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About GodMynxXBL

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    Woodland Warrior

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    DayZ, DayZ & Some more DayZ.

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  1. GodMynxXBL

    Xbox Update 12/12/2018

    Still no way to pump the shotgun? or pull the bolt on the mosin to chamber another round?
  2. Couldn't agree more, But the dev's are going to have to learn to take the pressure of all the other players who want patches early.
  3. It's hard to want to play other games that don't provide the same fun as DayZ would. I literally can't play any other game because of DayZ lol
  4. Yeah i understand. I just want to play, This could all be solved if they had a team to work weekends :\
  5. Even if they do see it before Monday, Its more than likely just going to be a Briefing.. There not going to fix it. (until Monday)
  6. I think we are finally starting to calm all the ungrateful kids down on the Xbox Forums.
  7. Your good man. I knew it was a fake account cause the dude changed his gamertag and started deleting comments lol
  8. I'm sitting here defending the game and the dev's but i'm losing brain cells arguing with kids that cant spell..
  9. Did you see the Xbox Official Club forums for DayZ? There going crazy over there lol.
  10. I can only imagine DayZ 's twitter.. Poor dev's lol
  11. No i know.. Trust me i want nothing more than to know what is going on but, I don't even think they know whats going on.