Jonas Levin
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Everything posted by Jonas Levin
Bohemia might just get the feature ready for DayZ5 if they start working now. :P
Get used to it for now, that a price we pay to be able to play it early. It sucks, but thats just how it is. For now, dont get attached to gear or build bases if you can't handle to lose it all once or twice a month. I can recommend getting half-geared and going to high-pop servers for fun interactions (whatever that is for you).
The gun work just fine as long as you ignore the internal mag and use it as 1-shot rifle - which is a 1000 times better then no rifle. Learn to use it instead of saying its broken. :)
Now that I think about it, draisines would actually be a pretty good addition to DayZ... We already got the train-tracks going from one end of the map to the other, and the only real use of it is for navigation. It could be like a car (that you could not drive off the tracks, dooh lol), certain items would of course be needed to make it run (like special wheels that could maybe be found around train-stations or in the old trains left around the tracks) and a lot of oil would be needed oil it up to make it work. You would use a lot of energy (you would need a lot of food and drinks) but would be able to traverse certain parts of the map way faster. I would love it!
Because of devs that smoked waaaay to much green they have implemented the gun-jamming mechanism but then decided to say fuck it to actually adding the un-jamming mechanism. Why the fuck they would even think about introducing the first part without the second makes absolutely no sense - its like deciding to buying cigarettes when you dont have a lighter and it is raining (because the devs fucked the weather-system up lol).
And how would that come to Xbox? I highly doubt that any mods or stuff like that will be introduced for us as MS is _very_ strict about that sort of thing. I can remember that there are mods in Fallout 4 (and probably a few other games too), but most of the games that has mod-support for PC do not have it when released for Xbox... I would absolutely LOOOOVE more maps, but personally my guess is that they will make the northern parts of the map snowy and introduce more wolves and stuff like that. But crossed fingers for mod-support and new maps (in 7 to 8 years lol).
I was in a 2 v 2 fight just over solnichy (extremely curved area) and was running downhill to the coast to get away after i lost my mate and had killed one enemy but had run out of more mags with ammo in them and needed some time-out to get ready for part 2 of the engagement. Suddenly I fall and go unconscious (I think I was running down to fast on a too downhill slope...) and I know the last enemy is not more then 50-70 meters behind me. I wake up a minute after and get out of Dodge (but I forgot to pick my Skorpion up which I had dropped on the ground when I fell). Please NEVER remove the unconscious-system, I love it. :)
No you actually did not. The servers were wiped because of the update 24 hours before the servers were re-located to PC. But they still should have given a valid notice.
You must be bloody joking. I bought the game at the same time and his has come extremely long since that.
No problem, this game CAN be a mess of an unholy size sometimes! :)
I like that we get more people on my servers, but OMFG what were you thinking doing it like this? I know its only been a day since the wipe, but I am certain that a lot of people spend yesterday putting the start of their their new bases and camps up on those servers just to in effect get a SECOND wipe in 2 days - that is an unbelievable dumb move on your part devs. Respect your bloody fanbase that paid money for this game - please. I know that we are guinea pigs and not testes, but still - WTF!
Fresh spawners now have a new starting gear and jeans and hoodie now have a higher slot size!
Jonas Levin replied to MarczXD320's topic in Xbox
Oh, me neither - thats the point of being guinea pigs compared to testers, our feelings are not really that important to them. -
Game reverted to same state upon release ?
Jonas Levin replied to bearjew1101's topic in New Player Discussion
Well , I love the the new update. The bleed-effects is finally something to be afraid about (last night I was about to bleed out 3 times from zombies) and they even damage stuff in your inventory now (I lost a suppressor and got my rangefinder badly damaged after a couple of hits from some firefighter-zombies. I like what makes the game harder in a realistic and challenging way, and this definitely does that. I dont care much about the sickness, I have not been drinking dirty water or anything like that for a while - but the coughing and sneezing from getting sick from the coldness was a nice feat I would like to see again if it has been removed. -
Your voice will not be transmitted if you are In xbox group-chat. Leave that or stay in the group and switch to game-chat, then it works pretty reliable. :)
That actually sounds dope enough!
Fresh spawners now have a new starting gear and jeans and hoodie now have a higher slot size!
Jonas Levin replied to MarczXD320's topic in Xbox
We are not testers, we are lab-guinea pigs and we are treated as such lol. -
Barrels are literally all over the place, I dont know where you are at...
It does not and it only did for a few hours after the last update.
