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Everything posted by Mrbravopapa

  1. Mrbravopapa

    More clothing

    Will we be getting more clothing options in the future like gloves , scarfs etc
  2. Mrbravopapa

    Any update today

    As per the tittle will there be an update to day
  3. Mrbravopapa

    When’s the next update ?!

    Think he’s talking about player count not server count dude
  4. Mrbravopapa


    Just curious but why do so many people where the motorcycle helmet does it have any benefits outside of melee combat
  5. Mrbravopapa


    Walking wouldn’t be to hard to do other games have when you push the stick half way the character walks
  6. Mrbravopapa


    Thank you will check it out the helmet makes sense on the coast as people mainly have melee weapons just puzzles me when I see people using them up north
  7. Mrbravopapa

    Any update today

    Shame there has been one every Tuesday thought maybe they’d push one out today
  8. Mrbravopapa

    Public Address System Broadcaster

    Didn’t think they put that in the game yet tried putting car batteries in the PA system and it never worked
  9. Mrbravopapa

    Lost my Character (Alive almost 40 hours)

    You lost because of the last update in order for them to fix it properly they had to wipe all data plus it’s early access dude can’t really get pissed at loosing a character
  10. Mrbravopapa

    40 pop servers

    Where did the 40 pop servers go that was in the closed preview we only have 60 pop now