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Everything posted by awalsh47

  1. awalsh47

    First KOS encounter

    My only reason for hitting mil bases are for assualt vests and camo nets. As for camo you can get decent camo hunting gear in safer spots. I get everything else I need elsewhere. Hitting mil bases now as a few friends need camo, vests and sks's( essentially the only free spawning top tier general purpose defence/combat weapon) so I cover from the treeline with the m70. My guys are all running scoped moisons and either shotty/sks/mp5 and that's a solid loadout. 45 ammo is all over the place at mil bases and fx 45s are easy to find too so that's our go to pistol. IJ70s get dropped once we get 45s and the 9mm pistol& ammo is too uncommon, we tend to give the 9mm to the guys with mp5s. We tend to give IJ70s to new spawns if we come across any and they seem cool
  2. awalsh47

    First KOS encounter

    People generally kill on sight at mil bases. I try to talk if I'm raiding them on my own but if in a group rules are kill on sight unless they engage us in a friendly manner first. Outside of mil bases we are friendly. Normally we will watch and stalk you but we won't shoot unless you have an Assualt rifle as it's likily your a cheating duper and need to be put down
  3. awalsh47

    Lack of good weapons!!!!

    Take a seat son...
  4. awalsh47


    I understand from youtube the dupers current duping methods entails changing servers so I think a character lock will fix this.
  5. awalsh47


    Nope just lock character to server. Solve the hopping problem and duping problem immediately. All my friends play on the same.server so I have no reason to hop. If other friends did play elsewhere and I wanted to join them the annoyance of starting from scratch is greatly reduced knowing I won't have to deal with cancerous dupers or cry baby "boo hoo I want an m4/ak", server hopping pricks who could appear behind me in a barracks and shoot me in the back Imagine how refreshing it would be?
  6. I had a gaming pc years ago but now have kids and bills to pay. It was great to get games and play them on ultra setting. My xbox x plays games that look incredible now. Dayz and far cry 5 look absolutely stunning and the gap in quality isn't what it used to be. Plus all my friends who I hang out in real life all play xbox Only thing I miss is RTS games Anyway back to night time opinions anyone?
  7. awalsh47

    Developers cater to people with no life outside of this game

    Your doing it wrong mate. It's a survival game. Your supposed to survive not gear up in mil gear. Ever since wholesale duping came in I don't bother worrying about Assualt rifles. An sks is just fine for protection. I much prefer building camps, fixing cars and escorting fresh clan mates up the coast or just encountering friendly randams. If I kill a guy with an m4 or ak all good.
  8. awalsh47


    I loved it early on when I didn't know the map. Unfortunately I'm getting pretty familiar with the map now due to how much I'm playing.
  9. Absolutely right. All servers should be syched at night. There's a whole different set of challenges required to survive at night. This is a survial game and a lot of the survival elements still need to be reintroduced so an hour of night added so much. Do I raid that mil base or cross the runway of NWAF under the cover of darkness to save me hiking the long all the way around during the day? Do I reorganise my camp and cook all that raw meat? Will someone see my campfire and bump me off? Darkness has cought me by surprise and now I have to sneak through all off Novo wondering if those footsteps are creeping players or shuffling zombies. People who complain about the long night and log off need to get some balls or play a different game. Dayz is a hardcore survival game. I swear most people whinning and bleating on this board seem to think it's a game about running to a miltary base and finding an assault rifle
  10. awalsh47

    Anyone Play Inland?

    I'm in the dayz community discord and they have a section devoted to 3858.
  11. awalsh47

    Anyone Play Inland?

    Yeah I got shot near green mountain by a gang of geared guys 2 weeks ago. Went unconscious. I came around restrained, we chatted , they were cool and they let me go. Even gave me a new backpack to replace the one they shot. Same character still going strong. Logged off near Severograd just now after trekking up from guglovo with my buddy
  12. awalsh47

    1.03 on PC

    Solid update. Hope we get it soon. Would have liked more guns than the vss but the huge melee changes look great
  13. awalsh47

    Anyone Play Inland?

    Don't you worry we do the same👍 I have a megaphone and will call out first usually from a distance. I've ran into a lot of friendly players on this server. That said two guys gunned me down in Groka last week after I said o was friendly so there are a few bad eggs
  14. awalsh47


    Yep. It's a fantastic starter weapon. Hunt game with slugs, great city looting defence weapon and ammo is plentyful
  15. awalsh47

    Anyone Play Inland?

    Ha we were aiming to hit Gorka last night but got turned around in the dark and ended up near the Sabors. Will keep an eye out for that Ada later
  16. awalsh47

    Anyone Play Inland?

    Nice I'm irish and so are 4 others in the group and we have one Englishman. Myself and my English buddy are on most often- he just spawned back so I came down to meet him at coast. We are both currently heading back inland and likily on tonight.
  17. awalsh47

    Okay guys...WTF?!?!?!

    I don't kill on sight. I often get killed for it. However while I don't remember all the many who have shot me dead I remember all those with whom I have had a good interaction with. If everyone was nice the game would be less exciting
  18. awalsh47

    Anyone Play Inland?

    Might see you in chenarus. Me and my boys play this server and no other.
  19. awalsh47

    dupers are a real piece of work

    Nice one buddy. A week long bann might make them think it's quicker to home across the map legit to get geared. That journey is the whole reason for the game
  20. awalsh47

    dupers are a real piece of work

    Type duping into YouTube. There guys dedicated to it and loads of comments asking to get involved. I love to take all their gamertag and bann them. You can get banned for cheating in a lot of other xbox games so why not this one.
  21. awalsh47

    Dayz Battle royale: quest for M4

    If you want to run around and find loads of guns play pubg
  22. awalsh47

    1pp servers are getting full

    I think they should add a few more 1pp servers given how much more popular they are since 1.01 My regular is starting to get big queue. I can't bring myself to play on a cheap corner peaking servers
  23. awalsh47

    Stole a couple of Tents last night

    Yeah I thought of chopping the tree but had no hatchet with me at the time.. I still don't have an axe actually and have a lot of meat to cook so I'd better find one. Tent was in an area that nearly.always has bases so will go back and try steal.another one
  24. awalsh47

    Stole a couple of Tents last night

    I had such shit luck ladt night. Found a tent lying on the forest floor. Clearly dumped down while the owner looted the nearby hunting lodges so I took it to hands and furiously ran through a whole city to meet my friend who was half the map away. Put the tent down to take water and it doesn't appear on the ground but half way up a tree truck at head level( was hiding in some trees as I dropped it) I try jumping on it crawling under it, circling it from all angles and trying to loot via proximity from every angle for ten minutes with no joy. Ended up leaving it there 😔
  25. awalsh47

    Night is now HORRIBLE!!!!!

    I actually deliberately hit the dangerous spots at night. Pretty sure I passed close to a few survivors in severgo in the dark the other night and was pretty thrilling. The long nights force you to move around rather than wait 5 mins for dawn as before. Had a great moment last night in Trot mil base when I thought I was being really clever looting it in the dark but agroed zombies and got trapped in a barracks with loads of them outside. Sun began to rise and I panicked I'd be a sitting duck and had to go loud to get out. As I escaped over the wall the base erupted in shots so obviously at least two other groups decided to hit the base at sunrise so I got out in the nick of time!