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Everything posted by LastS

  1. Hello, i would like to know how to do that vehicles spawn repaired, or set what items are damaged Thanks!
  2. LastS

    How vehicles spawn work?

    Hi, i would like to know how works the vehicles spawn system. I set a high number of 4x4 to spawn, and set only 3 spawnpoits on eventsspawnpoints xml file, but only spawn 2 cars, and 1 spawn gets empty. Later i set the desired points that i want to spawn 30 4x4, but i am flying with the admin tool to check if spawns and i cant see anything at spawns.. Is it bugged or how it works? My code example for tests: cfgeventspawns.xml <event name="VehicleOffroadHatchback"> <pos x="4887.453125" z="2855.823242" a="257.481689" /> <pos x="4812.296875" z="6798.160156" a="327.097870" /> <pos x="5010.281250" z="6816.060547" a="203.527695" /> <pos x="3300.640625" z="3822.350586" a="240.870575" /> <pos x="9898.375000" z="8734.794922" a="241.005386" /> <pos x="11447.343750" z="7570.854004" a="325.940186" /> <pos x="11447.984375" z="7447.103516" a="106.006348" /> <pos x="9246.359375" z="13611.951172" a="92.931969" /> <pos x="6017.953125" z="7819.673828" a="69.972427" /> <pos x="7648.000000" z="12665.000000" a="288.604095" /> <pos x="7606.875000" z="12628.797852" a="67.133316" /> <pos x="6911.546875" z="7801.909668" a="138.833054" /> <pos x="6139.031250" z="7737.602051" a="225.997452" /> <pos x="12621.187500" z="13833.891602" a="128.923950" /> <pos x="12533.281250" z="13792.261719" a="9.391764" /> <pos x="12588.015625" z="13816.601563" a="288.245911" /> <pos x="2741.140625" z="12162.149414" a="113.329292" /> <pos x="3534.265625" z="14188.257813" a="207.150467" /> <pos x="1389.093750" z="11995.000000" a="72.688065" /> </event> and now the events.xml <event name="VehicleOffroadHatchback"> <waves>0</waves> <nominal>80</nominal> <min>50</min> <max>80</max> <lifetime>300</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <saferadius>1000</saferadius> <distanceradius>500</distanceradius> <cleanupradius>200</cleanupradius> <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1" sec_spawner="0"/> <position>fixed</position> <limit>mixed</limit> <active>1</active> <children> <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="80" min="50" type="OffroadHatchback"/> </children> </event> Can anyone help me? :/
  3. LastS

    server crash several times

    I got disabled building persistence.. with this enabled doors doesnt open
  4. LastS

    server crash several times

    You can disable this popup window, its fineif you have an anticrashscript, so dayz will close fully without you do anything http://truelogic.org/wordpress/2015/04/17/disable-application-debugclose-popup-on-program-crash/
  5. LastS

    server crash several times

    +1 i just was typing a topic like this, my server is crashing too, and i have not mods implemented, only edited stamina and player/vehicles spawns...
  6. It didn't worked for me... I am getting the same message "incorrect login"
  7. LastS

    Change Hunger and thrist

    Hello, in which script fileis alocated the hunger and thirst parameter, i cant find lol Thanks!
  8. LastS

    Change Hunger and thrist

    Yeees, there is, thx
  9. LastS

    Change Hunger and thrist

    In which file is alocated to modify. Like the stamina that is in constants.c
  10. Im getting an error "Failed to login..." at the BE console window..
  11. LastS

    Player Database access?

  12. LastS

    Server Database

  13. Hello, i just updated DayZ, enter to my server and when i have a weapon in hands, and press LEFT SHIFT + W to run, i see a bug like when you are aiming. Better explained in video: YouTube Demo
  14. LastS

    Server won´t start

    You need launch the server with parameters, the best way is with a launcher.bat file like this: @echo off cls set watch=DayZ Server title %watch% Watchdog cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer" :watchdog echo (%time%) %watch% started. start "DayZ Server" /wait "DayZServer_x64.exe" -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck echo (%time%) %watch% closed or crashed, restarting. goto watchdog
  15. LastS

    Can't connect DaRT

    Hello, i was trying to use DaRT on my server but i am not able to connect to my server. I read that i should have a battleye.cfg file, but i dont have Can anyone help me with this app? Thanks!
  16. LastS

    Can’t refuel lada with canteen

    Only with the jerry can at the moment
  17. LastS

    no one can see or join my server

    You must open ports on your router (if is hosted at your home) and at Windows Firewall
  18. LastS

    How vehicles spawn work?

    Yes, i fixed this, but i was not the problem..
  19. LastS

    Server Install Help

    Send a screenshoot of this please
  20. LastS

    Admin Menu

    Is working fine for me, idk why you have an error :S
  21. LastS

    Server Install Help

    Close steam, and i recomend copy the server to another folder because when steam updates the server, it will replace your moded files
  22. LastS

    Select Spawns

  23. LastS

    Select Spawns

    Yes you can, but you have to develop this function, is easy, i am not at home now to do
  24. LastS

    Admin Menu

    It worked for me lol, be sure that your code is like that, and place your correct SteamID64