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Jonas Levin

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Everything posted by Jonas Levin

  1. Jonas Levin

    ETA for private Servers?

    I can't see that coming for now. They stated that privates servers on Xbox will NOT be a thing for now, and as far as I know you need a private server to be able to mod it. So all the clans, groups, factions and whatnot in here is going to have to curb their ambitions about what is possible here A LOT. Ive seen certain people/groups that had already started taking donations and such to be able to start private community-servers up and made pretty big remarks about what the money would be used for - this will hit the Xbox Dayz-community hard and as I see it DayZ without the mods and possibilities is only 50% of the charm. I know I will be relocating to DayZ on PC via GeForce NOW pretty soon - I just need to get a wired connection first as I am getting an extra ping of about 60 ms via my 4g, 5ghz wifi which is a tiny bit too much for me (but still totally playable).
  2. Jonas Levin

    Dayz 1.0 patch notes

    I am really hoping this will be the update that makes this game go from a mess to something that doesn't give you a headache. 🙂 I absolutely love this game, and I am looking _very_ much forward to the 27th, but to be honest I don't really care about new guns and such - I want the game to be playable without extreme-fps drops, I want all the NORMAL mechanics that aint implemented right now which (leaning, holding breath, rushing down ladders and such) and I want the duping to be fixed. New guns'n'stuff is great, but fixing the general game is hopefully what they have been working their asses off on!
  3. Jonas Levin

    1.0 and what i hope for.

    I will be very happy with the games if the following things is fixed: Duping - it's game-breaking and affects you I need several ways - both getting shot by idiots who should go play pubg instead (it's a good game after all) and the fact that decent players can't find a gun making the playing field even more unfair. FPS-drops near other players and in larger towns. Sound clipping in and out in larger areas. Weather and real nighttime re-introduced. Unconscious state needs to be activated when you get shot with smaller caliber bullets, we need to be able to take prisoners and have more interactions after a fight. Broken limbs. And of course persistence in terms of bases and stashes. Fix that and all new content can wait.
  4. Jonas Levin

    ETA for private Servers?

    No private servers and no mods - it is certainly going to be another experience then playing it on a PC. I just got in on the beta-testing of GeForce Now (NVIDIAs game-streaming platform where you just need any basic computer and a good internet-connection to play in HD at 60 or more frames pr second), so i might end up buying it on steam and play it on my old MacBook Air instead of on the Xbox as DayZ without the real communities is basicly 95% KoS and no one speaking back because of the party-chat problem.
  5. Jonas Levin

    sks and akm locations?

    You posted this in the Xbox-section, and the SKS is not in our version yet - it will be added on the 27th. The Mosin, M4A1, AKM, BK-18 and SVD is in though (and then the pistols, smg's and the shotgun).
  6. Jonas Levin

    Full release March 27th

    So no update until then?
  7. Jonas Levin

    NV scope free to a good home

    Yes, it is 99% worthless for now.
  8. Why do you make three different threads with what you want changed or fixed in the same forum? Please hold it in one the next time, and maybe try to use more time on your posts because i only understand half of it.
  9. Jonas Levin

    So BI when is this update coming?

    I have a hard time trusting them when they refuse to put out a reliable roadmap... They are really not making it easy to love this game. 😕
  10. Jonas Levin

    Xbox - Lots of annoying bugs

    No worries, it will all be sorted with the upcoming patch! in like, 2.5 years time...
  11. Jonas Levin

    how many players xbox lost on dayz

    I sure am - I aint throwing countless hours into it until the extreme fps-drops are getting fixed - its a joke at the moment.
  12. Jonas Levin

    how many players xbox lost on dayz

    No, the game ain't "too hard" lol. Its filled with bugs and nearly unlplayable, that's why people leave, they don't come here to play minecraft - they come to play dayz and then get severely disappointed by the state of the game.
  13. Jonas Levin

    Broken game

    We are all extremely happy that you don't have a problem DayzDayzFanboy. But that dont account for the large majority of the players and is not really relevant - I hope that aint "to hard to grasp".
  14. Jonas Levin

