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Everything posted by Zze

  1. Zze

    Deleting Bases

    the sql light database that exists, is more or less a link table, meaning really only thing that is stored is players UID and if that character is alive it then correlates to the various .bin files for actual placement data and what is being stored. (I am guesstmating that last part) PS viewing the bin files in a hex editor is worthless :P although still haven't bothering trying to convert and mount them yet, although feel like wont be any good results there either. I am assuming a better way to go about this would be an admin based tool, that directly interacts with the worlds db... also for anyone wondering whats in the blob part of the sql table is, it appears to be alot of unreadble test, mixed in with gear equiped, and i assume character data.
  2. Zze

    server vps

    thats good to know :), thank you for sharing
  3. Zze

    server vps

    https://www.howtogeek.com/140352/how-to-host-an-ftp-server-on-windows-with-filezilla/ mind you I wouldn't open it up to your entire drive just a designated folder, and would just run it while you need to transfer, and not leave it running in the background.
  4. Zze

    server vps

    or setup a ftp server on one and ftp client on the other. side note zipping/raring, any compression really it with make the process alot faster even if it doesn't decrease size by much, simply cause not have to recreate directories.. however im not sure just copying everything from one place to another would do anything for you, from my understanding steam needs to be present and authenticated, as well that account needs to own dayz to launch the server. in which case might aswell setup steam at that point and just copy mission/mod files over.
  5. Zze

    Running Steam Dayz mods on Local server

    if you are trying to add dzmods there is literately instructions xD https://github.com/Da0ne/DZMods#how-to-setup anyway, assuming you have a server running, lets just say you are trying to add https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1561447232 was gonna type it up but DjCtavia actually did a good job explaining it on their githup page, so just gonna link that instead. https://github.com/DjCtavia/DayZ-EternalDay#how-to-use-the-mod- you'd repeat that process for other mods
  6. Zze

    loot zombies

    \DayZServer\mpmissions\*YourMissionFolder*\cfgspawnabletypes.xml using same from above example... you would look at this part <children> <child lootmax="5" lootmin="0" max="0" min="100" type="ZmbM_PrisonerSkinny"/> </children> more importantly 'ZmbM_PrisonerSkinny', if you search for that in cfgspawnabletypes.xml you find <!-- Prisoner --> <type name="ZmbM_PrisonerSkinny"> <cargo chance="0.10"> <item name="Rope" chance="0.14" /> </cargo> </type> hope that helps :)
  7. Zze

    loot zombies

    I could be wrong, but i believe that's in \DayZServer\mpmissions\*YourMissionFolder*\db\events.xml for example, <event name="InfectedPrisoner"> <waves>0</waves> <nominal>50</nominal> <min>25</min> <max>100</max> <lifetime>3</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <saferadius>100</saferadius> <distanceradius>50</distanceradius> <cleanupradius>100</cleanupradius> <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1" sec_spawner="0"/> <position>player</position> <limit>custom</limit> <active>1</active> <children> <child lootmax="5" lootmin="0" max="0" min="100" type="ZmbM_PrisonerSkinny"/> </children> </event>
  8. Hello just trying to setup a server to mess around on, however running into this right out of the box... one thing i notice it seems to be wanting a 32bit executable, where as I am trying to launch 'DayZServer_x64.exe' anyway here is the output. 21:51:18 Dedicated host created. 21:51:19 [Inputs] Loading inputs cfg "C:\Users\Main\Documents\DayZ Other Profiles\Server\Server.core.xml" 21:51:22 [ERROR][Server config] :: instanceId parameter is mandatory and must be valid 32-bit integer.
  9. Zze

    [solved] server creation failed.

    thank you very much! works perfectly now :) but side not for anyone else having this problem i kinda also derped out and made the serverDZ.cfg but never populated it with actual config so might of also had an impact... eitherway thanks for the proper start bat eggy785