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About xEuph

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. xEuph

    Is there a cure Doc?

    Charcoal and vitamins
  2. Is there any truth to this? @ImpulZ? Can anyone clarify, I haven’t seen any announcements
  3. xEuph

    1.03/1.04 Wednesday Update.

    Too late fella
  4. xEuph

    Duping still exists.

    There’s already god tents, but duping isn’t as easy as before. Let’s just say within 10 minutes you could have 4 kits or god tents.
  5. xEuph

    Duping still exists.

    Sad to say but it’s true, maybe next time Bohemia
  6. xEuph

    1.03/1.04 Wednesday Update.

    Tonight is gonna be wild, all the duper’s with god tents will be bringing out all the stops. It’s gonna be world war 3. I’m kinda excited
  7. xEuph

    Update delay

    We’re at 1.2 actually. Waiting on .3 and .4 and if you paid attention at all over the past 6 years when it was $30. You’d know that it was in pre alpha/alpha/beta and that the game was unfinished. The amount of features in alpha and beta were laughable compared to 1.0
  8. xEuph

    Update delay

    If you’re at all surprised, you must not have been paying much attention for the past 6+ years. It happens, nothing we can do but wait. Complaining to devs does absolutely nothing, I’m sure they want the next patch out just as much if not more than we do
  9. xEuph

    Where do people hang out?

    Sol factory on any high pop will be crawling with fully geared people
  10. xEuph

    So God Tents Are The New Thing...

    It’s a little ridiculous how easy it is now, the god tents are absolutely everywhere. It makes for good pvp but kinda defeats the point of the game. Last night at 3 valleys there where 200+ car tents full of gear. 20+ people running around trying to get some. It was madness
  11. xEuph

    More lag than usual?

    That’s what I thought too, but no. It’s been on multiple different servers in different locations on a consistent basis. I used to check for bases and stashes every time but never found 1
  12. xEuph

    More lag than usual?

    I’ve noticed the past week the lag has been insane sometimes. I’m not talking about solnichy factory on a high pop with 30 people running around, I mean low traffic areas on medium pop servers. And it’s not the normal studder lag, it’s like borderline unplayable. It’s happened multiple times on multiple different servers. I’m assuming it’s because they haven’t wiped in a while so the amount of dupped loot per server is probably astronomical at this point. Anyone else experiencing similar problems?
  13. xEuph

    Anyone know if they fixed duping or meatballs?

    Apparently they made it easier to dupe. Guess guys are able to do it in under 3 mins now
  14. Didn’t see it mentioned in the notes. Really wish they would fix these game breaking issues instead adding stuff and fixing things no one really complained about. You can add a million cool toys but if the games broke at the end of the day people won’t stick around
  15. xEuph

    The Ultimate Exploit

    Shoot them, the player hit box is the same. Just visually it’s a smaller target. It’s mainly people that suck at pvp so they resort to any advantage they can get.