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Everything posted by Griev

  1. New Mod: Added Spawn and Gear Customisation Options
  2. New Mod Added today: Cl0ud's Military Gear https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1630943713
  3. UPDATE: - Removed 'unlimited stamina' MOD - Added Custom Stamina config with less drain and increased re-gain whilst walking and idle **NO MORE COD ARMY** You get more stamina and increased re-gain but cannot carry the world without a penalty... back to how DayZ should be player Dare You Try uDARE! Fresh image of the re vampt Camp uDARE with Black Market Trader (no Safe Zone)
  4. Bump! Don't miss out on our current promotions: New Player and Referrals All new players and the character that has referred them can claim 12.5k Rubles and a free teleport to the trader of your choice. NEW GROUP PROMOTION (Base Building Starter Kits) In an effort to get more diversity on the server, we will be giving out base-building kits to qualified new groups. This will consist of a bunch of base-building materials, tent(s), barrel(s) (1x tent or 1x barrel per person at the location) Great Content, Great Community. KOS is allowed, interaction is encouraged.
  5. Griev

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Hi i fully verified the files and have tried both an existing tent and a new placed tent
  6. Griev

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    You dont seem to be able to re pack a tent .. the image is there and the animation but tent fails to pack......
  7. Griev

    Experimental Update 1.0150625

    is this going to need a server wipe?
  8. If i wanted to manually backup the enviroment and player databases seperatly which the folders/files would i need to backup
  9. Griev

    Status Report - January 2019

    Do we know when this patch will be made official and then available for the community modded servers