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john garcia

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Everything posted by john garcia

  1. john garcia

    General Questions on gameplay

    Here's another question. Do the AKM suppressor and the improvised one actually work? How far out can you still hear it? I happened to see a stream last night on Mixxer and when the players shot with their suppressors it seemed nearly silent. But when I have shot my AKM it sounds loud as hell to me, and I check it's condition and it shows pristine. I causes me to hesitate to shoot even though I have it equipped. And also I just can't seem to lie prone on my back. What am I missing?
  2. john garcia

    High traffic area's?

    Yesterday I spent alot of time on full servers, first for me as I have been learning the game and shooting skills not that good. HAven't seen a single soul. Even at military bases. Went to coastline (starting at SW area of map) and heading east along coastal towns. Nothing. not even gun shots. MAinly on 8151 server. Getting a little frustrating. Will be back at it today, hopefully I won't get sniped.
  3. john garcia

    Just found...

    Have seen and eaten sheep, wolves, and cows. Have been eaten by wolves. Yesterday watched a zombie get aggro'd and chase a cow around a pasture.
  4. john garcia

    Improvised weapons

    So I had one spawn where loot was really scarce. Where you would normally find hatchets and axes everywhere I wasn't finding crap. Then I remembered a video by Runningman and he had used canned food in hand as a melee weapon. I had a can of spaghetti so I put it in hand and it really helped alot in dispatching a zombie. Much more efficient than just fists. A spawn or two later I met some geared guys that gave me a can of beans so I did the same as I had only been in game a few minutes. I went into a house soon after and found a dead player. As I was looking over his loot I was attcked by another player with a kitchen knife (maybe he killed the first guy?). Not saying it was due to having a superior weapon, but I clobbered him several times and knocked him out!! So now I get to loot two corpses. Also I didn't realize he was only unconscious and it scared the hell out of me when he started squirming around, lol. But again, I used the can to bash his head while he was laying on the ground and finally dispatch him. Just wanted to pass this along in hopes it helps some folks during early spawn. The original video I saw Runningman used a can of tuna on another player and knocked him unconscious, YMMV.
  5. john garcia

    Improvised weapons

    Awesome.......now we know, thanks for sharing that tid bit.
  6. john garcia

    Simple bugs that NEED fixing now

    Not a big deal but it irritates me, the lockpick animation. At least change it from the eating sound to something else. Also, when eating while prone it makes water sounds like when you're swimming. I do wish you could use scoped AKM while prone.
  7. john garcia

    General Questions on gameplay

    Got a few more questions So currently no way to zoom when using a scope on AK or M4? Are there scopes to fit the IZH and Mosin? How do you make your character lie prone on their back? I've yet to figure it out but it was one of the big innovations that was touted.
  8. john garcia

    Improvised weapons

    Where do you find small stones? What is the process to craft?
  9. john garcia

    General Questions on gameplay

  10. john garcia

    General Questions on gameplay

    Keep dring from the fountain or stream and you will eventually see a small stomach next to the health icon on your status bar ( "+" sign on bottom right) Soon as you see it stop drinking. If you keep going you will vomit. I have been doing this and it holds me over water wise for a long, long time. I will always carry some water with me but honestly speaking I only drink the cans when I find them and have only drank bottled water to empty it to make a suppressor. Follow that tip and it will amke your life ALOT easier. I will add I also use online map on laptop next to me to find ponds, fountains, and streams. I make sure to hit them as I go from each destination
  11. john garcia

    Improvised weapons

    I would love to see experimenting and learn of other improvised items that can be used, Hopefully others will post.
  12. john garcia

    General Questions on gameplay

    Or they use their lockpick and open the door and blast you as has already happened to me : ^( Thanks for your input!
  13. john garcia

    General Questions on gameplay

    Thanks As for AFK I usually run out into the woods and find a place to prone. Another option is finding a location and using lock pick to lock myself in. Only posting these to give ideas in hopes of helping others. As far as servers, my main issue is not remembering to look at server name/number before joining. I'm too focused on number of players on the actual server. Also keep forgetting to set the "previous" filter on.