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Everything posted by bandito6000

  1. bandito6000

    whats going on with the loot on xbox

    No offense, I see you're new here. but I'm pretty tired of the "where's all the guns" threads. If your in high pop servers on the coast, I could maybe understand not finding a civilian weapon. But hell, even in elelctro i could probably go find about 4 pistols, 2 shotguns, a Mosin, and a scorpion in one sweep. I've NEVER had an issue finding guns (civilian or military). If you couldn't find anything in 4 hours you must have some really bad luck
  2. bandito6000

    Stone Fireplace

    Riiiiight. I'll build a stove even though i don't have a pot just because it looks cool
  3. bandito6000


    It's a very rare occurrence atm. I encountered it for the first time since the great flood about a week ago while server hopping for car parts. Completely took me off guard
  4. bandito6000

    Stone Fireplace

    Off topic but I wasn't aware that beans were a down vote. I've seen countless posts of people telling interesting stories at the heart of the dayz experience, and the reactions tend to all be beans and likes. Also, when someone gives you beans it adds to your reputation score, but when given the confused symbol there is no change. Positive or negative. It seems counter productive for a down vote system to effect your reputation positively. Clarification would be appreciated
  5. bandito6000

    Stone Fireplace

    Yeah mining is in. It does a number on your axe though. Also I've noticed not all rocks can be mined
  6. bandito6000

    Lack of M4s and AKMs due to bug

    A pew-pew stick lol
  7. bandito6000

    Factory Rooftop HOW???

    Lol ill never forget the feeling I got when I saw a watchtower on top of the cherno plane crash building
  8. bandito6000

    character selection

    Is this feature available on pc? If so, I would highly like to see it come to xbox. Sometimes I'll spend stupid amounts of time trying to get the red head (she seems to be a rare spawn, as I cycle through all the characters several times before I get her). This may sound like a waste of time, and It probably is. But I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this
  9. bandito6000

    Favorite YouTube DayZ Content Creators?

    FUBARBUNDY! If you don't know the stephan, your missing out. GEKOFISH! definitely the most under rated dayz youtuber out there.
  10. bandito6000

    Not enough content

    your best bet is to check pc experimental for updates, as content is dropped there first. they have an update scheduled for February planning to bring two new guns to pc! Then it'll take a week or two for them to port it to console.
  11. bandito6000


    This is true
  12. bandito6000


    Was this ever mentioned by the devs, or is it just a supposition?
  13. bandito6000

    Safe Island

    There are a few utility shacks that have a high probability of spawning dry backpacks, and several boats along the cost of the island.
  14. bandito6000

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    They plan to separate the player base, which still sucks in my book. And what's to stop someone using a xim or some kind of input conversation method enabling them to play with m&k in the same server as controller players?
  15. bandito6000

    Xbox RP server?

    Sadly, this simply isn't possible on console until we get privately owned servers. I think it's desperately needed given the prevalent mentality on xbox atm. We all need to ask the devs for this if we want to see it anytime soon.
  16. bandito6000

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    My sentiments exactly
  17. bandito6000

    Base locations?

    IN 4425 I've heard tell of a base, high in the sky, atop a roof where no man can go. I call it the eagles nest. In a town called Cherno, if you climb the bell tower and and face west, you can see it for yourself.
  18. bandito6000

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    What's wrong with him is he doesn't like cheaters. If you're one of the people clamoring on about m&k, chances are you already own a set up and use it in other games to gain an advantage. I'm aware that they will split the servers, but I'm sure only say around 10% of the community will play on m&k, so be prepared to have a small selection of high pop servers to choose from.
  19. bandito6000

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    My team mate plays on an og xbox and I can assure you, he is at no advantage. I play on an X and never have a problem with building rendering. Nor are my frames worse than his.
  20. bandito6000

    Xbox Update 14/01/2019

    I wouldn't say I'm "butthurt". When the topic comes up, I express my opinion about it. I just don't want to see the community split
  21. bandito6000

    Vehicle antics

    I have plenty of experience with vehicles since they were added, and for the most part haven't had any issues like this. But after this patch every time I drive, it seems to happen. The car will get lifted off the ground, my revs will go through the roof, and most of the time I get slung into the air or under the map and plopped back on the road. It's definitely related to this patch
  22. bandito6000

    Space in Bag for Magazine reloads

    Yes but you should be able to swap mags even if your bag is full. It's not like the empty mag takes up more space than the full one. What he's saying is correct, and it's an issue I've noticed recently. u have to have a few extra empty slots to be able to quick reload.
  23. bandito6000

    Xbox Update 14/01/2019

    No unfortunately it still lasts about 5 minutes. Hopefully, but even then it's splits up the player base which kinda sucks
  24. bandito6000

    Xbox Update 14/01/2019

    Nobody needs this. Go play on pc
  25. bandito6000

    Experience so far

    Bro.. you quoted 7 paragraphs just to say that lol Just sayin, you can delete parts of what you quote