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Everything posted by awalsh47

  1. So I'm on holiday today and won't be back until post update so I went to the coast to die. Wow what a shit show. Hundreds of tents not just on the ground but up in the sky! Entire treeline was lined with snipers who shot whoever spawned and to cap it off I got killed by a meatball- in an FPS server! I thought meatballs were confined to the kiddie friendly corner peaking 3rd person servers? So annoyed.
  2. awalsh47

    game needs coop

    Or worse. After 2 hours of searching. "Hey buddy is that you coming over the hill over there in a dark hunter camo and hiker backpack?" "Yeah that's me" "You have a moison out?" "Yeah have it in hands as pack is full- I got a shotgun on my shoulder I can drop for you if you need" "Sweet I have shells for that...wow where you find that cool knight helmet?" "Mate it's a biker helmet, wow can you get Medieval helmets in the game"? " holy shit so that's not you...BANG YOU ARE DEAD
  3. awalsh47

    Status Report - July 2019

    Reading back a few months I heard on a dev stream that 1.03 or 1.04 was supposed to be a survival focused patch with broken limbs fishing more sickness etc. Then we got the vss and night vision in .3 and more aks and nades in 1.04. Looks like they are making it up as they go along
  4. awalsh47

    Status Report - July 2019

    What's the story with bears? We need bears. Give us some yogi We can go all Anthony Hopkins in the edge on them.
  5. awalsh47

    game needs coop

    Without isurvive app very hard but that's half the fun. Some of the best times in this game were when I first got it and myself and all my friends were getting lost or trying to decide where we are on the map. Now we all know the map some of that magic is gone. I at a point now where I know the map really well bar the south west section. Pre 1.0 I had a group above Novograd and currently have a group south of Servograd but we are all heading coast side now to pvp before the wipe. Dayz is so much fun as a group though. I suggest you get it the day the 1.04 update drops as the game is broken now with mass duping and people aren't playing the game as intended. Starting fresh now would be painful.
  6. awalsh47

    Private servers & character /server wipe

    Been playing up north on 3858 and it's actually really refreshing. Everyone talks and is for most part friendly. A lot of the player shooting are fun about it. iv been knocked ive either been released after interrogation or tortured so at least that gives me a fun dayz war story to tell The coast from niznoye( Duper central and all out warzone) to kamy is just full of tent cities. If all those people were playing the game across the map the server would be great. I'd love to see servers with more than 60 slots arrive soon too
  7. awalsh47

    Latest Status Report, exploit fixes & future DLC

    I'm a bit concerned about the status report in terms of continued content. They hinted that content will take a backseat to bug fixes. While I expected a lot of weapons from 62 to make it in I expect we will see only a handful of these. Regarding "planned weapons" like the pk,saw and rpgs I expect we won't see any of these. (Had my hopes up with the introduction of tracer ammo) I expect choppers and bears( how good would they be) are not going to happen. Really upset that broken limbs are not coming. There was huge gameplay potential with these. Imagine breaking a leg falling off a rock at night in the forest and the slow scary crawl in the dark for salvation and the feeling of acomplishmet crawling out of the woods as dawn breaks to a village with warmth, food and water. Or getting the quick draw on the guy who betrays you and knocking him unconscious. He wakes up begs for his life or a second chance and instead of executing him you put one in his leg to break it. You walk away leaving him to his fate just as you hear the wolves howl.
  8. awalsh47

    private rented servers

    My issue with private servers is admin abuse. Jlk the you tuber runs his server and was cought using admin tools to track down other players to farm for content. How easily would it be for the admins to track your bases down? Or just dickhead admins banning you for no reason Battlefeild private servers used to be a mess. Banned for playing well. Restrictions on kit etc
  9. awalsh47

    Private servers & character /server wipe

    I'm friendly but tonight I'm starting to eat people The hills of 3858 have eyes.beware
  10. awalsh47

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    Wipe coming. All you can eat human steak buffet in the coast
  11. awalsh47

    game needs coop

    Also if game invites pulled you to where your friends are it would ruin the immersion. It may also lead to easy duping and a cheap base raiding tactics
  12. awalsh47

    game needs coop

    You can group up. You just need to find each other but that's a huge part of the fun. The feeling of seeing a friend over the horizon I'm dayz is one to savour.
  13. awalsh47

    So.. Is this THE week @ImpulZ?

    @ImpulZ are you wiping with the update? Twitter said a wipe would be confirmed this week? Thanks
  14. awalsh47

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    So are we getting wiped or not? @ImpulZ
  15. awalsh47

    Died random

    Yeah you got headshotted. I was playing in party chat with my brother a while ago and i got the red screen walking out of a police station with him. No gunshot just YOU ARE DEAD I heard the shot that killed me over my headset a second later in party chat as my bro had his tv volume up
  16. awalsh47

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    Well done to whoever pinched my legit mil tent full of legitimacy looted items on 3858. Thought I had it well hidden! The question is should I rebuild or just go PVP? ARE WE GETTING WIPED?
  17. awalsh47

    Pulling out gun locks you to FPV

    Something is just wrong about a hardcore survival sim where you have an invisible drone you use to peak around corners whenever you are in a gunfight
  18. awalsh47

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    They tweeted patch is going for certification next week so update will be end of the month as I expected. Wipe or no wipe that's loads of time and I'm sure my tent will be found before then!
  19. awalsh47

    Pulling out gun locks you to FPV

    Just play first person servers. If you are playing 3rd person you are doing it wrong
  20. awalsh47

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    Sorry to bump but They are being elusive on the wipe
  21. awalsh47

    Selected Servers going Offline on July 15th!

    Pc just got more fixed for 1.04 issues. We aren't getting 1.04 until all the issues are ironed out on pc which, taking into account porting and Microsoft approval, means our update is ages away....😞
  22. awalsh47

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    I wish they would tell us if a wipe is coming or not. They said they would give notice of wipes.
  23. awalsh47

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    Ha! We only really got set up 3 days ago. If there's a wipe we can get set again pretty quick!
  24. awalsh47

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    Kind of hope there's no wipe now. Have a nice setup going now with outposts hidden across the map, a nearly working car and an organised group
  25. Can we stop calling them Dupers? A simple Facebook search will shoe up pages of Facebook groups where Dupers are a rock stars, a kind of slick likeable drug dealer. Check out this definition. This is what we call them from now on. #Duperhuntersunited #deathtodupers vermin /ˈvəːmɪn/ Learn to pronounce noun wild animals that are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or which carry disease, e.g. rodents. "killed as vermin or game, the pumas have gone" parasitic worms or insects. "his clothes are infested with vermin" people perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society