Great patch, I can't join a single server... I see a FEW that that says low-pop (like 4 or 5) and all the rest is empty. When I try to join a empty server nothing happens (it does not even leave the lobby-screen) and when I try to join a populated one it tries to load me in but then kicks me back to the menu and says "Warning - Connection to host has been lost." even though my internet is fine. Awesome... ;)
Bug-fixes are excellent, but I think a lot of us would like to know if our characters and bases are still there or if they have been wiped?
Just got kicked of the server for an update - 4,3 GB. Crossed fingers for no wipe...
I use both, but would love FPP-only servers.
I just tested it again and it works fine for me, I see the reading down in the left corner and it is accurate down to 1 meter. I took a video and can upload it if it still got interest.
Yeah, I got server messages enabled too. Nice to finally get someone to back me up, this was getting way to stupid way to fast. :)
Me and a mate just had one of those over-the top experiences too. We log into a high-pop server in Kamyshovo, and within 10 seconds another dude with a gun on his back loads into the same building - he ends running away bleeding heavily pretty fast as we opened fire instantly. The we slowly move into town where we see a low-geared player. We decide that I should go up and try to talk to him as I looked way friendlier then my mate (who was in all military clothing and with a m4a1 on his back) and see what he was up to. In the middle of the chat someone else (that I have not seen or heard) opens fire on me, and I struggle to make it back to the house with my partner where I start to bandage up with the 1 one bandage I have in my inventory. Im still bleeding after using the bandage 2 times (my pants were ruined and my jacked badly damaged, so I was lucky to be alive), but got no more rags or anything and I can't say it out loud to my partner as there now is about 5 geared players outside (ghillies on heads and guns, proper geared!) _just_ outside our building and it seems like they are forcing another dude to box with one of them. Me and my mate are just watching the situation and not saying a word (we dont use group-chat like little kids, we play the game like its meant), but suddenly I can see out the window that I got a clear line on 2 of them and I take my skorpion out, aim and mow 2 of them down in one full-auto burst using just 15 bullets (pretty lucky). Its chaos outside, and soon after they figure out where we are hiding - so now we got 4 multi-geared players being pretty upset at us (but to be honest, it was them who started firing at me out of the blue and I had no weapon on my back or hands and was chatting to another dude, so they had it coming!) and taking up positions on the floor beneath us in this tiny house. I am still bleeding and apparantly they can see the blood coming through the floor and downstairs, but I manage to tear up a ski-mask I had in my inventory and get 1 rag more which finally stops the bleeding, but by now I am down to yellow. After a while we start to talk to them ("Hey, we are just having an apple-party up here, why are you angry" and such) and we try to come to a mutual agrement on how to handle this situation as none of us are very keen to run the stairs into waiting full-auto fire... Unfortunately they seem eager to resolve the situation with gun-powder, so we tug ourselves in One of them starts saying "Let me at them, im gonna charge up there and get them, just use me as cover and charge in after me". Me and my mate were pretty sure that we were fucked (we had no way out, they were better geared and double as many as us) so we just hope to be able to take as many of them down with us as we can. And just as we had thought they would come charging up the stair all hell breaks loose downstairs and we hear a AKM or a M4A1 being emptied to the last bullet and then silence... We dont know WTF is going on, but then a voice comes downstairs and says "Dont worry up there, I killed all 3 of them down here, do you wanna call it a truce and split the loot together?"... Apparantly he was someone they had picked up along the way, and he had gotten tired of them and that was apparently their big mistake (that and taking shots at me without warning or fair reason). We dont believe a word he is saying and tells him that they might still be alive and that he might have fired the mag into the floor and that they all might be waiting for us to come down the stairs. The dude from downstairs then says that he is willing to come up to us with his hands up so we can check the situation for ourselves - we agree and he comes up and I go down to check downstairs while my mate got him tied up and in front of his AKM. And my god, he was telling the truth - downstairs was 3 dead extremely well-geared players with blue armbands that all were had stopped breathing very much and for a long time. I looted first while my mate stayed with our "captive", then we changed roles and he looted and then we stayed upstairs and let the guy go downstairs to retrieve his stuff (we said that he had to drop all clothing before he came up to us as we didn't want no surprises) and loot whatever he wanted. Unfortunately we only had 5 minutes to loot because of a server-restart, but we split it pretty evenly between us and I got away with an M4A1 with ACOG-scope and in a gillie-wrap plus 3 mags and still alive but with the adrenaline surging through me as never before! Fun shit happens on US 4422! :) PS - I never got the name of the dude that changed the whole situation downstairs in 1 second, but if you are out there both me and my mate would like to run with you - so contact me if you (or any of you other lads, I think one of you was from australia and I think one of you called out "they killed Andy" after I shot two of you out the window) sees this and we can split some tac-bacon! :)