    Duper base hunting

    Why do people feel the need to totally destroy and/or de-spawn peoples entire bases? It makes no sense to me, it just feels kinda salty to do - like "if I can't have it all myself then you shall have none of it" (kiddish). Grab what you can carry and need, drop landmines, lay in ambush (and do it all over and over as long as it is fun) - that is all interactions. Just destroying everything and leaving is something I would expect a 14-year old to do in this game.
  15. Jonas Levin

    I think xbox 1.0 will be the next big update

    Patience is fine, and in many case warranted - but so is constructive criticism. I totally agree in that way too many of the threads in here is just a mish-mash of the same old story - but as long as the devs are not giving more information about what is actually happening and how the road-map looks then that will not change. And as long as there are so many really game-wrecking bugs and problems (as listed in this thread and in many others, if you don't get them then I can only say that you are a really, really, really, really lucky player) then it will stay that way as all the people that actually love this game (or loves what it has the potential to be) will be left in a never-ending state of disbelief and want.
  16. Jonas Levin

    I think xbox 1.0 will be the next big update

    The first part only goes to prove my point. And if you don't got problems with frame-rate drops, the game crashing (and by that a serious chance of getting killed) and audio-lag in electro/cherno (mainly, but also other places) then I dont know what to say that either you are on in a million or understating your problems to try to prove your point - because _literally_ everyone I speak to in-game got exactly the same problem.
  17. Jonas Levin

    I think xbox 1.0 will be the next big update

    Personally I get killed over and over by zombies because of 5-10 seconds where no frames comes through - much so in big cities. Game has crashed countless times when I've had zombies on me, killing me again. Then there is the whole duping problem and all that comes with that. Basesand stashes keeps getting wiped and servers disappear. I could go on. if you don't see that as game-breaking then I don't know what is.
  18. Jonas Levin

    Warning to all duplication exploiters on Xbox

    I want to see it happen before I believe it. I am not defending duping, I just don't personally see this as something that will happen.
  19. Jonas Levin

    Warning to all duplication exploiters on Xbox

    Dude, no one is getting banned for it - it's a bug in a preview game. get over it.
  20. Jonas Levin

    Lack of M4s and AKMs due to bug

    Don't see a problem. I don't have a problem finding weapons, and in a run through tiny mil (on ONE server) yesterday I "ran over" (aka hid in the forest...) 2 x M4, 1 x AK, 1 x FX and one 45mm smg.
  21. Jonas Levin

    Duper in action!

    Dont be stupid.
  22. Jonas Levin

    Night-vision scope useless?

    Has the day/night-cycle been fixed yet, so the nights are not a 3 minute deal? I just found the 1PN51-scope (night-vision) in some barracks, but as it takes up 12 inventory spaces (WTF...) and weighs in at 2 kilos, then it is practically useless in this build of the game as it can't be used during day-time (not without battery either).
  23. Jonas Levin

    Did the game ran out of weapons?

    I also know of certain idiots that de-spawn every weapon they find that they dont need with the surrender-emote (they need to fix that, plus the ridiculous easy way to dupe stuff that half the players are openly using which is destroying the loot-economy in the game). No rifles for he ho seeks it proper, but 20 of everything for the duper... :/
  24. Jonas Levin

    Night scope ?????

    No - it is not a one-shot rifle after the internal mag now works - it was before. And I am not your friend. PS - So you dont need to feel the need to state that you got kills with all the weapons, but you did it anyway - congrats I guess.
  25. Jonas Levin

    Night scope ?????

    Sure, there is a lot of things missing - but to say they don't know what they are doing is in my opinion pretty far out considering what we just got and what generally is happening. Its getting better and better with most of the patches, and if you expected this game to be "fully" done in a matter of months then I think you are solidly mistaken. And what do you mean that the Mosin has been "duff" since day one, that makes no sense to me. The mosin have been working just fine since day one, just as a one-shot rifle - which usually was fine for me as I usually switch to another weapon after either tagging and lowering my victim (or killing him) or missing the shot so he goes into cover - then its time to flush instead anyway. I have had plenty of kills with both that and the shotgun - plus the BK-18 is a one-shot rifle (and intended to be) and nobody freaks out about that and it is still widely used.