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About Lt.Master

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    Game Dev and Web application

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  1. But what about Xbox ?
  2. Lt.Master

    Experimental Update 1.18 (Change Log)

    But what about xbox ? 😛 More seriously can't wait to play with the Derringer once again 🙂
  3. Lt.Master

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    Yup my bad, as for the "'Sensitivity settings is now exponential instead of linear", no clue can't notice it ingame
  4. Lt.Master

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    This is new I think
  5. Lt.Master

    1.14 Experimental Release

    DayZ Doesn't have a "experimental" version on Playstation compared to PC and Xbox. So you will have to wait for the update to drop on stable on all consoles. It's way too early to know any dates.
  6. Lt.Master

    Experimental Update 1.07

    The feature was not finished, probably a work in progress feature that was drop by mistake ingame since notes and map markers were still full of bugs and devs stuff like random colored markers for example 😛
  7. Lt.Master

    about 1.05

    Community servers (on pc) are not forced to wipe. The administrator of the server can decide that for his own server.
  8. Lt.Master

    Tell me how to make a wipe on the server?

    Inside your sever mission (DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus) You should see a folder named "storage_1" (the number can be something else) delete this folder
  9. Lt.Master

    Another wonderful 1.04 "solution"

    Well it should but if the server you are on didn't had it it's dayz fault but the fault of the guy who own this server. Server hosting server write ingame message (most of them) and any server can config a file to create automatic messages about restarts for example. I have on the server I have a message 2 hours, 1 hour, 30 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes and 1 minute before each restarts and a automatic message tell me the restart hours from time to time. Here it's a issue related to the owner of the server who didn't do his job... Or because the server crashed (1.04 is very unstable server side)
  10. Lt.Master

    How to ruin a private server.

    You can't even edit your server mission with a ftp access ?!? REALLY BOHEMIA x) I already started a guide of how to use the CE Editor (where the loot/AI should spawn) but I need to redo it to make it easier to understand
  11. Lt.Master

    Where are all the guides?

    You start from scratch How do you setup the modding environment properly.. Launch dayz tools => Workbench => Workbench (again) => Options => Source data directory => P:/ Which paths are important, which paths can you set yourself? like drive p etc How do you get your project into the script editor? Launch Dayz tools, make sure P drive is a thing => Launch the workbench => Go to view => script editor How do you get your project into Visual Studio? create a new project from Visual Studio like normal How do you prepare the server with the command line "-mod=mod_number1;mod_number2" (servermod and clientmod can also be used) How do you prepare the client Like any other mods, you activate it from your launcher or with the command line "-mod=mod_number1;mod_number2" With or without BattlEye? you don't care How do you build or pack the mod to be tested or should you test unpacked? With the Addon Builder tool Which tools do you need? Is the DayZ Tools collection enough? Dayz tools is enough for scripting, animating, texturing and modeling, can't tell for mapping Ok you have a mod now, how do you sign it, pack it and then put it into the workshop? With the Publisher tool this guy @Matthew Longtime have a lot of videos for beginners https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtCgHJZAu6nuESC8XcjwsKQ/videos Septic Falcon made a video to show how to add a skins and is better explained for skins/mod repack and mod config
  12. Lt.Master

    How to ruin a private server.

    It's possible to fix this issue but you need to change a lot of things in the CLE however you won't be able to fix the stoage/base building issue. Oh and my solution also have flaws but for a private server it's not a really big deal The biggest issue is not the player inventory but the items inside containers (barrels, tents, cars, etc). The player inventory have a minor impact on loot distribution. All you have to do is to open a mission file and play with the values to see what they do. I am tweaking my mission for a server for month now and I have fixed all the loot distribution issues that can be fixed without any mods. If you need any information about CLE and CE I am here to help 🙂 don't need to
  13. Lt.Master

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Sarka120 is already in experimental cars and trucks first, other types of transports only after
  14. Lt.Master

    How to increase loot

    Some mods/scripts have been created to make zombies more populated even if there is a tool for that but from what I know there is no mods for loots
  15. Lt.Master

    Buggy Scopes

    Hello 🙂 you can't attach the BUIS to the UMP or the MP5 but ONLY the M4A1. This is not a bug, it's meant to be like that sorry ^^' https://dayz.gamepedia.com/Backup_Iron_Sights (yes I know the wiki is wrong)