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john garcia

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Everything posted by john garcia

  1. john garcia

    Crouching speed while walking

    I had same happen yesterday.
  2. john garcia


    I'm finding sounds to be a big factor (for me) in this game. Creeping along at night and then hearing that zed aggro because they saw you. Or that sound of nearby wolves that gives you that sudden "Oh S**T" moment. When you're crouched in a house eating and then hear footsteps......very different from other games. Only two little minor things stick out to me. Wish they would use a different sound for using lockpick and the AKM. That is definately the sound of an empty magazine being inserted/removed. BUT not complaining here. just making mention. Last night got to wander about with a clear starlit night. Looked great.
  3. john garcia

    Crafting bones

    Running thru a small village yesterday and there was a flock of sheep. A ram came walking past very close to me, put him down with one shot of .380. I skinned to get steaks to practice cooking and also received a pelt. There were bones on the ground and the game gave me the option to craft the bones, but I couldn't find anything in inventory or on ground when done.
  4. john garcia

    Night time

    I have had the luck of being witness to both a sunrise and a sunset......looked sweet
  5. john garcia


    Getting an idea ..........
  6. john garcia

    Achievements and stats

    Zed Chef: kill 5 zombies using canned food as melee weapon Death Boyardee: kill a zombie with canned spaghetti Boot Camp: kill a zombie using combat or jungle boots Open That Lid: kill another player using can opener
  7. john garcia

    Night Time is Garbage

    I have to turn out all my lights to play on night cycle. This allows me to see adequately. It's mainly reduction in distance you can see. It also seems (to me) that I can get closer and it's easier to sneak past zeds in the dark. When it was raining at night I had to get right up on the zeds before they noticed me. Made it easier to take them out with melee. Couple times I aggro'ed a zed without realizing because it was dark. I got lucky when it was two of them, got a quick kill on first one. Seems even indoors I can see quite well enough.
  8. john garcia

    Night!! It's so scary

    I have been able to experience a sunset, a sunrise, one clear moon lit night and multiple rainy nights. Last night I was finding flashlights EVERYWHERE, but not one single battery, this loot spawn system can be very frustrating at times.
  9. john garcia

    Why no love for the IZH18?

    Does everyone truly hate this weapon that much? Never hear any mention of it. This is the one rifle that I have never had reloading/firing issues with. I know its not high speed low drag but can suit many purposes. Hunting ,dispatching zeds, I have used improvised suppressor on it. Looks like there is a slot for optics on its menu(?). PU doesn't attach but I'm looking for a PSU right now. For me it is a tool, takes me away from the pvp side of things. I have no issues with evading and avoiding to survive.
  10. john garcia

    Just found...

    Had a zombie aggro on me last night. It ran AWAY from me a pretty fair distance, then suddenly appeared standing in front of me. I saved a clip of it and it's on my Xbox feed. My tag is SecuroBot
  11. john garcia

    Xbox Update 12/10/2018

    Just logged on first time since update (Saturday). Updated the game yesterday (Friday). My char and all loot still intact.
  12. john garcia

    hold breath to shoot

    Per google translate; "Hi survivors, does anyone know how to hold your breath to shoot?" Not available as far as I know. Não disponível quanto a quanto eu sei
  13. john garcia

    Please add something to xbox

    You are hitting exactly on thoughts I was having since release was first announced. I wondered how casual console players were going to accept a game that was in a PC format. No real saving like other games. No mapping so you know exactly where you are. My thoughts now after release is that there is a small faction that want the PC experience without going into PC gaming. With the type of constant action and game play you get from COD, BF, it is not surprising to me that there are so many complaints about loot and wipes. No surprise there is rampant kos with the battle royal mentality that is currently prevalent in gaming. The vast majority do not care for meeting and interacting with others. Its all about pitting yourself against others to show off your higher skill in pvp. And with the age brackets we have within console players its not surprising that interactions just turn into trolling and aggression. JMHO but console mentality, especially since we have weapons in the game , is to attack-attack-attck, and take their loot. Thats what console survival is all about, kill or be killed, kos and get the loot. Its the fastest way to "level up", meaning acquire gear (also a status symbol), and get the supplies you need to maintain your character. Much easier that running around and having to find it all yourself. Either that or its just for the fun of creating havoc and making others rage. I actually find it scary as if we really ended up in a survival situation in reality, what we see here is what is going to be taking place.
  14. john garcia

    Man Part's One Stop Shop (Open!)

