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About sickness_1

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    On the Coast

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  1. sickness_1

    EXP Servefiles

    lol at stable
  2. sickness_1

    Server not posting messages

    As of this last update our server isn't posting messages in the server itself. They are however posting in dart we have a kill message setup and rules but nothing showing in server... Any ideas ?
  3. sickness_1

    How to make barrels stay?

    awesome thanks for the info
  4. sickness_1

    How to make barrels stay?

    so the lifetime isn't what makes them despawn after a period of time? We are wanting them to not despawn at all, we thought setting it to -1 would work but it didnt
  5. sickness_1

    How to make barrels stay?

    We cannot make barrels stay. Any help would be appreciated. We may have a bad script in for it I believe we copied the script for tents and made a few adjustments.. <type name="Barrel_Blue"> <nominal>80</nominal> <lifetime>3888000</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>20</min> <max>200</max> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="containers"/> <usage name="Village" /> <usage name="Military"/> <usage name="Industrial"/> </type>