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Jonas Levin

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Everything posted by Jonas Levin

  1. Jonas Levin

    Anti server hopping abuse

    @William Sternritter On that point we will just have to agree to disagree. Personally I think its a great system. And any system can be abused, that does not make it okay just because it is possible. Take the rampant duping in 1.03 as a case-study. ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Jonas Levin

    Anti server hopping abuse

    Okay, lets then say that you are abusing the system, would that make it any different? The vast majority of us stay on the server/servers we play on and don't try to abuse game-mechanics that are meant for one thing to disable other aspects of the game.
  3. Jonas Levin

    How many hours you guys got on xbox?

    Too much, I prefer not to know as there is a solid chance I would then de-install the game like I did with WoW back in the days when I found the /timeplayed-function... ๐Ÿ˜Š And trying to brag about it like it makes you better then other if you got more hours played is a sure way to fuck up a fine thread.
  4. Jonas Levin

    Infinite duct tape glitch...

    Yeah, I seen that/those (it was apparently an issue in 1.04 too) but I never had it happen to myself and when me and a mate tried to replicate it (because we wanted to be sure if it was legit or not) it did not work - we didn't give it an extensive test though. And the stuff about shoes and whatnot getting damaged/ruined by walking ten meters or shooting it once is just straight-up foolish.
  5. Jonas Levin

    Infinite duct tape glitch...

    Lol, did you read his post before answering? He literally did a solid defence of the duct-tape glitch being fixed with some valid points. I for one agree wholeheartedly - it makes that part of the game interesting again. Not knowing whether you will be able to get your weapon repaired before it breaks, having to think about not using it until it gets fixed and taking detours out of necessity makes the game soooo much more interesting. And I love the buffed up sickness-system - its amazing. The last 2 updates have been so great, just the fact that 1.04 opened up large areas of the map again (the larger cities which were lag/death-traps back then) plus all the new functions and vaulting. The game ain't perfect (and never will), but I am really impressed with BI's work on the last two patches. I know that some people are still complaining about duping, but honest - compared to the end of 1.03 there is literally no duping anymore (I don't know of any ways and I dont hope anybody else does) and I have not been seeing any clear proof of it so far (would love to see it though, just to be clear about whether its still an issue at all).
  6. Jonas Levin

    Washing hands

    I seem to remember it being in the game... Is your hands actually bloody? Im not sure, but the trigger to "wash hands" might only show up IF your hands actually are bloody. Go kill an animal and cut it up without gloves on, or find a player that might be willing to help. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  7. Jonas Levin

    aiming bug?

    If you are laughing like a maniac every 20 seconds then you've eaten too much human meat and got the cannibal sickness (kuru). There is no way to cure it other then to take the freshie-express to the coast, and if you are unlucky you will be twitching like a meth-head every couple of seconds while trying to aim.
  8. Jonas Levin

    Hate to say it... but... Xbox players need a map.

    You should not be playing in 1st person. Move to tps and play it properly. Funny enough, my point is just as valid as yours. Why don't YOU go play it like YOU like it, and HE go play it like HE likes it - which problems are included in that? If you want to RP to be a police-man then do it in Chernarus, not in here bro.
  9. Jonas Levin

    Console Server Machine Switch

    I got no joinable servers other the asian ones, and I am not joining those because of lag and as I would get thrown to a random spot on the map again (just like both my characters was after the 1.05-update even though they never changed servers). I can see 16 asian servers and 1 european (3900, which I can not get into) and no american. Why oh why do you guys (BI) have to take _all_ the servers offline to change the server-location of a few of them? And WHY is there no info about that this would affect all the servers and no info about when they will be up again? Its borderline lacking respect of your customers who paid both for the product plus a monthly fee to Microsoft just to be able to play the game...
  10. Same thing is happening to me... I just got on, checked the server-list and could only see 3 european servers - and now its down to one!
  11. If you are talking about content added via mods for PC then the answer is a definite no. The Xbox has a closed system that you can't interfere with (like you can change the core system-settings on a regular Windows-based computer) and user-made mods for games on the Xbox are usually a big no-no as they have the ability to interfere with the system or the game. The few exceptions are strictly single-player games (where you only affect your own experience and don't interfere with anything online or the system itself) like Skyrim and Fallout 4. So no, you will NOT be seeing most of those things you can see on modded PC-servers. But we will hopefully get some sort of possibilities to spice up private servers way more then now - right now we can basically only change the day/night-time-settings (and they just added the possibility to ban individual players which was badly needed) plus the name and password of the server. In the future it would be nice if server-owners/admins could make special spawn-points, make it so you spawn with certain gear and stuff like that - that would add sooooo many new possibilities and make the private servers something special instead of the sorry state most of them are in right now.
  12. Jonas Levin

    aiming bug?

