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1.07 Stable today?! 😛
Thx....link has been updated 😉
Intentionally coded for myselfe during the development of the DayZ "DeerIsle" Map, i think this might come in handy for some people: Since I got tired in editing all mission .XMLs (mainly types.xml) by hand, this tool can do massmanipulation at one click. a) Filter/Search for the items you want to modify b) select multiple by mouse or STRG c) Set Values.. d) ...reapeat for other items... e) ...Save. This will save you plenty of time while customizing your types.xml. Other functions will come in with further updates. Just play around with it. Tipp of the dev: If Bohemian releases a new types.xml, just rename it to typesnew.xml and put it in the same directory of your own. Hit "Check for new types" and you will get all new items which you are missing! NOTE: * Do a backup of you mission folder! Bugs may be included! * If you want to use the playerspawn and eventdraw mode on chernarus: Replace the map image of deerisle with a suitable chernarus map and set the correct mapsize in the editor (upper right corner). Download: https://mega.nz/#F!nC4WyQIL!aYucTsmfhx5No6J8zclVFA
First I configured my Road params and Objects by selecting all Endings, curves and straight parts objects from my P:\DZ\...\Roads Folder into the RoadConfigurator/Setup. To see which road object file is what kind of type (straight, corner or ending), I put all objects ingame and wrote down the filename to sort in the corresponding category. After setup your Road you can just click in TerrainBuilder on the "Add Road" Icon and so you can add the corresponding parts to your map to "draw" your road. (-> You don't have to setup your Road within a "road" config file like in Arma anymore - this wont work.) If you draw Roads like that, you can even use the "Select all items along road" or "Draw items along road" from the menu. This will help you to draw a road through a wood and then select "all items along road" to remove all trees on it - instead of manually remove them by hand.
Hm ok, in this case I don't know, since I don't place roads as single objects. Instead I use the official RoadTool from TerrainEditors Main Menu (it does work on my machine - and it makes road placing much much faster and easier). Just and idea to give it a try: Maybe it helps to move your roads to a sep. "Roads" Layer?!
How to do you place the roads, via road tool?
...best joke of the day - for a 39,99 € V1.0 game
Yeah something like: There are no Server crashes...they are just restarting :-)
There is one big question which bothers me the last days: Why did they descide to release this as a V1.0!? (Except for the "money" fact so they can release it on PS4 (=no EA allowed), and christmas sales.) The devs told us (see misc last reports) they had to descide between missing content OR lack of stability for the planned "full" release. I was abolutely fine when I read there would be a lot of missing content which they want to put in at a later stage when -on the other hand- stability is working! But this is far away from reality. This is my personal experience from Bohemians Release on DayZ as a V1.0 during last days playing: * Messy/Unusable Serverbrowser * Broken Hit-Detection (Bullet impacts sometimes do no damage) * Broken Physics (Flying Cars) * Broken Persistance (Camps can disappear after servercrashes) * Glitchy AI (Zombies can walk trough walls, teleport around) * Glitchy PlayerController (sometimes can walk straight through walls) * Worse FPS performance than in 0.63 * Disapearing/Morphing Player Model I don’t blame them for all these bugs – its just a normal thing in software development. I blame them for the communication and releasing this as a V1.0 while knowing these basic core features does not work! I wouldn’t write this if they just gave us an update to a new V0.6x with the note: „Hey, unfortunately we need some additional time to fix some gamebreaking bugs." I would still play the game and would handle around those bugs like in past game versions. But what about new players which are playing (and buying!) this game for the first time (for a raised price!)? If this would be my personal first experience on this game as a V1.0 release, I would be totally pissed of (like some of the latest steam reviews are telling). Don’t get me wrong. I don’t say it is a bad game, or the devs are crap, I still really enjoy many parts of it (personally for me DayZ still has the best survival atmosphere) and like to play it further on - or using the Editing Tools. But: Raising the price and calling this now a sellable „first working fullrelease V1.0“ where new players can have fun with !working! core features like cars, persistance, zombies,... in this totally buggy state, is just rediculous. I just don’t get it and makes me sad.
@Sy8282 "the proxyexport method from da0nes vanilla++" - do you have a link for this
Set the servers "Time Acceleration" value to 0
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Are u using DayZ TB or Arma TB? I just ask because the Checkbox for "Convert textures to .paa files" is enabled in your TB and I have seen no DayZ TB where this Checkbox is enabled so far?! Just give it a try: I had a very very annouying bug which dissappeard, when I deleted all files in \layers by hand and did the export again.
What I do to speed things a little bit up: I Set my SatImage in Photoshop as a Backgroundlayer and set the mask image with a transparency (%) on top of that (So I can see both layers). Now I draw my colors ("textures") on this layer, but I see the original SatImage in the back. So its pretty easy to "redraw" the original world/roads. For Woods etc. you can use the magic selection tool: Just select (on SatImage) all dark green wood floors and copy this selection to your mask image and then replace this selection copy with your desired maskcolor (texture). So you can get a nice, natural, floor for your whole map in just a few minutes, instead of drawing everything by hand in hours. Unfortunately yes, packing all stuff to make it work ingame, alwas takes additonal extra time.