<waves>0</waves> ~ not supported
<nominal>50</nominal> ~ Nominal value directly controls the amount of items the server is aiming to deliver at initial startup
<min>25</min> ~ minimal amount of items/npc/vehicles etc
<max>100</max> ~ maximum amount of items/npc/vehicles etc
<lifetime>180</lifetime> ~ time before despawn
<restock>0</restock> ~ when value is hit restock to nominal
<saferadius>100</saferadius> ~ radius of agro
<distanceradius>50</distanceradius> ~ meters of radius around player where zombies spawn
<cleanupradius>100</cleanupradius> ~ meters of distance before corpse/zombies cleanup
<flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1" sec_spawner="0"/> ~ these flags indicate properies of the item/npc is a zombie deletable? no cause its alive, random im not sure, remove_damage is removing half killed zombies upon lifespawn, sec spawner is for how long it takes before it spawns
<position>player</position> ~ spawn a zombie/item/vehicle on player
<limit>custom</limit> ~ not sure
<active>1</active> ~ is this a active item/npc/vehicle, server event can trigger this