    There is aim-assist on zombies, it can be quite annoying when you are trying to pull off a headshot on one zombie and it keeps dragging the aim to the chest of another zombie... There should not be any "jerking" or changing of the angle you are facing except when aiming at zombies. Is this what you are talking about or is it happening at other times too? If it happens at other times I suspect that the stick on your controller is beginning to get a drifting-problem.
  13. Jonas Levin

    Duping still a thing?

    I found both boxes and loose rounds in random civilian house when you get a bit inland. ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. Jonas Levin


    You can also just get the cold (if its still in the game, I haven't had it myself for a while) so you start coughing. It is _highly_ infectious and everyone you run into will get sick to and will have to find tetracycline and possible alcohol to disinfect their gear too! ๐Ÿ˜
  15. Jonas Levin

    Weird feeling after 1.05 update.

    I really hope that is correct! I have totally lost count on how many times I've been killed by zombies because a door closed "on top" of me, and got me stuck in between a rock and a hard place - with me wondering for the next 2 minutes whether I should delete the game, go on a full-blown rage-trip or re-spawn! ๐Ÿ˜
  16. Jonas Levin

    Bleed broken

    And if totally out of rags, bandages, sewing kits and such then you can use knife/melee-weapon to tear up some of your clothing to make some rags. Its definitively a last resort as you then will have to drop some stuff (or carry some stuff by hand so you can't get a gun out quick) as it no longer can be carried in the clothing - but its way better then losing it all and dying in a field somewhere. As far as I remember then ruined clothing cant be torn into rags, so remember to check their status before you take them off (as you cant take them on again if you make the mistake and takes them off to try and tear them into rags) and you will be good. A bandana can also be used to close a wound (only once though, it cant be used forever anymore), that would be my first go-to if out of other stuff. ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. Jonas Levin

    Cars Still DeSpawning 1.05

    Did you remember to remove the ruined radiator from the Olga? It usually despawns if a ruined radiator is left in it and you go away from it.
  18. Jonas Levin

    Hate to say it... but... Xbox players need a map.

    You need to go to first-person and then press RT to open the map, then it folds up and you can see and zoom in on all of Chernarus. ๐Ÿ™‚ You still have to know where you are though, it won't give you any info on that. The only way to learn your location is to go looking for the city-names on the signs by every major road in and out of the towns, or just plainly get to know the map so every spawning-point can be identified right away and navigating gets easier. It takes a while (its a big map lol), but after a couple of hundreds of hours playtime your head will start to collect all the small areas you memorized over time and suddenly you got a full map in your head and hardly need izurvive at all. ๐Ÿ™‚ There are also some stationary maps around the map (usually at the hunting camps and by the colored forest-trails) which shows the map and actually also tells you where you are (with a little red dot on the map), but other then that you have to connect the dots yourself to get a clue on your location as this is DayZ and not ARMA - we will never get any kind of GPS-equipment (that would surprise me a lot anyway!).
  19. Jonas Levin

    Has anyone found any of the new items?

    Eeeeh, no... You totally misunderstood how the CLE works. Too many of one gun does not stop other guns that have been gathered up from spawning. And who cares about the scorpion - they are literally all over and I can find 5 in a 1-hour run if I want.
  20. Jonas Levin

    Hate to say it... but... Xbox players need a map.

    Your post makes _no sense_ whatsoever... There are stationary maps all over Chernarus, there are paper-maps you can loot and run around with AND the whole things is digitalized on izurvive.com including in apps for literally every smart-phone. Doh.
  21. Jonas Levin

    Stamina regeneration broken

    Its an old bug that apparently is back in, but it will probably get fixed pretty fast again. Drop some shit - you are already carrying way too much if you reach the point where it does not regenerate if it hits zero. Or just live with and load all up and take a more secure way then running in the middle of the road and you will be good. This is hardly a major problem.
  22. Jonas Levin

    Open letter regarding the current state of consoles.

    Its definitively worth a shot (with a shotgun to the head!). ๐Ÿ˜›
  23. Why then pump it to the top (which you yourself was ranting against in the beginning of this same thread), that is basically just wasting peoples time if you KNOW you are going to cancel it. You are _actively_ trying to waste people time!?
  24. Jonas Levin

    Love to see you'r thought's thank you

    Its STILL two different teams working on it, so this poll makes no sense whatsoever as getting one does not mean not getting the other (or even getting it later). Add a third option that says "crazy ass poll" and it the sheeple will have something that makes sense to vote on! ๐Ÿ˜›
  25. Jonas Levin

    Open letter regarding the current state of consoles.

    He just need to complain, there is a lot of that around - apparently it is infectious and once you get it there is no turning back... ๐Ÿ™‚