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About Keraaja

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    On the Coast

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  1. why you have to add water if you have motor oil?
  2. i edit that lines <type name="OffroadHatchback"> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackWheel" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackWheel" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackWheel" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackWheel" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackWheel" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="SparkPlug" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="CarRadiator" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="CarBattery" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HeadlightH7" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HeadlightH7" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackDoors_Driver" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackDoors_CoDriver" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackHood" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackTrunk" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="CanisterGasoline" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> </type> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->You refuel that and fill the motoroil -->The car motor breaks down as soon as you start driving i found 3 car and all same thing... How i fix that?
  3. Keraaja

    Deli server Config

    Yes that help ty for you!
  4. Keraaja

    Deli server Config

    Eny admin command chance time?
  5. Keraaja

    Deli server Config

    Hi last update (22.11 update) broken my servertime How i fix that? i set my server have only day (when server start) but now there are day&night (and i have 3h auto restart) What config sets rains and sun etc? My server rains too much Deli server config: serverTime="2015/8/10/07/00"; serverTimeAcceleration=3; serverTimePersistent=0;
  6. Keraaja


    Hi last update broken my server, you cant craft and repair things. have eny fix that manualy? [win 7 deli server]
  7. Keraaja

    Dayz server crashes after update

    I have same issue whit my win 7 host server (full clear server instalation)
  8. i have issue in my Bec https://gyazo.com/bc1fa24a01adbe18e8b46e4050452b02 that start but not keep, port&firewall should be on / open https://gyazo.com/52b0f0585ce20d89739e2ddd2ee02dcb