

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Everything posted by Brother Hao

  1. Hi there! Currently, spears and pickaxes use the what I think is default melee animations for their attacks, which don't make much sense. With a spear, you don't swing the stick around to kill a boar, you stab it with the sharp end. I think that applying the animations that the bayonets have would be a good fix for it. Also fix the sound the spear makes.
  2. Brother Hao

    So... that's it then?

    we some kinda suicide squad?
  3. Brother Hao

    Here is a thought...

    Because that would basically break the game. Why spend hours gearing up and slowly making your way to a military base when you can just spawn with military clothes on you?
  4. Brother Hao

    Here is a thought...

    I mean you can still be all that (though maybe not the fireman, unless you hunt down people lighting campfires in the woods).
  5. Hello everyone. I want to talk about how blood and health currently works in DayZ, what I think is wrong with it, and what I think needs to change to make it better. Currently in dayz, blood and health are different systems, both showing you roughly how healthy you are. Blood shows you how much blood you have in your body (5000 being the maximum) and health shows you a pretty vague indicator of how healthy you are. These stats are pretty much independent of one another and rarely affect one another (the only time they affect one another is when a survivor is under 2500 blood, in which case the health drops to zero, killing the survivor). I'm all for not everything being related to how much blood you have sloshing around your circulatory system, since you won't survive a 50 cal to your liver even if you don't spurt out enough blood to fill a pipette. That is where I think the health system shines, since it accurately reflects the reality of you getting killed to death instantly. Where I think those systems fall short is in cases where a survivor is left bleeding, severely wounded and possibly unconscious, but most importantly, not dead. Let's assume that someone shoots a freshspawn in the chest two times. The freshspawn is severely injured, bleeding from the torso and passes out from shock. Let's assume that the freshspawn is unconscious for the entire time they are bleeding, and that they're losing 360 mL of blood a minute in addition to the 200 mL they lost immediately after getting shot. Since blood clots 5 minutes after bleeding, the survivor will hold on to enough blood to not die from a lack of it (below 2500 mL) and begin their slow recovery. This just isn't realistic, losing a lot of blood very fast is pretty damn detrimental for your health, since without oxygen and nutrients which your organs need to keep the ol' body machine working, your organs will begin to fail. IRL this is around the range of 40% blood loss. I think this would be a good point at which the character will start to lose health from their vitals (like the liver for example). Haven't thought of a rate at which they would lose health, but I think that .1 or.2 health lost per second would create enough urgency for someone to do something about it Anyway, it's just a thought, good night
  6. Yeah, they introduced it in 1.03 or 1.04 to kind of tell you when you were successfully broadcasting somewhere in game, but it really screwed with my ability to speak properly. For radios, PA systems and megaphones, I think that adding something akin to the system of TFAR from Arma 3 would be good, as in you hear your voice instantly (or near instantly) with a kind of filter after speaking into it
  7. Brother Hao

    Experimental Update 1.03.151487

    Also it does damage then, should've mentioned that
  8. Brother Hao

    Experimental Update 1.03.151487

    Actually it does deploy, but it's just invisible. To make it visible demolish a part of your gate (any part) and it should become visible. Weird glitch though
  9. Brother Hao

    Experimental Update 1.03.151487

    2 planks and 10 nails afaik
  10. Brother Hao

    Experimental Update 1.03.151487

    What goes on the civilian belt? Thanks!
  11. Brother Hao

    Experimental Update 1.03.151457

    If you've verified your game files, hold the weapon up with RMB and press F
  12. Brother Hao

    Experimental Update 1.03.151457

    With the addition of the weapon melee animations, could we please have the spear animations reworked? The current animation for hitting a spear looks really bad, it's like you're wiping a spear in front of a zombie until he falls over. I think that borrowing one of the weapon bayonet animations would work wonders, and I don't think it would be too much work to adapt it to the spear. Thanks!
  13. Brother Hao


    what update?
  14. Brother Hao

    Zombies and other AI are laggy

    While playing on the server with the IP address, I noticed that zombies had really laggy and slowed down animations for everything, which became much more noticeable when I'd aggro them and make them chase me. The ping on the server was around 70-80. Have no idea whats causing it.
  15. Brother Hao

    Experimental Update 0.63.149840

    Going into the server browser crashes the game for me...
  16. Brother Hao

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    Fingers crossed that this is going to go well. I'm very skeptical that it will, but hope dies last.
  17. ATM if you for example find a pair of combat boots to store your knife in, and take it out sometime later and press the quick select button to put it back in the inventory, it goes to the first set of slots it can go into, which means that the knife (provided there's enough room for it of course) is stored in the backpack/pants/whatever instead of your combat boots. Please add the option to place our items in the order we want them in in the inventory. Thanks!