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Everything posted by awalsh47

  1. awalsh47

    Lack of HC players

    Yeah it's a shame there's not more hc people Which server was the huge base at? So many 3rd person corner peaking girliemen
  2. awalsh47

    Xbox Update 04/02/2019

    The pc got the new scope and items. Xbox update was very small. The big update the pc got should come to us in a week or two
  3. awalsh47

    Server wipe soon?

    Any more news? If there's is a wipe I'd like more notice Twitter says an xbox update is close but didn't mention a wipe
  4. awalsh47

    Favorite YouTube DayZ Content Creators?

    Running man is great Obligated is awful.
  5. awalsh47


    Could you imagine how irritating it would be to be killed by a gunshot from an AI human npc ?
  6. awalsh47


    Bears were supposed to be added once upon a time. They will be a great addition. I'd also love a big foot I'd still be against ai human npcs though
  7. awalsh47

    Landmine FTW

    Who was the streamer? If it was a guy called obligated you should have let them shoot him
  8. awalsh47

    Please Bohemia can we get character locked servers?

    Yeah the server hopping grinders is a pain for me. There's nothing happening outside of mil bases and I hate going to a mil base to get ammo to get killed by some loot goblin appearing out of thin air. Server lock characters has to happen I think
  9. awalsh47

    Armband color meanings

    One of the milsim hero factions wears black arm bands I heard. Blue is supposed to be friendly but I've been gunned down by guys patrolling coast in blue. Masks are seen as bandit accessory though and will often get you shot
  10. awalsh47

    Play dead

    That would be an amazing ability. So much scope for interesting encounters too. Imagine shitting yourself playing dead while a guy loots you?
  11. Pretty sure that's the elk/deer they make some creepy calls
  12. awalsh47

    Forced to get fully geared up?

    Radio towers seem to have some police loot on them. Found an mp5 mag half way up one last night on one near the Sabors.
  13. awalsh47

    Forced to get fully geared up?

    Yeah I really want to give the mp5 a try but it's extremely hard to find. I either get the gun or the mag but never at the same time. M4s,umps and aks are easier to get and normally I ditch the mp5 for the greater firepower the other 3 guns provide. I'd love to try the mp5 though some time it's just police stations are always looted bare and extremly dangerous. Nearly not worth looting. I've had way more dangerous encounters in police stations than I've had in a mil base so far.
  14. awalsh47


    I seem to only really come across them around the coast. Post restart I spawned as a freshie and found a massive pile of human steak on the road obviously from a fresh kill. Any idea how long that would have stayed for? It freaked me out finding it knowing a people eater was close
  15. Last night my guys sickness meter suddenly hit a sudden downarrow. Soon enough I went unconscious. Came around but then died a bit later. I have no idea what brought this on and want to avoid it in future. I didn't eat any raw food or anything. I may have drank out of a river maybe 15 mins before but so did my mate and he didn't die.
  16. awalsh47

    FPP servers are here!

  17. awalsh47

    Which perspective do you play with?

    I mix it up. But i hate myself for doing it. I would prefer first person only
  18. awalsh47

    Combat areas

    I find both Sabors are pretty dangerous. Both towns intersect a lot of routes. You get people coming back from tisy or airfield tooled up to shoot people meeting people coming the other direction Following the coast Inland to tisy via servo is sketchy too
  19. awalsh47

    What we want in the game

    First person servers. Way more tense
  20. I.e if I begin playing tonight I might be able to play more than a week without a wipe!? Only messing guys. Have had really good fun with Dayz on the Xbox and thank you. Hope you guys have a good Christmas
  21. awalsh47

    Xbox Update 18/12/2018

    I assume with Xmas coming there won't be a wipe for a few weeks after todat wipe? The last to wipes were so close together it seems fruitless to play the game
  22. awalsh47

    Character wipe?

    Ah that's too soon between wiped. I don't mind once a month but come on
  23. awalsh47

    Servers are up! Character wipe! *end thread*

    Yep wiped. Wish we had notice for this. My guy survived three weeks and had a fair few near misses and close calls. Had 5 mags of akm and was meeting a friend to give him a pistol and then go base making. If I had known I'd have purged last night
  24. awalsh47

    Endless wound sewing.

    So my backpack is badly damaged and I go to fix it. I only get the prompt to "saw wounds". Have both types of sewing kit and changing between them make no difference. Normally I when I get my sewing kit out it helpfully repairs each item of clothing. Also tonight bandages don't heal. Only sewing kits????
  25. awalsh47

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    Pc getting 1.0 this week. I wonder when xbox will follow? Just want to know as this means a wipe so that will dictate my playstyle