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Everything posted by awalsh47

  1. I don't play corner peeker
  2. awalsh47

    Infinite duct tape glitch...

    Ha wolves I can understand with the teeth!
  3. awalsh47

    When you think you've hit the jackpot

    It rains sVD mags in Tisy dude. I got mine after a long trek up there
  4. awalsh47

    Infinite duct tape glitch...

    Allegedly shoes got damaged really quickly when this feature hit pc. It was never an issue with console. Also the zombie hit damage vs cloths has been toned right down
  5. Corner peeker or legitimate fpp server?
  6. awalsh47

    13th Legion Official Dayz Server!

    70 slot-check No corner peeking- check Green mountain safe zone- happy with one safe zone on the map but please don't have more than one. Bit concerned about the ten minute nights . The default setting for 45ish min nights is fine. Surviving a long night is part of the game. Should be at least 30 mins. Still has potential
  7. awalsh47

    1.06 update

    Guys who played Livonia at egx confirmed the following guns are coming with 1.06/livonia Blaze Double barrell shorty Colt 1911 Hopefully we might get a few more
  8. awalsh47


    I'm against killfeeds but taking a dog tag is a nice idea
  9. awalsh47


    I logged in and I was fine
  10. awalsh47

    Found a base but...

    Agree completely. Alts are bullshit. The dupers tool. I attacked a base recently too and at least 3 alts started spawning in after we shot the guys at it
  11. awalsh47

    Hate to say it... but... Xbox players need a map.

    Your right I shouldn't make fun of the corner peekers. They just don't know any better with their invisible periscopes
  12. awalsh47

    Hate to say it... but... Xbox players need a map.

    You shouldn't be playing 3rd person. Move to fps and play it properly
  13. awalsh47

    Hate to say it... but... Xbox players need a map.

    Your supposed to feel lost and it's deliberately hard to navigate. It's a survival game
  14. awalsh47

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    Does Chernarus total size include the area covered by the sea? Given Livornia is landlocked and if you subtracted the sea area from chenarus they are probably a similar size
  15. awalsh47

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    I've sunk hours into dayz and i now know Chernarus so well can navagate it in the dark. I'll be buying this map. I'm curious about where people will spawn on this given there is no coast? Far north, along the river or in the woods south?
  16. awalsh47

    1.06 coming with dlc

    https://www.thesixthaxis.com/2019/09/25/livonia-dayz-new-map-release-date-dlc/ Mentioned here. Surely that means 1.05 has to drop within days for console?
  17. awalsh47

    1.06 coming with dlc

    If 1.06 is coming with the DLC then I can also see console getting 1.05/1.06 combined patch.
  18. awalsh47

    Community servers have been a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT.

    Interactions with the threat of ever present danger. That's dayz. I don't KOS and frown upon it but the huge amount of private servers that have specific pvp zones just don't get it
  19. awalsh47

    Community servers have been a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT.

    5000 pointless 10 man servers Everyones server is behind a password and has a horrific long discord approval process and admins routinely get upset and boot everyone out to reapply again.then they get upset why their 60 or 100 slot has 3 people in it. Snowflake servers with KOS only at airfeild and map wide safe zones. No tension.( by all means have one town as safe zone but the map should be wild and dangerous) Snowflake servers with 5 minute nights-grow a pair. Long nights is part of the game. Snowflake servers where you aren't allowed raid bases Most server owners bring it on themselves
  20. awalsh47

    Still no guns?

    It's a combination of wooden crates and hoarders. Post wipe for about a day people assualt rifles were lootable. After a few days people began mass crafting crates looting mil bases over and over hiding every thing . Some of these guys netted a dozen or so Ars which is approx a third of the global map count. Before that, bar dry bags, you had to either keep your Ar on your person or leave it in a tent or barrell which is easily found, less so a pile of dirt in the middle of deep forest under a bush. With the addition of wooden crates the affect of buried items on item numbers needs to go. To make matters worse I know lots of people who stashed huge numbers of guns in remote locations who haven't played in weeks. All their buried guns are in limbo now for nearly 2 months. Finnally, the rarity of Ars mean you are guaranteed to be shot on site by others seeking these guns as they can't be sought by looting. This means players will hide them in storage to prevent being Kosed or simply kill everyone they see out of self preservation/gear fear. TlDR Assualt rifle count in storage needs to go
  21. awalsh47

    Big Announcement

    The dlc is out early November. There's a new car in the screenshots as well as a double barrell weapon(either a shotgun or the blaze hunting rifle) Both these guns are from .62 and I thought everything in 62 is coming to 1.0. Bohemia seem to be putting things that were planned not implemented in 62 (bears etc) in the dlc Given this is DLC is rolled out in a month I think we might see 1.05 and possibly 1.06 before the dlc
  22. awalsh47

    Still no guns?

    I was playing on a private server. Everyone has got bored of it and there's often no one on. I often go onto the server to practice sniping zeds or using the gun range at tisy However due to hoarding there isnt any military weapons at all. Given my guy is in tisy I often run around to see if I can find any decent guns to play around the range with. Been doing that once a day for a week and there is nothing spawning. My theory is the week this server launched a guy on the facebook was advertising "gun crates" for trade. He insisted they were legitimately looted guns but the number of them seemed to suggest he was duping. Either way it looks like the guy has left the server and there's a big underground mountain of stashed gear somewhere and with only 2 people on a day these will rot for 45 days. The counting guns in storage thing has gone to help with the wooden creditable crates
  23. awalsh47

    Update Fix Wishlist

    Yeah this "coconut" needs to be silenced
  24. awalsh47

    I just lost several geared characters?

    Alts are still bullshit. Me and the guys raided a base a few weeks ago. I got inconned while breaking in but a buddy killed the shooter and another mate of his. ..about a minute later there were guys everywhere all of them similiary kitted. We(4) all died bar one but killed 6 or 7.
  25. awalsh47

    1.05 console update wipe

    I think they may wipe. Underground duping has being going on but mark my words it will be 100 times worse in a week or two. Ran into a base in my home server in the middle of nowhere and they have far too many landmine around it for it to be legit. The server also crashes quite often which is apparently due to a duping exploit where they deliberately provoke a crash to effect a dupe. They need to stop counting ARs in cargo until duping is gone as just one duper can monopolize all the guns in the map. Also loads of people who are butthurt about no Ars are making the problem worse by approaching duper groups in an effort to get them and this encourages the vermin even more.