    Once I had an std but the doc fixed it up for me.
  15. john garcia

    What Do You Do?

    I would be happy with a plain map that doesn't show your location. At least make it a loot item like compass.
  16. john garcia

    Man Part's One Stop Shop (Open!)

    There was a short video series on youtube called Dayz Village where they occupied a hunt camp and tried to do similar. Main issues were infiltrators/thieves, snipers, and then trying to maintain personnel for security (everyone eventually has to log off and return to the real world unfortunately). Would love to take part if/when this happens. Only thing for me is finding the server it's on.
  17. If I place loot on the ground, how long until it disappears? I'm getting tired of looking for spawns just to have them attack when I'm just trying to help out. I'm thinking of just leaving random items in locations and just leave it up to chance who may find it.
  18. john garcia

    People taking a lot of bullets ?

    And all of this keeps pushing me to avoiding the gun play aspect of this game. Just keep a pistol or two for zombie or last ditch defense. Focus more on stealth and surviving. They do say discretion is the better part of valor.
  19. john garcia

    guns dont work....WHY?!!!

    So yes having the black rifles are more desirable of course, high capacity, fast reload , scopes/optics, etc. But I too get frustrated with the occasional glitch or just my lack of skill. I found before patch that IZH18 always worked fine and also kept me from trying to be a badass. But it's loud, improvised suppressor blocks sights, takes no scopes. I have seriously been using just pistol and if I do have a long gun try to keep it in backpack so that I do not appear as threatening or a little less desirable target for bandits. But the whole gun glitch issue does get frustrating at times.
  20. john garcia

    Kicked off game

    Sometimes I get a "lost connection" message then booted , what causes this? Can usually tell when it;s gonna happen as things in game do not interact properly. Have seen frozen zeds or loot on floor but doesn't show on menu screen or you can't pick item up.
  21. john garcia


    How about distance traveled how many days alive # of zombies killed
  22. john garcia


    use a rubber band, used to do it for 7D2D
  23. john garcia

    Just found...

    I have, twice, i remember one was at a military base. But they are far and few between. Seemed like I was always finding P7 mags and pistols and ammo, and same with 9mm. Since last patch that all seems to have dried up alot, but find alot of .45 ammo and .45 pistol mags now.
  24. john garcia

    Eating sound while prone

    I've noticed that too, also using lockpick is same animation/sound as eating.
  25. john garcia

    General Questions on gameplay

    Hey all, new here and 1st post. I fell in love with Dayz after seeing it on Youtube over a year ago and am subscribed to a few different Dayz content creators. Once learning of the Xbox release I followed closely and got it from the start on day one. Then I lurked here seeking advice after some frustrations and issues. Have picked up some great advice and instructions from the posts here and watching all those past videos have helped too. I do have some general questions and hope some of you guys can answer them. 1. I read here about drinking water until it shows the "full" icon and started doing it. Has helped TREMEDOUSLY!! I do this now at every water source, especially right now since there is no disease to worry about. Does this also apply to food? Can one eat until there is a full/stomach icon? I know it would probably take alot of food. I find that currently it takes me approx 30 +/- sips of water to get full. 2.What happens when you drink too much and then vomit? Does it deplete your hydration and you have to start over again to get full? 3. What will happen when disease gets implemented? How do you cure disease? 4. If I log into Xbox and see a friend is playing Dayz, can I just join in game and it will place me on same server? 5. When I "pause" the game to look at online players or access menu does it actually pause the game? If I need to go AFK will my food and hydration continue to drop while I'm gone, will others be able to find me and kill me? Am I still exposed to any of the other dangers? I'm an certain I will be posting more questions soon. If anyone is interested my tag is SecuroBot. If you see me online feel free to contact as it does get boring going solo all the time. Thanks all.