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Everything posted by CaptHero

  1. CaptHero

    A few questions help needed

    no problem, if u want u can check my community server its an german server but most of them speak english... if u have some other questions here is my discord https://discord.gg/C8xS7dV here is the ip from my server
  2. CaptHero

    Need help connecting to community server

    ok i think the admin of the u were trying to join want that u have to change ur name ingame... there are 2 ways to do this: #1 u start dayZ with the launcher from ur steam library, there is a tab with parameter there is a check box with name profilename tick that one and choose ur name then start dayz. #2 in ur steam library right-click on dayz , there is the function start options and put this in the box -name=XXXXXX <------ X is ur name change that have fun
  3. CaptHero

    A few questions help needed

    So i think currently : - u cant disarm a land mine. or i dont know - yea u can swim to the prison island , u will not die and yes u can pack a tent , stand in the middle of the tent then u will get the action to pack it up
  4. CaptHero

    DayZ Standalone Server auf Root Server

    ok sieht recht komisch aus du nutzt den parameter -profiles zweimal und die die instanceId bekommt er normalerweise über deine config also serverDZ.cfg... also komm am besten auf meinen discord oder add mich bei steam: discord : -----> https://discord.gg/C8xS7dV steam : -----> https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198158876613 dann kann ich dir besser helfen
  5. CaptHero

    DayZ Standalone Server auf Root Server

    Hi Martin, also erst einmal solltest du wissen welche Instance der Server gerade verwendet , also wo sich der Battleye Ordner befindet, poste bitte mal deine start parameter mit welchen du den Server startest... Wenn du dem Server ohne den Parameter -profiles=YOURPROFILE startest befindet sich der Battleye Ordner im APPDATA Verzeichnis ----> C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Local\DayZ
  6. CaptHero

    Admin tools

    @mrwolv pm me if u need help
  7. CaptHero

    Admin Menu

    Forget it , i forgot to update the server mod as well.... My mistake!
  8. CaptHero

    Admin Menu

    hi mate , i tried ur method but it does not work for me! maybe u have a other version of this admin tool? can u send me ur version ? i checked if my Id is working so i added a print command with success! override void Init() { Print("AdminTool:: Init():: Loading AdminTool Mods..."); m_AdminList = new map<string, string>; //UID, name m_TPLocations = new map<string, vector>; //name of town, pos m_ExtendedCommands = new map<string,int>; //Command, length m_AdminList.Insert("76561198158876613","null"); Print("UR ID was inseted!!!"); /*-----Add Admins from txt----- FileHandle AdminUIDSFile = OpenFile(m_AdminListPath + "Admins.txt", FileMode.READ); if (AdminUIDSFile != 0) { string line_content = ""; while ( FGets(AdminUIDSFile,line_content) > 0 ) { m_AdminList.Insert(line_content,"null"); //UID , NAME Print("Adding Admin: "+ line_content + " To the Admin List!"); } CloseFile(AdminUIDSFile); } */ do u have any ideas ?
  9. CaptHero

    Admin / Server Control Panel | Need your help!

    @coreyhun i wrote u a pm but it looks really good better then mine right now :(
  10. CaptHero

    Looking for help staffing a new server idea

    im also interested , im from Germany and i have root server for live and testing purposes....
  11. CaptHero

    How to display player count on your server

    hii guys, i have same problem like @G0ndalf , i checked everything but my bec doesnt load the plugin.