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Everything posted by Zze

  1. hey, i am trying to set a random integer to set a random amount of rubles on a player at spawn... so far i've tried int cashrd = int.Parse(Math.RandomIntInclusive(8,348)); - returns a string for some reason xD? int cashrnd = random 348; -fucks off and thinks there isn't a semicolon :/ am I just stupid or what am i doing wrong :3?
  2. hey, having a problem on my pvp server, so many player bodies are amassing it causing frame drop.. anyone know how to increase the rate at which bodies despawn?
  3. Zze

    Trader Script

  4. togglebox, just a windows vbox, but i have full control, they dont block any ports either, I've run many different game servers/web services from them without ever an issue.
  5. lol, I've tried with firewall comepletly disabled still didn't show up :3
  6. I've noticed this too, even if you just filter to servers you've already played... at first thought might have something todo with using DZSA launcher, but doesn't seem to be the case. :/
  7. Zze

    Server global text chat

    is there a way to enable global chat, so if a player presses / and types everyone will see it?
  8. Zze

    automatic backup

    or could do something like rdiff http://www.nongnu.org/rdiff-backup/
  9. Zze

    crash server with this init.c

    also one thing just noticed you have like 5 -mod lines, lol should be -mod=simplekilllogger;@HypothermiaAndHyperthermiaMod;@StatusIndicatorsMod;@New wolves;@TUNED wheels;@Sandbox;@BuilderItems except probably with out the spaces
  10. oh yes i did misunderstand :P well might still not what you're talking about, but i know you can adjust the tier or basically what class building loot spawns in like this <value name="Tier1"/> <value name="Tier2"/> <value name="Tier3"/> <usage name="Military"/> <usage name="Town"/> <usage name="Village"/> <usage name="Police"/> <usage name="Hunting"/> etc... in DayZServer\mpmissions\*YOUR*MISSION*FOLDER\db\types.xml but dont think you can set by location, just class of buildings
  11. <var name="SpawnInitial" type="0" value="1200"/> <var name="ZombieMaxCount" type="0" value="1000"/> _______________ yeah tools aren't fully worked out, there is no launcher, an they can be little buggy, but for ceeditor check: *\DayZ Tools\Bin\CeEditor bin folder contains the other tools aswell.
  12. I think its just your settings, i have me and like 2 other ppl on my server and theres zombies everyone lol xD to the point I feel like need to turn them down although your question still remains valid and am also interested to hear. :)
  13. for player spawns its DayZServer\mpmissions\*YOUR*MISSION*FOLDER\cfgplayerspawnpoints.xml for chaning loot spawns DayZServer\mpmissions\*YOUR*MISSION*FOLDER\db\types.xml <nominal>0</nominal> higher this is more often it spawns (assuming based looking at other high spawn rate things, <min>0</min> is how many spawn (dunno if thats across map or what) for what loot zombies drop reference DayZServer\mpmissions\*YOUR*MISSION*FOLDER\cfgspawnabletypes.xml and DayZServer\mpmissions\*YOUR*MISSION*FOLDER\db\types.xml
  14. Zze

    crash server with this init.c

    if your using a bat to start try adding cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer before the start part
  15. Zze


    are you using advancedloadout or anything that changes spawning behavior?
  16. Zze

    crash server with this init.c

    and do you have the -config parameter set when you are launching the server?
  17. Zze

    Data base error: DB ERROR

    are you playing on experimental branch or stable? you have to make sure the server you're connecting to is one in the same
  18. Zze

    crash server with this init.c

    then your serverDZ.cfg isn't being loaded or doesn;t have an instance id defined
  19. Zze

    Server is not displayed in LAN

    is both server and client on stable branch? or do you have client on experimental?
  20. Zze

    Air drops

    I am using airdrops without issue
  21. Zze

    DZSA lancher for mods crashing

    lol, glad you got it working.
  22. Zze

    DZSA lancher for mods crashing

    so working now?
  23. Zze

    DZSA lancher for mods crashing

    xD em... -ModdedScripts= isn't a thing? thats the folder with scripts from DayZSurvival...
  24. Zze

    DZSA lancher for mods crashing

    send a copy of your start.bat , and a picture of the dayzserver root like this
  25. Zze

    DZSA lancher for mods crashing

    so @DayZPlus and @weapon_redux_pack? have you tried runing them by themselfs to see if they work indpendently?