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About nico1122

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. nico1122

    Request GUI editor for Dialogs

    And that would be which one? Edit: For dumb ones like me, just open the *.layout directly in your workbench.
  2. nico1122

    UI Scripting

    You would have to override the corresponding OnRPC function. In DayZPlayerImplement is a debug version of autowalk inside the rpc function. Overriding this wont break something so go ahead and play around with it. override void OnRPC(PlayerIdentity sender, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx) Edit: and dont put your custom RPC in the ERPCs, make a new file with your own naming it MyRPCs for example.
  3. nico1122

    UI Scripting

    @code // example sending void Send() { ScriptRPC rpc = new ScriptRPC(); rpc.Write(645); rpc.Write("hello"); array<float> farray = {1.2, 5.6, 8.1}; rpc.Write(farray); rpc.Send(m_Player, ERPCs.RPC_TEST, true, m_Player.GetIdentity()); } // example receive void OnRPC(ParamsReadContext ctx) { int num; string text; array<float> farray; ctx.Read(num); ctx.Read(text); ctx.Read(farray); } @endcode You will need RPCs. ERPCs is an enum in 3_Game\Enum, you can just create your own. As far as I understand, to open a window for one specific player, this player has to sent an RPC to the server, which allows the player to open that window/menu/whatever. Search the script.pbo for RPCSingleParam() and and OnRPC(PlayerIdentity sender, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx)