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Everything posted by awalsh47

  1. awalsh47

    Base full of duped gear

    For obvious duped bases you need to call it out on the forum. I know there is a bann on this but if it's base as duped as this with 20 plus Lars then come on. It has to be duped
  2. awalsh47

    I Don't Want To Sound Like A Broken Record, but...

    Pre Xmas there were too many aks and m4s and everyone was complaining about that. I remember the mp5 was really rare then too. Whenever I'd get a mp5 id normally get rid of it before I found a mag as I'd find an m4 or ak easier. It's been years but when I played on pc i think the m4 and all were the rarest spawning Ars in barracks but you could also find ak74s, Ak74us and ak 101s.
  3. awalsh47

    I Don't Want To Sound Like A Broken Record, but...

    A lot of people are blaming duping on cod style players who pvp the coast. I actually think the more "hardcore" Milslim and organised factions are the biggest offenders. There's a huge amount obsession with having matching uniforms and loadout plus quite a lot of these players on discord are getting shot and within a few hours are dropping in discussion that they are running m4s and aks with full ghillies etc. This is clearly from duped stashes. These players while embracing the games lore building factions etc are also doing this by underhanded means.
  4. awalsh47

    General tips for Xbox players.

    Your safer from cheap deaths raiding mil bases on high pop servers. Hoppers usually target only low pop servers. If your in a low pop server and think you have VMC all to yourself there's a chance someone could spawn right behind you
  5. awalsh47


    There's 3 more ak variants to go. As far as I remember ak74s were easier to find than akm in .62 so that should balance things
  6. awalsh47

    Tips and stuff I've learned.

    Love the teddy bear touch! People say coast is full of murderers ( which it is)but I've never had a nice interaction inland....just shot at by no mics
  7. awalsh47

    Night is now HORRIBLE!!!!!

    I didn't notice much of a difference. It seemed darker which isn't a bad thing. I thought it was a little too bright before and this might encourage more use of torches etc.
  8. awalsh47

    anyone think we will see dayz solo on xbox

    There really is no need for solo offline at all. Even on packed servers I can not run into anyone for hours at a time
  9. awalsh47

    Databased AGAIN

    Ah come on. That's not fair. You get trapped you deal with it
  10. awalsh47

    Databased AGAIN

    Stop duping and hopping
  11. awalsh47

    Ingame Stats

    100% We don't need this. I'm already worries that some of the achievement relate to killing people. I can totally see people killing me on sight just because they want to pop that headshot chevo:(
  12. awalsh47

    Where find weapons? М-4 and KA

    Yeah aks and m4s are so rare people are shooting on sight for them. As dupers are ruining the game in shooting on site anyone who has one too and so are my friends. Sure we will kill a few normal players but we will kill way more dupers
  13. awalsh47

    where to find them?!

    Dupers have buried them on the coast. This is being fixed in the next update
  14. awalsh47

    Persistence is broken

    Then just play pubg. Honestly it's a great game. I play it myself from time to time. You spawn in. Get mil grade loot in 10 minutes. You have to fight tactical and you get your pvp fix. Duping is not playing the game as intended and ruining it for everyone else. It's also not fair to dupe yourself a full loadout and them slaughter everyone who is trying to play the game properly
  15. Apparently sks is easy enough to find in any military area. You don't need mags for it which is handy, just load the 7.62 x39 straight in. Mp5 is really easy to find now which is refreshing as it was really rare in game preview but 9mm is quite scarce. I can't find it loose or in boxes just in cz75 pistol mags which are common- I take the mag, eject the ammo to put it my mp5 mags and then dump the empty pistol mag after 45 ammo seems to be everywhere too
  16. I'll probably get one legit player for every 9 dirty dupers so yeah it's for the greater good. Probably won't take it to be honest. Have way to much moison ammo. Plus I have both an fx45 and mp5 for close stuff. Let the dupe gear go back to the land
  17. Great to hear the lack of aks and m4s is due to our duper friends. I'll be shooting anyone carrying one on sight until the update drops.
  18. awalsh47


    A friend of mine got attacked by wolves with no gun mid forest. He found a caravan thing and hid in it chopping at it from the doorway. He emerged victorious. I've ran into them quite a lot this week. Once twice 10 minutes apart near novo
  19. awalsh47

    Persistence is broken

    Glad you and your duper friends were inconvenienced. Why do you even bother playing? The whole point of the game is to explore and survive and not gear within minutes. If your friend dies then go find him on the coast and join him to get geared. Travel the hills and enjoy the journey. If you want to play a game where you can get fully geared in 15 mins play pubg- it's a great game
  20. awalsh47


    Ah now. It's a survival game. You gotta take your chances!
  21. awalsh47

    Where find weapons? М-4 and KA

    I don't mind the ars being rare. I have a moison,mp5 and a 45 handgun and don't need anything else. I'd actually be careful openly carrying am ak or m4 now as I'd Likily be shot for it
  22. awalsh47

    The Xbox One launch FAQ!

    It's going on 2 weeks....I wonder how close we are to getting 1.02. Would love to get a fal before the dupers do
  23. awalsh47

    New player

    Accept you will die. Don't listen to everyone who says trust no one. You may get shot but you could have an adventure so approach people and be nice. Beach comb and check the boats for food, water and if you are lucky a drybag backpack when you spawn Dangerous areas. The coast. Loads of dickheads go around fully geared murdering everyone here especially in big city's. Kamy and solinchy are probably the most dangerous. Electro and berezino not much better. Cherno is safest but still sketchy. Police stations: despite having crap loot a lot of people hang around these. Mil bases: even nice guys shoot first here. Get what you need and get out. Mil bases on a full server are less risky as on low pop servers there are loads more server hoppers. Stareye: mil tents nearby and there is always people here as several well travelled routes to tisy and NWAF go through here. Both Sabor towns. Both located on popular routes. One of them has a mil tent camp too.
  24. awalsh47

    People talk about getting locked

    There's no servers that are better or worse for Kos I stick to the same Eu hc server. Had two interactions. Both friendly I don't have any locked in database issues as I dont server hop.
  25. awalsh47

    Where find weapons? М-4 and KA

    Server hopping is as cancerous as duping